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Topic: Female Draft - Pro or con?  (Read 11765 times)


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2016, 04:16:44 pm »
No women should not be drafted at all!


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2016, 06:44:37 pm »
The draft was ended to counter the growing anti-war movement.  Nixon figured that if the middle class youth knew they wouldn't be drafted to fight and die for nothing in Viet Nam, they would stop protesting the war.

No one should be drafted, male or female.

Paints, to correct your misinformation, our boys did NOT fight and die "for nothing" in Vietnam. They fought and died for the noble cause of preventing a communist takeover of South Vietnam.  Not only that, but they WON on the battlefield, the war being lost by Congressional Democrats who refused to provide enough military aid and air support to South Vietnam after the US withdrawal.  The claim that our boys "fought and died for nothing" was (and remains) the Big Lie of the Leftist fifth column that wanted not peace but a communist victory in Vietnam.  As for the original question, I don't support a draft but if we had one I don't believe women should be drafted.  Although there have been great women warriors in history, imo fighting and commanding wars is a job best left to men.


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2016, 10:43:45 pm »
The draft was ended to counter the growing anti-war movement.  Nixon figured that if the middle class youth knew they wouldn't be drafted to fight and die for nothing in Viet Nam, they would stop protesting the war.

No one should be drafted, male or female.

Paints, to correct your misinformation, our boys did NOT fight and die "for nothing" in Vietnam. They fought and died for the noble cause of preventing a communist takeover of South Vietnam.  Not only that, but they WON on the battlefield, the war being lost by Congressional Democrats who refused to provide enough military aid and air support to South Vietnam after the US withdrawal.  The claim that our boys "fought and died for nothing" was (and remains) the Big Lie of the Leftist fifth column that wanted not peace but a communist victory in Vietnam.  As for the original question, I don't support a draft but if we had one I don't believe women should be drafted.  Although there have been great women warriors in history, imo fighting and commanding wars is a job best left to men.

DwanaMR, to correct your misinformation, there was NO noble cause to fight for in Viet Nam.  Viet Nam was occupied by the French, and they wanted to get out from under French rule.  If anything, our boys died for empire.
War is a racket.  Nobody wins but the undertaker, and the arms merchants.


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #18 on: March 25, 2016, 03:39:06 pm »
 :) ;) ;D :wave: :peace: :female: :heart: :peace:i hope a girl wins
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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2016, 08:40:04 am »
Paints, do you know any history at all?  Vietnam had been independent from France for 11 years by the time the first US combat forces came in in 1965.  The Vietnamese were NOT fighting French rule during the time we were fighting there.  So your insinuation that our boys were fighting for "empire" is not only wrong but monumentally insulting, especially to those who gave their lives to keep a country from falling under communist tyranny.  And that WAS a noble cause.  One more thing.  If you're really anti-war, how many times have you railed against wars fought by communists, or are your pacifist tendencies aroused only by wars fought by America?


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2016, 12:01:33 pm »
Paints, do you know any history at all?  Vietnam had been independent from France for 11 years by the time the first US combat forces came in in 1965.  The Vietnamese were NOT fighting French rule during the time we were fighting there.  So your insinuation that our boys were fighting for "empire" is not only wrong but monumentally insulting, especially to those who gave their lives to keep a country from falling under communist tyranny.  And that WAS a noble cause.  One more thing.  If you're really anti-war, how many times have you railed against wars fought by communists, or are your pacifist tendencies aroused only by wars fought by America?

Real history, or the government line?
Yes, France had left, but our "advisors" (CIA) had been there since the 50s, and they stayed.
It's not insulting to tell the truth.  There was nothing noble in our being in Viet Nam, and no matter how you sugarcoat it, you won't make it right.
I had two brothers that served in Viet Nam.  Both of them will tell you it was a farce.

War is a failed policy.  For any "ism," communist or capitalist.  If you have to use force to get someone to follow your ideology,  there is something seriously flawed with your ideology.


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2016, 03:56:29 pm »
I am sorry.Many call themselves Xtian but support war rather than Jesus words to Peter to put his sword back in its place...those that use it will die from it.

I passed my army physical with flying colors.Nixons birthday lottery probably kept me out in 1970.I am so glad i never had to deal with it.And i am soooooo sorry that many lost their lives for it,were injured or just came back messed up in the head from it.

The waste that goes down the toilet smelled better than that war or for that matter ANY war!
« Last Edit: March 26, 2016, 07:19:50 pm by hitch0403 »


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #22 on: March 26, 2016, 08:52:39 pm »
"Real history, or the government line?"  Let me guess, Paints.  You consider "real history" to be anything that doesn't come from a US source.  Got it.  Your problem is you thought I didn't know anything about Vietnam.  You CLEARLY insinuated that the French were still in Vietnam at the time we were and that we were fighting for "empire".  When I called you on that misinformation you backtracked while trying to appear like you weren't backtracking.  You admitted that the French were, in fact, out of Vietnam when our combat troops arrived, but then switched to our advisors who were in 'Nam in the '50's, and they were-GASP!!!!!!-CIA.  So that proves we were the baddies.  Yeah, that's it!  Sorry, Paints, I know your type.  You're a pacifist only when it means trashing America.  You're anti-American, not anti-war.  And that's no government line.


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #23 on: March 26, 2016, 09:57:21 pm »
Hitch, I understand where you're coming from.  Very few people, Christians included, are true pacifists; but I also believe very few people "support" war, by which I mean relish the idea and the act of conflict.  The problem is that we live in a fallen world, and because of sin our choices are often not between good and bad but between bad and worse.  Stopping Hitler early on was frightening, so Europe chose appeasement and the result was a war that cost 50,000,000 lives.  Trying to prevent the bad, they paved the way for the worst.  How, then, do we avoid war without allowing evil to run rampant?  I don't know, but the people who DON'T have the answers are those self-righteous anti-war activists, especially the ones who demand that only one side of a conflict lay down their arms.


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #24 on: March 27, 2016, 10:18:57 am »
"Real history, or the government line?"  Let me guess, Paints.  You consider "real history" to be anything that doesn't come from a US source.  Got it.  Your problem is you thought I didn't know anything about Vietnam.  You CLEARLY insinuated that the French were still in Vietnam at the time we were and that we were fighting for "empire".  When I called you on that misinformation you backtracked while trying to appear like you weren't backtracking.  You admitted that the French were, in fact, out of Vietnam when our combat troops arrived, but then switched to our advisors who were in 'Nam in the '50's, and they were-GASP!!!!!!-CIA.  So that proves we were the baddies.  Yeah, that's it!  Sorry, Paints, I know your type.  You're a pacifist only when it means trashing America.  You're anti-American, not anti-war.  And that's no government line.

Don't be ignorant.  I haven't backtracked on anything. I clarified, since you didn't understand my meaning, or pretended not to.

I am anti-war, period. 
It's not "trashing America" to see the flaws and tell the truth.
If so, I'm in good company.

 "I believe that if we had and would keep our dirty, *bleep*, dollar-soaked fingers out of the business of these [Third World] nations so full of depressed, exploited people, they will arrive at a solution of their own.... And if unfortunately their revolution must be of the violent type because the "haves" refuse to share with the "have-nots" by any peaceful method, at least what they get will be their own, and not the American style, which they don't want and above all don't want crammed down their throats by Americans."   ~ General David Sharp, former US Marine Commandant,1966


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #25 on: March 27, 2016, 02:25:22 pm »
Hitch, I understand where you're coming from.  Very few people, Christians included, are true pacifists; but I also believe very few people "support" war, by which I mean relish the idea and the act of conflict.  The problem is that we live in a fallen world, and because of sin our choices are often not between good and bad but between bad and worse.  Stopping Hitler early on was frightening, so Europe chose appeasement and the result was a war that cost 50,000,000 lives.  Trying to prevent the bad, they paved the way for the worst.  How, then, do we avoid war without allowing evil to run rampant?  I don't know, but the people who DON'T have the answers are those self-righteous anti-war activists, especially the ones who demand that only one side of a conflict lay down their arms.

Dwana....many people have lost their lives before bowing down to Hitler etc.The proof is overwelming and there are examples with Jesus being the best one in the bible too.

If i was attacked walking on the street or my family was of course id do my best to defend us and if it had to be violent i guess id have no choice.We can remain neutral in conflicts in this world over nonsense issues.You can still love God and your neighbor,pay your taxes and be a law abiding person too.

Its a problem man cannot ever cure.Why do you think God has allowed man to govern himself for 6000 yrs?To prove HE CANT!!And it certainly has been shown he cant.In his time God will end this satanic,independent manmade nonsense that goes on in this world.If God has been patient with all that mankind has served up,shouldnt we let HIM cure it and have faith HE will in his time??And HE has outlined it and told us ahead of time HE intends to.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2016, 02:31:54 pm by hitch0403 »


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #26 on: March 27, 2016, 02:45:19 pm »
Math 10:39

New International Version
Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #27 on: March 27, 2016, 05:23:42 pm »
"Don't be ignorant."  Really, paints, is that the best you can do?  It's not ignorance to call out someone who's been dabbling in a bit of sophistry.  And don't think you can absolved yourself of anti-Americanism by quoting a Marine general.  I haven't sourced the quote, but if Gen. Sharp's rant was a one off it's useless in providing cover for you.  If it was part of a pattern of nonstop condemnation of America as you're wont to do, then all it proves is that there are traitors in uniform.  If I spoke about Islam the way you speak about America I suspect you'd call me an Islamophobe, and you wouldn't be moved by claims I was just seeing the flaws and telling the truth.  Well, paints, I'm applying that standard to you.  Incessant denunciation is a sign of animosity.  You can indulge in it if you want, but don't act surprised when you're "misunderstood".


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #28 on: March 27, 2016, 05:42:27 pm »
Hitch, again, I hear ya.  Let me reiterate, we're living in a fallen world.  I know that, and I believe that God will intervene to judge this world in His own time.  However, unlike you I DON'T believe that means we, as individuals or nations, are to stand by and do nothing while evil runs amok.  If that were the case, why did God command us to protect the widow and the orphan, defend the needy, and stand up for those being unjustly killed?  Why did He give us examples like the Hebrew midwives, Shifrah and Puah, who defied Pharaoh's order to kill the newborn Hebrew boys?  Or the prophet Nathan, who called out King David to his face for his sin/crime of adultery and murder?  No, not all resistance to evil need be violent, but sometimes it will be.  And in a FALLEN, as opposed to perfect, world, there's just no avoiding that.


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #29 on: March 27, 2016, 05:59:28 pm »
Dwana...i think its justified when Gods gives the order.Remember HE said,vengeance is mine.His anger is based on righteous and justice.

Jesus didnt justify Peter pulling his sword out.Im sure you know what he told him.

I understand where you are coming from.Its tuff to sit back and get <bleeped>on!!We wanna kill someone just in road rage!!!LOL!

Human imperfection will always play a role too.Again the example i gave in defending me or family in an unjust time.Or maybe its wise if we are being robbed to just hand over the money rather than die!!I am doing my best to look at this all sides and just speaking of it now.....who knows how we react in the heat of battle??

Also the case of King David God punished him for that terrible sin.But he also saw in his heart he was sorry for it.Jehovah sees the heart condition of us all what we are really made of.In the case of Judas Jesus said it would of been better for him if he wasnt born.A clear sign what he was inside and no hope ever of a resurrection.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2016, 06:34:14 pm by hitch0403 »

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