Oh dear! I am sorry to hear of your story. I'm mainly sorry because I used to live in a situation similar to that. My situation was different in the sense that I didn't have any children, but similar in the sense that my husband would always prefer to be with his friends on important nights of the year, and actually at non-important times too. He would typically go out drinking on Friday nights, most Sundays and sometimes he didn't get back until 2-4am. I found this unforgiveable because I specifically recall on one of those occasions my sister and her husband were visiting with us for the weekend, and he went out drinking with his friends without us! I'm afraid I felt so strongly, even after 9 years of marriage, that this was unacceptable and I deserved better, and so I left him. He would come home smelling badly of booze, was very short tempered, and then the next day when he was more sober, he would be quietly submissive. I felt I deserved to be a priority in his life, and if not in his life, someone else's life! So as I say, I left him. That was 10 years ago and I have since moved on to marry someone else, have two sons and am in a marriage which I deserve. Now I've got to be honest, if I had had children in my first marriage, I would have thought more seriously about my future, I would have taken longer to make my decision. Whatever you decide though, you should know that you and your child deserve to be happy. You deserve to be in a relationship where everyone feels valued. You should start with a serious chat (when he is sober) to discuss each of your priorities. Marriage is a compromise. But when there are kids also there needs to be more sway toward the family than the friends. If you are not worth a compromise to him, then I think you need to reconsider your options. Be strong. Let me know how it goes on this thread.