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Topic: Feeling Blue  (Read 974 times)


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Feeling Blue
« on: December 07, 2015, 02:11:08 pm »
Well, here I am, back home in New Jersey, after getting to spend 11 whole days with my boyfriend in Massachusetts. It was very depressing leaving him this morning. It's the longest stretch of time we've spent together, and it was also a trial run of how it will be when we live together next year. It went great. It went better than I expected, and I know he feels the same way too. The next time I see him will be for the New Year, so I know it's only 3 weeks away, but it still feels like an eternity. It's like when I come back here, I feel so alone without him. I feel incomplete. He's my best friend, my lover, my everything. And a night without him next to me is a nightmare. If I had the money, I'd move up there with him right now. But unfortunately, I don't, which is why it has to wait a year. There are times when I'm driving home and I'm so tempted to just turn around and go back to him, but I know I can't. I just hope these next 3 weeks go by fast so that I can be in his arms once again. Until then, I guess I just have to miss him.  :( :heart:


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Re: Feeling Blue
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2015, 07:17:35 pm »
Three weeks will go fast.  I don't understand why you have to wait a year.  You can get a job where he is, unless you are still in school.  If he lives on his own and you are not in school I don't get why you have to wait.  But...the 3 weeks will go fast!
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Re: Feeling Blue
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2015, 08:21:38 am »
Three weeks will go fast.  I don't understand why you have to wait a year.  You can get a job where he is, unless you are still in school.  If he lives on his own and you are not in school I don't get why you have to wait.  But...the 3 weeks will go fast!

Well, it's a long story but basically I'm just coming out of a divorce so I had to move back in with my parents and he still lives with his parents so we are waiting a year so we can both focus on saving up some money for our own place. This time next year I'll start applying for jobs up there and hopefully be able to land one. For now, seeing him once a month will have to suffice. But I do hope these next 3 weeks fly by!


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Re: Feeling Blue
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2015, 08:40:38 am »
I hope the next 3 weeks fly by for you. And don't worry everything will fall into place and you will appreciate it that much more!


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Re: Feeling Blue
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2015, 09:34:03 am »
Long distance love is not great, but as long as you all trust each other that's great.  Good luck and Merry Christmas!


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Re: Feeling Blue
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2015, 01:57:21 pm »
Well, here I am, back home in New Jersey, after getting to spend 11 whole days with my boyfriend in Massachusetts. It was very depressing leaving him this morning. It's the longest stretch of time we've spent together, and it was also a trial run of how it will be when we live together next year. It went great. It went better than I expected, and I know he feels the same way too. The next time I see him will be for the New Year, so I know it's only 3 weeks away, but it still feels like an eternity. It's like when I come back here, I feel so alone without him. I feel incomplete. He's my best friend, my lover, my everything. And a night without him next to me is a nightmare. If I had the money, I'd move up there with him right now. But unfortunately, I don't, which is why it has to wait a year. There are times when I'm driving home and I'm so tempted to just turn around and go back to him, but I know I can't. I just hope these next 3 weeks go by fast so that I can be in his arms once again. Until then, I guess I just have to miss him.  :( :heart:

Hello there! :) :wave: Aww that's so sweet! I know the feeling! :) :in-love: :heart:The feeling of missing your love! :in-love: :heart: :rose: Even a second can seem too long. :kiss: :in-love:
Don't worry time does go by fast. Soon you will be in his eyes gazing into his eyes lovingly. :in-love: :kiss: :heart: :rose:

"Absence make the heart grow founder." :kiss: :heart: Missing is good for the heart and soul. It makes you realize how deep is your love? :) :kiss: :in-love: :heart: :rose: :wave:

You can always Skype until then! I Hope you see him soon! :in-love: :heart: :wave:
« Last Edit: December 08, 2015, 01:59:53 pm by fillfran82 »
"Live like tomorrow isn't promise" <3 Earn Your Life<3 Frans Online Business INC and Francesca Etheart INC. My eyes are blue and are open to all the beautiful wonderful possibilities mmmmm ya. "Don't dream your life live your dream." Mmmmmm ya for I'm a beautiful Sweet Soul Angel.

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