Stop playing the race card just because a black person is the victim and a white person did the crime! It ain’t racism when a white person goes into a church and shoots up a bunch of black people if a black person goes into a church and shoots up a bunch of white people and it’s just called a ‘violent senseless act’! It’s not racism if the only reason it’s a crime is because blacks are the victim! That’s Blackism! It’s not racism! Racism is any heinous act committed against a ANY race by ANY OTHER race simply for being a different race! THAT is how Martin Luther King Jr. and Reverend Jessie Jackson defined it! That is how it is defined! Don’t organize a march to free a bunch of black kids who put a white kid in the hospital if you won’t organize a march to free a bunch of white kids who put a black kid in the hospital! And don’t call the marchers to free the white kids racist if you won’t call the marchers to free the black kids racist! It’s not racist unless you can clearly claim the act would still be considered racist if the races involved were flipped! Stop playing the racist card when you mean Blackism! Stop telling me white cops are racist when a black kid dies on the way to jail if Black cops are involved with the death of a white kid or a Hispanic kid on the way jail and the matter is just ‘being looked into’! Racism doesn’t mean white on black. It’s EVERY race against EVERY OTHER race! This is why I thank the good L-rd for being color blind. I see an idiot going to a church and shooting up people. I see cops who might be involved in the death of a kid on the way to lock up. I’m not saying racism doesn’t exist, but I’m say if you can’t view it the way it was meant to be viewed, the way King and Jackson viewed it as one race against another one and only see it when a black is the victim then it ain’t racism, it’s Blacksim and that is not what Martin Luther King Jr. died for, not what he believed in or represented!