That's his shtick, and it works for him. Just doesn't translate to leading a country.
He made an interesting comment at the end of the debate tonight, (paraphrased) You don't need to go to my website, I am not asking for any money. I am financing my campaign myself.
So with all the special interest groups funding everyone else that's running, who really will be running this government if Donald doesn't win?
Oh, didn't you hear the latest? He's adding SuperPAC funding to his repertoire. So that's another issue he has backtracked on.
Then yesterday, he called some of the reporters sleazeballs. Nothing like slitting his own throat by attacking the reporters just because they asked about the money collected for the veterans. Yet, when he threw that rally, he stated he collected $6 million then made sure to publicly announce that amount at least once a week. Now, because nothing was mentioned about the $1 million he was supposed donated, he attacked....yet, he didn't donate that $1 million until last week AFTER the reporter asked about both the donations and his donation.
It shows his true colors. If he doesn't like something said about him, he'll attack. He's a user. He used the media e.v.e.r.y. s.i.n.g.l.e d.a.y for his own agenda, but now he states they are against him and they insulted him. He's such a cry baby and a liar! He doesn't talk about the issues and how he will solve them. He attacks others in his "press" conferences.
He has really opened a can of worms now. The media will definitely be getting back at him for yesterday's remarks. PLUS, he called the judge in his Trump U. case a MEXICAN. What does he have against Mexicans? Anyway, this judge was BORN IN East Chicago, Indiana. Didn't know Indiana was part of Mexico, did you?