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Topic: Madness in Baltimore!!  (Read 8486 times)


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #30 on: April 29, 2015, 04:48:21 pm »
[What police are doing is brutality!


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #31 on: April 29, 2015, 05:21:41 pm »
It's like a trainwreck. Can't help but watch.


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #32 on: April 29, 2015, 05:32:47 pm »
I just loved that black woman that smacked her 16 year old son all over the place, they are calling her "Mom of the year"! Or is someone going to contact DCFS!


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #33 on: April 29, 2015, 07:25:38 pm »
So, the other prisoner in the police van said that Freddie Gray was trying intentionally hurt himself by banging his head against the wall? Getting my popcorn ready.


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #34 on: April 29, 2015, 07:44:06 pm »
I find it ridiculous!  Love the woman that smacked her son right on TV!  If only more parents would do that, there would be no problems like that!


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #35 on: April 30, 2015, 05:30:53 am »
I just loved that black woman that smacked her 16 year old son all over the place, they are calling her "Mom of the year"! Or is someone going to contact DCFS!

That was hilarious and yeah most likely somebody will complain to DCS.  Or they will see it themselves and try to start something.


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #36 on: April 30, 2015, 05:32:27 am »
So, the other prisoner in the police van said that Freddie Gray was trying intentionally hurt himself by banging his head against the wall? Getting my popcorn ready.

Other prisoner?  This is the first I have heard about another prisoner being in the back of the van.  And no, I won't be eating any popcorn.  The more people flock to watch the more the media hypes it up.  The more attention these idiots are given the more they will do what they are doing.  Ignore them, give them no attention, and eventually they will get tired of it and go home.


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #37 on: April 30, 2015, 05:35:56 am »
Yes it is just terrible of what's going on in Baltimore, way out of control.

And it's not just Baltimore.  It's happening every where.  I head something about their people some sort of protest in Times Square.  I honestly don't think that any of the people who are protesting even care about the men that have been killed by police.  And even though it was wrong for the police to kill them, the ones who were killed are not exactly innocent victims.  They ALL were being arrested for a crime they had committed.  People tend to think things like these riots can never happen where they live but they are wrong.  It can happen any where and sadly I think we are going to keep seeing more and more of this and eventually we will see protests and riots against our government like you see in these middle eastern countries.  Our country has crossed the point of no return.  :(


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #38 on: April 30, 2015, 11:33:19 am »
what sparked all of this?


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #39 on: April 30, 2015, 01:10:58 pm »
Yes, it is quite sad that some people feel the need to RIOT over everything.  I say "riot" because this is NOT "protesting."  Protesting is done peacefully and to make a point of view heard.  This is out-and-out rioting just because THEY CAN.  I've seen plenty of videos coming out of these riots and I can't believe the stupidity of people wanting to be involved in something like this.  I'm not talking about the people rioting, I'm talking about the people who want to SEE what's going on for themselves.  In the end, these are the people that are getting hurt.  One woman was in a wheelchair!  Now, why in the heck would you risk your safety, especially being in a wheelchair, just to see what's going on?

The best thing that came out of these riots is the video of a Mother, who's teenage son was dressed entirely in black and carrying a black backpack.  She saw him going towards the rioting to join the other sickos out there and she literally slapped the ever loving cr@p out of him and told him to get himself home.  In the end, Momma WON.  GOOD FOR YOU, LADY!  Maybe if some of these parents taught their kids to have RESPECT, not only for the rule of law, but for THEMSELVES, things like this wouldn't happen.

Now, I believe it's the Governor of the State who's asking for monetary support from other Americans.  You want to know where I just spent some money to help people?  NEPAL, that's where!  I refuse to spend my hard-earned buck on people who have no respect for life, law, themselves, or anyone or anything else.  They made the mess of their hometown, let THEM spend their OWN money to FIX it.  I will NOT donate until people like this start acting like human beings.

Your money is not going to help the thugs.  There are a lot of innocent people being hurt.  I would hate to think that the same thing happened in MY home town and everybody said oh well you made the mess so screw you.  Help yourself.  Not saying you are wrong to not donate money to them just that I disagree with your attitude as to why.

Well, let me explain myself better.  This is their OWN neighborhood they destroyed.  Stores and people who OWN those stores that are there for them when they NEED something.  It's like "cutting your own nose off to spite your face."  The parents of these thugs ought to be whoopin' some butt instead of letting their little thugs out in to the world to cause damage for other law-abiding citizens and businesses that are there to make your neighborhood a better place to live.  If WE keep "giving" every time these fools decide they have a reason to riot, then WE become the "enablers."  Every parent who had a kid out there destroying stuff should drag them back out there by the hair and tell them they need to fix, clean-up, and beg forgiveness for their stupidity.  It's like that old saying, "Give a man fish, and he'll eat for a day.  Teach a man to fish, and he'll eat for a lifetime."  It's time the thugs learn a lesson.


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #40 on: May 01, 2015, 08:56:03 am »
So, the other prisoner in the police van said that Freddie Gray was trying intentionally hurt himself by banging his head against the wall? Getting my popcorn ready.

Other prisoner?  This is the first I have heard about another prisoner being in the back of the van.  And no, I won't be eating any popcorn.  The more people flock to watch the more the media hypes it up.  The more attention these idiots are given the more they will do what they are doing.  Ignore them, give them no attention, and eventually they will get tired of it and go home.
I'm afraid that this might turn into another Ferguson where the facts that come out will exonerate the police at least in killing Freddie Gray (although I do think that the cops are culpable in mistreatment of him)... What I've seen with all of these stories is that people are so knee-jerked that they act on their feelings of what they think the incident was about, but later cooler heads show that the original story wasn't correct and that the facts of the case lead to a different idea of what actually happened.

In addition to this other prisoner that was in the van at the same time witnessing Freddie doing harm to himself, there has been a report that the medical examiner stated that the most likely cause for his death was from an injury caused by a bolt in the back of the van. This and the other prisoner's account could mean that Freddie accidentally killed himself (or at least caused the injury that lead to his death). However even though the bolt in the van may have caused the lethal injury, it still is unknown exactly how he sustained that injury. It is just as likely that because the police didn't strap him in a seat-belt, Freddie was injured by the bolt when he was flung around inside the van while being transported.

While I was typing, I heard a news report on the radio stating that some officers were arrested for homicide in regards to this case. In that report, (I believe it was the mayor speaking) it was said that Freddie not being in a seat-belt was one of the facts that was being used in the arrest. Thus although it may show that the death of Freddie was not racially motivated, the police may still be charged for murder because of their mistreatment of him.


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #41 on: May 01, 2015, 09:09:59 am »
Maybe the end is near.  I don't want to think about that but I was not following on any news. I don't read or follow any TV news and this is the first. I heard there was some baseball games postponed between the Baltimore Orioles, and The Chicago White sox. And then they had the game resumed the next day but there wasn't any people allowed in the game except players from both teams due to security measures.


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #42 on: May 02, 2015, 07:13:09 pm »
I have begun tuning out the news because it just seems to glorify criminals. It is difficult to find an unbiased news outlet. I have heard of the Baltimore uprising but that it is not as much about race as it is about the wrong doing of six civil servants.  The cliché associated was that this wasn't about black versus white but, rather, black versus blue       
(meaning the police).  I do not think that violence solves anything nor does looting and rioting.  I feel sorry for the poor business owners that had nothing to do with this and, yet, they are watching their store fronts ravaged and their shelves pillaged.  I did hear that the news said this could be a blow to Baltimore's economy.  Seriously (tic)?  How ignorant does the media think it's viewers are?!


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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #43 on: May 03, 2015, 05:06:44 am »
It's disgusting! They need to get rid of that mayor and the law enforcement need to take control. My Governor in NJ was sending NJ State troopers to help them out. Baltimore I will be praying for you! May God be with every one involved in that riot!
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Re: Madness in Baltimore!!
« Reply #44 on: May 03, 2015, 07:24:32 am »
Yes, it is quite sad that some people feel the need to RIOT over everything.  I say "riot" because this is NOT "protesting."  Protesting is done peacefully and to make a point of view heard.  This is out-and-out rioting just because THEY CAN.  I've seen plenty of videos coming out of these riots and I can't believe the stupidity of people wanting to be involved in something like this.  I'm not talking about the people rioting, I'm talking about the people who want to SEE what's going on for themselves.  In the end, these are the people that are getting hurt.  One woman was in a wheelchair!  Now, why in the heck would you risk your safety, especially being in a wheelchair, just to see what's going on?

The best thing that came out of these riots is the video of a Mother, who's teenage son was dressed entirely in black and carrying a black backpack.  She saw him going towards the rioting to join the other sickos out there and she literally slapped the ever loving cr@p out of him and told him to get himself home.  In the end, Momma WON.  GOOD FOR YOU, LADY!  Maybe if some of these parents taught their kids to have RESPECT, not only for the rule of law, but for THEMSELVES, things like this wouldn't happen.

Now, I believe it's the Governor of the State who's asking for monetary support from other Americans.  You want to know where I just spent some money to help people?  NEPAL, that's where!  I refuse to spend my hard-earned buck on people who have no respect for life, law, themselves, or anyone or anything else.  They made the mess of their hometown, let THEM spend their OWN money to FIX it.  I will NOT donate until people like this start acting like human beings.

Your money is not going to help the thugs.  There are a lot of innocent people being hurt.  I would hate to think that the same thing happened in MY home town and everybody said oh well you made the mess so screw you.  Help yourself.  Not saying you are wrong to not donate money to them just that I disagree with your attitude as to why.

Well, let me explain myself better.  This is their OWN neighborhood they destroyed.  Stores and people who OWN those stores that are there for them when they NEED something.  It's like "cutting your own nose off to spite your face."  The parents of these thugs ought to be whoopin' some butt instead of letting their little thugs out in to the world to cause damage for other law-abiding citizens and businesses that are there to make your neighborhood a better place to live.  If WE keep "giving" every time these fools decide they have a reason to riot, then WE become the "enablers."  Every parent who had a kid out there destroying stuff should drag them back out there by the hair and tell them they need to fix, clean-up, and beg forgiveness for their stupidity.  It's like that old saying, "Give a man fish, and he'll eat for a day.  Teach a man to fish, and he'll eat for a lifetime."  It's time the thugs learn a lesson.

It was not just kids that were involved in the riots.  Mostly you had adults.  It's like in Ferguson - they were burning businesses and busting windows of people who had nothing to do with it.  I think of it like this - IF this happened in my home town and I owned a business and some trash torched it to get even with the police I would hope that people would not say "screw you - it's your problem - you shouldn't have thugs in your neighborhood"  They people who have been hurt aka the business owners, the people who have lost jobs, THEY did not have anything to do with it.  I understand what you are saying.  The people who lost everything and it wasn't their fault I can see helping them.  But not helping them to help the thugs.  I saw where since charges are bring brought they have said "yes, we send a message" and the only reason charges were brought is because of the things they done.  Smh.

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