if you had to choose, would you rather be without electricity or without water?
I think I would give up electricity.
Hello. Well to me that's an easy question to answer. I would rather be without electricity. For so many years the earth didn't have electricity, and living things (including humans) were able to survive. But it have never been recorded any living creature to survive a long time without water. I'm from Haiti. At nights there are no electricity. You have to wait until the next day to have lights. In This era we are obsessed with electricity. For instance I can't forget my cell phone. If I Forget It I have to go back home and get it or be miserable. We all need to separate ourselves from electricity for a little while. This question shows us how obsessed we are with electricity. We all should change our dependency on electricity.
Seriously? Why no electricity at night? And cell phones don't run on electricity. Just sayin.
And you cannot just change your dependency on electricity. We need electric to be able to keep food cold, shower (yes you can use a cloth and wash off), cook, and on and on. Yes, like I already said, you can live with out electricity as I have done so in the past. But electric itself is not something you can just separate from. Although, I do agree with you on the electronics. I get so irritated with people who come in at work and at least 1/3 of them have ear buds or ear phones on. Or are walking around oblivious to what is around them because they are engrossed in their phones. You cannot even carry on a conversation with people these days without them being on their phone at the same time. Now, THAT, people need to separate from.