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Topic: Do you believe?  (Read 6068 times)


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #30 on: March 09, 2015, 01:07:37 pm »
Quote from Hitch0403.......
The bible supports the dead are conscience of NOTHING!!God told Adam he would go back to dust at death,non-existence.Jesus said Lazarus was sleeping before he resurrected him.Lazarus spoke of NO heavenly bliss or hell when Jesus brought him back to life.

Death is everlasting sleep.NON existence.When Jesus resurrected Lazarus he spoke of being nowheres else.Because he wasnt.It backs up what Eccl 9:5 reads.Conscience of nothing.NON existence.RE Adam,God told him at death he would go back to dust.Not anywheres else.In Ezekiel there is a scripture,the soul that sins dies.The soul is what you are now.Adam became a living soul when created.When he died,his soul died.Its not separate as many are blinded by the satanic doctrines in this world.The whole world lies in power of wicked one and he transforms himself into an angel of light.The cause for much of the distress in this world.Go read in Genesis right before flood.Evil spirits taking on human bodies and causing an offspring called the Nephillm as they had sex with the good looking woman.It shows you how dangerous these eveil spirits are and the cause for our world being what it is.

I'm a bit confused by your confusion! First you say Jesus said Lazarus was sleeping, but then you say Lazarus spoke of no heavenly bliss when Jesus bought him back to life!!


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #31 on: March 09, 2015, 01:17:33 pm »
Eccl 9:5......New International Version
For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even their name is forgotten.
I disagree with this, the DEAD know more than us! Unless you have an open mind about it, you will truly not understand. But that's OK. We will all have the ability one day to communicate with the "Life of the world to come". Have a blessed day! ;)

Now here is a person quoting bible scriptures and with her own words.....I dont agree with Eccl 9:5

Good thing you dont get up and preach...i figure it would start like this....

Good afternoon everyone.I am about to do a reading from the bible that I agree with.I tell you that because there are some parts i dont agree with,sucj as Eccl 9:5.....blah blah blah


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #32 on: March 09, 2015, 01:19:48 pm »
I forgot to said the dead know more than us......


You must be an undertaker!!


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #33 on: March 09, 2015, 01:20:29 pm »
No matter what any book, including the bible, might say, it's undeniable what people experience in THIS life.  My father, on his death bed, knew that both me and my sister's first children would be BOYS.  His exact words were:  "The two girls, the two boys, and the two blue babies."  At first, and this wasn't for another couple of weeks after he passed away, I thought that reference he made was to ME because a couple of weeks after he died, I lost TWINS and never even knew I was pregnant (3-1/2 months pregnant)!  My Aunt TOLD me I was pregnant at my father's funeral and I thought she was crazy!  After this pregnancy, I lost 4 more.  It wasn't until my younger sister got pregnant that "I" finally had a viable pregnancy!  Both of our boys were born 2 weeks apart FIVE YEARS AFTER my father died.  The ONLY time in my life I had a viable pregnancy was when my younger sister got pregnant.  In all, I was pregnant 11 times throughout my lifetime.  I had a stillborn daughter in 1992.  In 1995, my sister and I were pregnant once again.  Our daughters were born 4 months apart.  After this pregnancy, I was never able to have another child and lost them all.


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #34 on: March 09, 2015, 01:36:56 pm »
No matter what any book, including the bible, might say, it's undeniable what people experience in THIS life.  My father, on his death bed, knew that both me and my sister's first children would be BOYS.  His exact words were:  "The two girls, the two boys, and the two blue babies."  At first, and this wasn't for another couple of weeks after he passed away, I thought that reference he made was to ME because a couple of weeks after he died, I lost TWINS and never even knew I was pregnant (3-1/2 months pregnant)!  My Aunt TOLD me I was pregnant at my father's funeral and I thought she was crazy!  After this pregnancy, I lost 4 more.  It wasn't until my younger sister got pregnant that "I" finally had a viable pregnancy!  Both of our boys were born 2 weeks apart FIVE YEARS AFTER my father died.  The ONLY time in my life I had a viable pregnancy was when my younger sister got pregnant.  In all, I was pregnant 11 times throughout my lifetime.  I had a stillborn daughter in 1992.  In 1995, my sister and I were pregnant once again.  Our daughters were born 4 months apart.  After this pregnancy, I was never able to have another child and lost them all.

Its your business whether you support bible or not.I support it and God warns us against divination because you are mingling with his enemy <satan>Go read bible and u will see many instances where satan and his hordes are behind much of this.Jehovah DIDNT give man the power to predict the future.We can have good hindsight and foresight and discernment but the bible is clear Time and unforseen occurrence befalls everyone and the whole world lies in power of wicked one.


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #35 on: March 09, 2015, 01:46:04 pm »
No matter what any book, including the bible, might say, it's undeniable what people experience in THIS life.  My father, on his death bed, knew that both me and my sister's first children would be BOYS.  His exact words were:  "The two girls, the two boys, and the two blue babies."  At first, and this wasn't for another couple of weeks after he passed away, I thought that reference he made was to ME because a couple of weeks after he died, I lost TWINS and never even knew I was pregnant (3-1/2 months pregnant)!  My Aunt TOLD me I was pregnant at my father's funeral and I thought she was crazy!  After this pregnancy, I lost 4 more.  It wasn't until my younger sister got pregnant that "I" finally had a viable pregnancy!  Both of our boys were born 2 weeks apart FIVE YEARS AFTER my father died.  The ONLY time in my life I had a viable pregnancy was when my younger sister got pregnant.  In all, I was pregnant 11 times throughout my lifetime.  I had a stillborn daughter in 1992.  In 1995, my sister and I were pregnant once again.  Our daughters were born 4 months apart.  After this pregnancy, I was never able to have another child and lost them all.

Its your business whether you support bible or not.I support it and God warns us against divination because you are mingling with his enemy <satan>Go read bible and u will see many instances where satan and his hordes are behind much of this.Jehovah DIDNT give man the power to predict the future.We can have good hindsight and foresight and discernment but the bible is clear Time and unforseen occurrence befalls everyone and the whole world lies in power of wicked one.

Well, I can tell you one thing.  I believe in JESUS CHRIST.  I DON'T believe in books or churches or the MEN who run those churches.  To me, these churches are just another way to try to control what we believe and think.  No, thank you.  I'll keep my Lord, Jesus Christ, beside me and be on my merry way.


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #36 on: March 09, 2015, 02:39:58 pm »
Lol... Please do not listen to this Hitch person. The bible has nothing to do with this thread. They think they are all high and mighty and has nothing better to do than to preach what they don't understand. It's OK, we forgive you. Thank goodness for the ignore button. Have a wonderful time preaching to yourself because obviously no one is listening to you.
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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #37 on: March 09, 2015, 02:43:04 pm »
This Kimber person speaks quite silly.The bible has LOTS to do with answering what happens after death & why man dies.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 02:47:32 pm by hitch0403 »


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #38 on: March 09, 2015, 04:11:10 pm »
I'm with you.  I believe he felt fondly about you and wanted to let you know he remembered you, had moved on and may well be looking after you.  :angel11:

My dad contacted me about a month after he died.  He came to me with vivid, full sensory memories of his favorite meal.  Something I hadn't cooked in years.  I had to break down and make it.  Then he tried cherry pie.  Mom made good pies, but I'm not fond of cherry.  I told him enough with the food, come to me in my Tarot cards.  I did a reading and got a definite message of support from him.  We even had the proverbial "moment" where in a mere moment we had perfect communication, instant knowing and all our issues were resolved.  Since then he sends me pennies, sometimes more, when I'm down or have challenges.  I've been studying numerology recently and find that he and I both have an 8 life path.  That's the money number and he sends me money - chills. 

Death is only an end of the physical body.  It's a moving on back to the spirit realm to process what we learned and prepare our next journey.  It's not really a loss.  :peace:


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #39 on: March 09, 2015, 04:34:38 pm » dont think non-existence is punishment enuff?

Obviously you dont.So then worship a god that is a sadist and must create a literal hell.That certainly isnt a GOD of love as bible says he is.Its a ploy used by satan to make Jehovah look that way.Remembersatan is the father of the lie and he blinds many as he is doing in your case now.

How is non existence a punishment? It's lack of reward at best, a lack of punishment at worst.

As I said God would not be a just and righteous God, if He let the guilty go free unpunished.

Do you really think serial killers & rapists, Adolph Hitler & Osama Bin Laden don't deserve some kind of punishment? And that God creator of all things, isn't justified in punishing them? Jesus spoke or of the terrors of hell than the joys of Heaven as a warning of that dreadful place.

But you continue with the Watchtower even after all I've posted before about them and call me blind.   ::) 

Google JediJohnnie and May the Force be with you!


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #40 on: March 09, 2015, 05:10:04 pm »
Hitch 0403

Are you a Jehovah's Witness?  Just wondered where you get all your teachings from.


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #41 on: March 09, 2015, 05:37:43 pm »
Yes Penwoir....i support the WB&TS and Jehovah as TRUE GOD and HIS kingdom that govern heaven and earth thru his begotten son Jesus Christ.

In response to you JJ....and i am not sure why i even bother......

Jesus did not teach that God would maliciously torture the wicked forever. Rather, Jesus said: “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” (John 3:16, NAB) Why would Jesus imply that those who did not believe in him would die? If he really meant that they would live forever, suffering misery in a fiery hell, would he not have said so?
The doctrine that hell is a place of torment is not based on the Bible. Rather, it is a pagan belief masquerading as a Christian teaching.


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #42 on: March 09, 2015, 07:54:54 pm »
I definitely believe that our spirit continues to live after it leaves our physical body.  I also believe that we take our mind and emotions with us so we have memories.

It's like ending one chapter of our existence and beginning a new one.    :heart:
Have a great day!


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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #43 on: March 09, 2015, 08:52:26 pm »
Now it all makes sense, we have a Jehovah in the house. Please Hitch, I am not here to bash your beliefs and your religion, so have some respect on others insights and point of views before you start preaching to us! Just like I do when I get a knock at my door around dinner time (don't you people eat?? Lol) at least twice a year, I open the door to see 2 young boys handing me a pamphlet, asking me if I know who Jesus is and what our purpose is. My response to the kind, young boys is this: yes I know Jesus, he lives down the road and he landscapes my yards. Thank you for stopping by and I will surely read your pamphlet. Lol... I'm catholic, in not a preacher, im human, we all make mistakes... So I guess that means I'm Satan and will go to hell in your eyes. Give it a rest already....I don't know what you're trying to prove. You have a fear of knowing the unknown.
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Re: Do you believe?
« Reply #44 on: March 09, 2015, 08:57:13 pm »
Hey JJ lemme ask you 1 more thing.

Satan is Gods biggest enemy,correct?Where was he when Jesus was on earth as a man?Certainly NOT in hellfire.He couldnt offer all the kingdoms of the world from there right?

I know you are probably gonna answer its not his time to go to hell yet or something like that.

Keep re-writing your bible.And please stop bashing the WB&TS.They are in 236 lands preaching Gods kingdom FREE and i am sure there will be over 20 million attending the Memorial 4/3 too.

How many are attending your nonsense?

And i wanna give a shout-out to all that defend death and its a passing over blah blah.

Go to a funeral of a parent that just lost a child to death and preach that nonsense to them to make give them hope.Make sure you have a suit of armor on before so.

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