Yesterday (Saturday) we lost our cat of 15 years. We knew for several days he was on his last days. He wasn't in any pain and mostly slept peacefully in our laps or laying on the floor as we continually petted him. We chose to let him die at home rather than have him euthanized because there was no pain and he seemed so peaceful. Suddenly he just stopped breathing. Although we knew it was happening and we were thrilled we had 15 years with him, the tears still flowed. We also have a small dog and him and our cat were like best friends. They were always laying/sleeping together and the cat always licked our dog as he feel asleep. Now our dog (Midas) seems lost. Wandering around the house looking for his best friend. There, of course, seems no way to comfort Midas except to play with him and let him lay in my lap. As sad as I am, I am even sadder for my dog. I know some will think it's silly but it just hurts so much to see him wander around the house looking for Puck (our cat).
Although I said, no more, I already am feeling that urge to go get a new kitten. How did any of you handle it if/when you lost a pet. Immediately get another or wait? My husband is leaving it up to me.