If you guys so desperately want to not believe in a God and prove through Science how he doesn't exist, how can you live? You must be depressed and what about when you have kids? No wonder people loose their minds when babies die.
First of all, the people you're talking to are likely atheists. Atheism has nothing to do with proving god(s) doesn't exist. Atheism is the lack of belief in a god(s); it is no different than saying you lack belief in unicorns. Someone who lacks belief in unicorns isn't attempting to prove unicorns don't exist, that would be plain silly. The burden of proof lies on those who make the extraordinary claim; it is their duty to provide the evidence to support their claim, and until they do, atheists will probably continue the logical answer of lacking belief. This thread isn't discussing the validity of a god(s) anyway. It's discussing the historical validity of Noah's Ark, which didn't happen.
Second, you can't prove something doesn't exist, certainly not with science. There's no method of proving something doesn't exist unless you're in a vacuum or tautology. Science works by means of the scientific method. In order to use the scientific method, the question at hand must be founded in rationality, logic, mathematics, testing, experimenting, observation, etc. Given that none of these things apply to a being like a god(s), science doesn't even attempt to answer it with the scientific method.
Moving on...
Why must I be depressed? You don't believe in Allah, Zeus, Lord Krishna, the giant spaghetti monster, or any other supreme being and you're doing just fine happiness wise (I assume). I merely take it one step further than you and do not believe in the Christian God (Yahweh).
There is plenty of mystery and magic (albeit logical) in science (astronomy, chemistry, biology, physics, etc.) that makes me appreciate my surroundings and to keep me happy. Let me pose you this:
When you accept the BBT, you recognize that everything in this universe is connected. Every proton, neutron, every molecule, every ion...everything is connected, as it all had a central origin. When you accept that life originated without a supreme being, you recognize that every living thing on this planet originated, biochemically, from the same place, thus making every single species connected. When you accept evolution, you recognize that every modern organism you see around you originated from the early single celled prokaryotes, thus making us all connected.
So everything on this planet and in this universe is connected chemically, biologically, and by the nature of physics. We are all one, in some fashion. How can that not make you feel larger than life and happy about your presence? You're part of a GIGANTIC picture that is all connected. And the catch: It's all founded in rational thought, logic, and evidence.
How do you all feel about death? What is the point of any of this, I mean people go nutso over men/women that cheat, does it even matter because when your dead, your dead.
I feel death is the natural process that ends an individual's life. It is nothing special, it just happens. It is the natural circle of life. I feel death is no more special for humans than it is for any other species on this planet.
Why do we accept that dogs, horses, bacteria, lions, and every other living thing on this planet simply dies and that's it, yet we have a problem accepting it for ourselves? The answer: fear. People have difficulty accepting the fact that they will one day die and there's nothing they can do about it. So they make up these comforting stories and plans of the afterlife, but they're just that, stories.
What is the point, or purpose, of all this? You find and make your own. There is no absolute purpose or point to life; it is subjective. My view is life is about enjoying yourself, leaving a lasting impression for future generations, leaving the world better than it was when you came in, helping others because it's the right thing to do, and simply living. The purpose of life is that there is no external purpose; it is up to you to decide what your purpose is.
Who's to say that God really isn't just an Alien that is very intelligent and can bring us back to life in another form? We have all kinds of technology but Aliens are probably 10 times smarter.
Nobody is to say that, as nobody even knows if aliens exist. They might or might not, there's no point in making baseless assumptions until further evidence is provided.
Belief in God is a way to just hope for something, I mean who in their right mind wouldn't want there to be a God and that is the real question. You say you don't but then you like life and have children, are you just animals?
It is sad, it really is but like the old saying goes: If it is 2 Good 2 Be True, Then it probably is
I think God is 2 Good 2 Be True ![crybaby2 :crybaby2:](//d1o9fadw0wez7f.cloudfront.net/Smileys/Lots_O_Smileys/crybaby2.gif)
Wanting there to be a god(s) doesn't make it any more likely that there is. I prefer not to delude myself into believing things that aren't rational or truthful. It serves no purpose. I can have hope, happiness, and be a good person without a supreme being. Why should I need one or desire one exist?
Yes, we're just animals. Incredibly capable animals, but still animals nonetheless.