My friend the stores of the Bible are more than parables. Besides being the Word of God, the Bible is also a historical document. Queen Victoria once asked to give her a sentence that proved the Bible was true. The answer was I can give you one Word to prove the Bible is true...JEW. The Bible was not only given to us as a light to how to live but is so much more. Everyday historians and scientist are finding more and more evidence to the validity of the Bible. Some things are hid from human existance because God wants us to live by faith not by sight...for it says in Hebrews for without faith it is impossible to please God. Just a thought. Have a great day.
So because Jewish people exist, it validates the Bible as a historical document? I think that assertion just caused a number kittens to commit suicide. What a ridiculous notion. Every day, historians and scientists are actually finding more and more that invalidates what the Bible says.
There are no talking snakes. The universe isn't 6,000 years old. The oldest remains of an upright walking hominid (the famous 'Lucy') date back to 3-3.6 million years. The oldest remains of a Homo Sapien date back approximately 100,000 - 200,000 years (it depends on what you classify as Homo Sapien), not the ridiculous 7,000 years you claim.
The Bible is not a set of guidelines on how to live morally (which is what I assume you mean by your statement). You do not get your morals from the Bible, you get them from the same places everyone else does. Which morals from the Bible do you abide by and which do you blow off as nonsensical and out of touch with reality? Do you follow the kinds of morals that say stone disobedient children and don't eat shellfish or the morals that say do unto others as you would have done unto you? If you only follow morals similar to the latter, why are the others nonsensical?
And then of course we get the stereotypical intellectual cop-out of "oh well, the big dude up there wants to stay invisible so we just have to have faith." Really thought provoking!
As a minister, you should probably do a bit more research before making claims and then adding some kind of disclaimer, "it's just a thought." You have responsibilities as someone in a position of leadership; spouting random nonsense that is blatantly false -- and I'm not even talking about your religion, I'm talking about specific historical and scientific facts that you are ignoring and manipulating -- is, frankly, morally reprehensible when you're standing up there with the eyes and ears of probably hundreds of people on you hanging on every word you say. The thoughts you've expressed here aren't really thoughts at all...thinking requires reasoning, critiquing, criticism, and research.