...or have you ever heard of it? I think it is relatively rare. I am now 72 and I had my first experience when I was in my 20s, although I didn't know what it was for years. While I was doing floor exercises, I had a severe pain in what I thought was my stomach. After many years of researching and even asking doctors, who had never heard of the symptom, I found that it is much like arthritis, which I have. When bending at a severe angle, the cartilage between my ribs will feel like my ribs are overlapping each other. Then I have to slowly unbend. Talk about excruciating pain!! The cartilage is wearing away just like in arthritis. I have learned not to bend over like that, for the most part. (I occasionally forget.)
I have found that ER doctors know more about it than regular doctors, because many times patients will come in thinking they are having a heart attack, as the pain usually starts out higher than mine did - in the upper chest.