Well I'm not saying I want to MAKE him believe, I guess it's just hard for me not to talk about God because I love Him more than anything or anyone in the world.
I've already spent the last couple of days making sure I only ask my husband about himself and his day and not talk about myself at all. If I want to talk about something I just talk to God about it - and by God's grace and mercy I'm not upset or mad or sad about this.
I feel like I don't want to continue talking about God if I know it annoys him - if my husband is in a round about way expressing it will bring him joy if I stop talking about God, I'm going to jump on that opportunity - I want my husband to be happy.
I'm not saying I am going to divorce him, I'm just a little shocked - I know some of you said it doesn't matter if we have different beliefs, but I think it matters A LOT - I wanted to marry a believer. 2 Corinthians 6:14 says, "Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?"
Unbelievers and believers act SO different. I am doing my best, by the grace of God, to be a child of His and become the Christian wife I'm called to be while on the other hand my unbelieving husband is just going on the way he does. I don't want to say I'm getting the short end of the stick because I know God brings all things together for the greater good.
And yes, maybe he just isn't as zealous for the Lord as I am - I am only as zealous as I am because God has made me this way, and I praise and thank Him for it because I love being zealous for the Lord. What a good God we have.
I also think this is something that has brought me closer to the Lord - I cling to Him more now that I feel like He's the only close friend that I have and I also realize the urgency of myself acting like the best Christian that I can 24/7 - I was best behaved in public and a tiny bit slack at home, mostly when it came to gossip - but now I'm realizing that I need to be the best that God will help me be 24/7 so if my husband isn't saved God can hopefully draw him to Himself through me.
It's not even that I preach to him about God - all I ever want to do is talk about God - what I think He's doing in the world, talk about the Word of God, talk about what God has done or is doing in my life, etc, etc.
I think my BIGGEST concern is that he lets his Bible collect dust - how is he supposed to grow from a once-a-week church service?
(I'm kind of going down the line of comments and responding as I read - thank you all, these have all been very helpful) I feel the same way, a true believer wants to hear and talk about the Lord and study His Word. I know my husband has questioned his salvation in the past and someone at church comforted him and said not to worry - I appreciate them trying to comfort him, but I think it was a false comfort that wasn't rightfully my husbands because I think it was rightfully so that he questioned his salvation - I question his salvation daily.
I know that with the Holy Spirit comes spiritual gifts, and I just recently learned that every believer gets a package deal (so to speak) and no two believers get the same blend of different level gifts (does that make sense?) I think one thing God gave me is discernment and I am always always always able to spot a true Christian, I'm really good at it - someone will tell me they are a Christian and I can tell by the way they treat me if they are a born again Christian. I'm very rarely wrong, I always find out they're a Catholic or whatever. That's why I think I'm right about my husband.
I don't think couple's counseling is necessary - this is a heart problem that only the Lord Himself can fix - just as we had no part in our physical birth, we have no part in our spiritual birth - it is up to the Lord, if my husbands name is written in the Lamb's book of Life, then he will be saved in God's perfect timing.