I'm really looking forward to watching Gothem... Growing up, Batman was my favorite superhero (and he still is), so I like this new spin on the whole Batman saga. Also Constantine and the Flash (a couple of other shows based on comics) look interesting. And Gracepoint looks like what our family originally thought Twin Peaks was going to be like (our family were big mystery buffs watching Murder She Wrote, Mystery! (on PBS), and Perry Mason). And along that mystery line, How to Get Away With Murder also looks interesting.
There's also the recurring shows that I'll definitely be watching: Walking Dead, American Horror Stories, Continuum, Hell's Kitchen, S.H.I.E.L.D., and Master Chef. I'm also debating about whether to pick up Starz for Da Vinci's Demons and Black Sails (I was able to watch the full 1st season of Da Vinci's Deamons and the 1st episode of Black Sails and both were very good), although I'm not sure if it's worth the cost...
Although the Amazing Race is one of my favorite reality shows, I often find it difficult to watch it... During football season, the games tend to last later than 6pm (CST) causing 60 Minutes to start late. But then instead of pushing the rest of the schedule back, they'll start the Amazing Race somewhere in the middle of the show so I end up missing the first half-hour or so of the show. I'm also debating about watching Utopia; although I like the premise, I do think that it's flawed in having such a small group of people where it's easier to keep people accountable and honest.