I used to add everyone I went to school with as a friend cause we had all graduated. But then it just turned into a bunch of people that I didn't care about and who prob didn't even realize we were friends posting things on FB and I missed all the posts from people I actually cared to read about. Plus there was so much drama all the time, it was depressing to go on FB. So I decided one day to clean up my FB and just delete all the people who I never spoke to in school and who I still didn't speak to me. Afterwards, was so much better. I got to see the posts from my friends and family that actually took the time to to talk to me. And then I ended up having to block my sister because she is just full of drama and everything on her life was a major catastrophe. And she was constantly getting into fights with everyone on FB. Today, I have about 100 friends that consist of the few friends I keep in touch with, my family, and my in laws. I no longer have to worry about posting family drama publicly, friends bashing each other, or updates of people that never took the time to get to know me.