I think most people hate liars just in generally, but those who do it in a job setting just bug me. You can say whatever you want about me, but when you start hurting my ability to feed/clothes/pay bills for myself and/or family, then it's beyond frustrating. I luckily haven't had that happen to me yet, but it's something I pray doesn't happen to me. I've dealt with too many people in school who couldn't do an assignment for one reason or another and so I ended up having to do more work, then they were frustrated that I didn't give them credit for doing that thing in the project. Urgh.
I don't know how much this will help you, but it might be something to try. I've been applying to jobs a lot recently and some may have been a good opportunity but they were odd. They asked me to meet them for an interview and said they'd email me with a follow up interview time. That was the last I heard of them. Anyway, whenever dealing with stress in a job or something, I always say "this or something better." It can be applied to pretty much anything; jobs, people, houses, cars, etc. I may love the place that I'm applying to, but if there is a better job/company out there that matches my needs, I'd rather work for them then just the first place I applied. Maybe consider that so that if this place is too stressful for you, you'll be able to find a better place to work.