Before I begin, I hope neither of you read this as condescending. I'm just trying to have a discussion here and looking for an actual answer to this behavior. have had that explained to you numerous you say you went to JW meetings and read their literature.So you know the answer.
Noah warned the people God was going to destroy the system because it had become wicked...NO one cared or listend..they were warned just like A&E were warned of penalty of disobedience.
That's not what I'm asking though. I'm asking what the justification is for the genocide of a planet. Please reread my questions.
And God didnt create Satan that way....He chose that path....just like you choose the path NOT to wanna see the good in the Creator but evil......You are alive today because he allowed A&E to have offspring.
If you believe your god has all knowledge of time and space, then created Satan, please explain how he
didn't know the problems would happen. Because allowing such behavior to pass by would be malevolent. It is an evil trait.
And the whole A&E thing- I know I've already told you that it's unlikely we came from incest. It's extremely unlikely we would have survived this long due to loss of intelligence, degradation of physical attributes, and sterility. This is called "The Reduction in Fitness of a Population" if you care to look it up. And I'm uncertain what you mean about not wanting to see the good in the creator when I don't believe in it. I'm only here to debate/discuss the morality of this character.
Falconer has had these things explained to him countless times.He's never gonna except anything we say
Incorrect- using Hitch as an example, you explain the story, but not the morality behind the acts. That's my focus. I'm more than willing to learn, but it seems to always turn into a name-calling or ignoring contest due to supposed insecurities from the lack of having a rational answer.
God is not someway "evil" by allowing evil to exist.He even allows evil to happen to ultimately bring about a good result despite itself.There are dozens of examples of this,from Joseph sold into slavery to Christ Betrayed by Judas.
Here is another example of explaining stories, but not the morality behind the immoral acts presented within them. If I were to willingly release a pack of dangerous individuals with horrendous backgrounds into a neighborhood, are you saying I'm
not evil for doing that? I served as a base and conduit to the evil acts that will take place, so I think that would justify me being evil, would it not?
Doing many bad things to get a good result --specifically genocide or condoning terrible ethics-- is not a moral thing to do and it makes no sense that an all-powerful and good god would take such a path. If you think differently, please explain.
God alone can rightly determine who should live and die,who should be punished and rewarded.Our finite intellect cannot possibly fathom the universe as God Himself can.This is basically the message in the book of Job in a nutshell.
This is more on par of what I wanted to discuss! However I do not see how this justifies the atrocities I brought up. It seems like a cheap way to get away w/o explaining the immorality of this god- you don't know that the women and children who were murdered by this giant flood would have turned evil. The relgious just accept that they were going to be and disregard the actual act.
For instance let's say you're watching your local law enforcement storm into your neighbors house, they break things, grab the whole family (inc. women, children) inside and throw them out, beat them senseless and arrest them, maybe even kill them even though they're unarmed, and when you ask why they're doing it, they tell you "Don't worry- it's a long story with lots of twists. You'll be better off w/o these neighbors. You're better off not knowing exactly why.". Would you agree with them and walk back inside your home, never question it, and respect your local law enforcement, or would you question their motives and make a fuss (maybe not to them, but the gov't/other neighbors)?
I'm aware that this example isn't a perfect one ("cops aren't gods!"), but if you could concentrate more on this aspect- the whole concept I'm trying to establish is that the religious don't seem to be questioning
anything. It just seems like a blind stance to say "Who am I to question this god?", when questioning things is an important and necessary quality of...well...
everything. I mean religious people believe this god gave them this quality, but refuse to exercise it when it seems necessary to justify morality. Such an act is more a vice than a virtue.