I just finished watching an episode of GREEN ACRES which is a sitcom starring Eddie Albert and Eva Gabor. It's a story of a country boy and a city girl who choose to marry. Because they're in a committed codependent relationship the woman leaves her city lifestyle to be the country boy's wife.
Personally, I think the idea that a woman would leave her lifestyle, for a man, is an outdated concept. That woman will be happy as long as she's in love with this guy...and...we all know that the "feeling" of being in love could eventually fizzle out. Then she would feel like she made a sacrifice to accommodate his wishes. As soon as her happiness disappears...his happiness would be gone, as well.
Do you think it's realistic for people to maintain this type of relationship in 2014?

As a single woman, I need to be true to myself in order to maintain my happiness. I also like the idea that I could be socially diversified with people who respect the fact that I do what's best for myself, first.