Im new to this and still getting to know everything
For those wanting to send a screen shot of Paypal payment:1. Open up your Internet browser and go to PayPal.
2. Login and click the "Details" link for your payment which is directly horizontal left from the amount.
3. Now, hit the "PRT SCRN" button your keyboard, it is usually located in the upper right part of the keyboard.
4. Now, minimize your browser and go to your "Start" button on the bottom left corner of your operating system. Then go to "All Programs" then go to "Accessories" then go to "Microsoft Paint". If it's not there, then go to "Start", and then click "Search" and search the term "MSPAINT".
5. Now once you are in Microsoft Paint, right click your mouse and hit paste. Now you should see the screenshot you took! Now, take the brush tool on the left toolbar and blur out information you want to keep confidential. I would suggest blurring out the PayPal transaction ID as well as your email or last name if it displays.
6. Now, save this to your desktop. By going up to "File" and clicking "Save".
7. Now, open your Internet browser back up and go to a hosting website. My favorite is . Once you go there, click Browse and then go to "Desktop" and click on the screenshot you just saved. Now click
8. Now, you should see a few links after a couple of minutes. Which one do you use? Well, If you want to display it as a thumbnail picture like the one above then just copy the link next to "Thumbnail for forums (1)". Now that you have that code, all you have to do is paste that on the forums. If you want to have the whole image just slapped directly into the forum without any shrinking, grab the last link: "Direct link" and just use these codes:
http://INSERTCODEHERE [/img] (without the ' ' on the first tag)
Other details:
You're permitted to obscure any non-FC related info that you don't want to share. In fact, we would encourage it. A screenshot of the email you received from PayPal is sufficient for credit. So is a screenshot of the payment detail page on PayPal's website. For direct deposit, a screenshot of your online banking which indicates the deposit is required for credit; alternatively, you can scan in a paper bank statement which indicates the deposit.
Lastly, for a check, a picture or scan of the check itself is required; you may obscure details but the check number must be visible to qualify for credit.