I'm a stay at home mom and I also get this brainfog sometimes. Then I'll take a step back and realise that I haven't had 10 minutes to just sit down in the chair and regroup, rest and slow down a bit. My mind is whurring with what I'll make for my family's dinner, what I can pack for my kids lunch, the washing that I must get out of the dryer before the crinkles set in, and I mustn't forget to take the dog to the vet for his vaccines at 11.10am appointment, then what if I'm not back in time to see the sprinkler blow out man. Sometimes my oldest son will ask for a drink, I make it then give it to my youngest son! Two days after my oldest son was born, we took him home from the hospital, I was a new mom, very inexperienced and completely brainfogged. I recall having a problem which I needed for the midwife to call me back about, so I left a message, fell asleep in the chair and when the phone rang, my husband woke me up and gave the phone to me. I just looked at the phone blankly and asked my husband if he knew why I wanted to speak to the midwife. He said I didn't tell him but that I should speak to the midwife anyway. I continued to look at the phone, panicked that I was losing it. I'm afraid I finally had to confess to the midwife that I couldn't remember why I had called her! It happens. I say take some time for yourself during the day to just rest. My mom used to say if your soldiers don't rest, they can't fight the battle tomorrow!