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Topic: Winter Wonderlands  (Read 1115 times)


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Winter Wonderlands
« on: October 24, 2013, 12:14:23 pm »
Winter is approaching in Wisconsin and I was wondering the following questions for other Fusion Cash members:

1.  Where do you live


2.  What is a normal winter where you live and what's a bad (colder and more snow/ice) winter where you live.

I will start for where i live in southern Wisconsin.  A normal winter is high temperatures mostly in the 20's to 40's with lows in the single digits to around 0 degrees and about 45 inches of snow with 2 big snowstorms.  Winter starting in about mid-november and lasting into March.

A bad winter is going a long stretch (weeks) without breaking the freezing point -- 32 degrees -- and anywhere from 70 to 100 inches of snow with 5+ big snowstorms.  Also, a bad winter lasts longer from say late October all the way into April.


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Re: Winter Wonderlands
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2013, 12:30:49 pm »
I live is Eastern PA.  When I was young we had bad winters, high amounts of snow, really cold weather, but over the course of time it has changed.

We usually get 2 big snow storms, about 4 to 6 inches.  The snow is mostly gone in a few days.

The temps range from the high 30's to the teens, once in awhile we get into single numbers, but not often.

Our winters normally get cold in mid November, but by March the flowers are starting to come up and the temps are warming.
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Re: Winter Wonderlands
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2013, 01:50:02 pm »
I live in the high desert of New Mexico where we have short mild winters.

Right now I still have veggies growing in my garden.  I don't plan on turning on the furnace until next month.

A light winter would be mild temperatures, hardly any snow, few pipe freezing nights, etc.  However we've had snow as early as the first week of October (during Balloon Fiesta), snow and damaging hail at the end.  Still the worst winters here are nothing like what I grew up with in Western NY state.  We get a skiff of snow and drivers freak out.  LOL.  I just stay off the road and out of their way.


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Re: Winter Wonderlands
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2013, 02:59:20 pm »
Winter is approaching in Wisconsin and I was wondering the following questions for other Fusion Cash members:

1.  Where do you live


2.  What is a normal winter where you live and what's a bad (colder and more snow/ice) winter where you live.

I will start for where i live in southern Wisconsin.  A normal winter is high temperatures mostly in the 20's to 40's with lows in the single digits to around 0 degrees and about 45 inches of snow with 2 big snowstorms.  Winter starting in about mid-november and lasting into March.

A bad winter is going a long stretch (weeks) without breaking the freezing point -- 32 degrees -- and anywhere from 70 to 100 inches of snow with 5+ big snowstorms.  Also, a bad winter lasts longer from say late October all the way into April.


We have the occasional snow, but nothing much, and if it does snow, stay off the roads. People down here cannot drive it in.

The winters here vary a lot. It is really up and down with temps here. Right now we are at high 60s during the day and close to freezing at night. Some winters are mild and others have very cold temps. I predict it will be a cold one this go round. Maybe even some ice storms.


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Re: Winter Wonderlands
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2013, 05:14:20 pm »
Winter is approaching in Wisconsin and I was wondering the following questions for other Fusion Cash members:

1.  Where do you live


2.  What is a normal winter where you live and what's a bad (colder and more snow/ice) winter where you live.

I will start for where i live in southern Wisconsin.  A normal winter is high temperatures mostly in the 20's to 40's with lows in the single digits to around 0 degrees and about 45 inches of snow with 2 big snowstorms.  Winter starting in about mid-november and lasting into March.

A bad winter is going a long stretch (weeks) without breaking the freezing point -- 32 degrees -- and anywhere from 70 to 100 inches of snow with 5+ big snowstorms.  Also, a bad winter lasts longer from say late October all the way into April.

1.  I'm in Chandler, Arizona

2.  A "normal" winter here is one where you don't need a jacket to walk around on Thanksgiving day.  Usually in the '70's or even '80's.  To give you some perspective, today's high will be around 93 degrees.

A bad winter?  For the most part, I can't say we have "bad" winters in Arizona but, last year was a doozy!  It got down to '20's at night and many people lost shrubs and trees because of the cold even though they tried to protect them the best they could.  No one realizes it but Arizona does get cold - 30's, 40's, 50's (and, of course, it's much colder upstate at the Grand Canyon and Flagstaff, and yes, they do get snow)!  I've never seen snow in Chandler and personally, I really don't miss it, LOL.  By March, the winter is definitely OVER - you can even open your windows for a bit and get some fresh air flowing.  There are way more sunny days here than there are rainy days.  We have what's known as the "Monsoon" season which runs from mid-June to the end of September.  When the Monsoon season comes around is when we've got the chance of more rain (torrential at times) and those wild dust storms (or sand storms much like Saudi Arabia has) we call "Haboobs."  I don't know if you were able to see us on the News last year (2012) because we had a HUGE Haboob hit us and it was the most exciting thing!  You definitely DON'T DRIVE through one of these things because you from clear to zero visibility in a matter of seconds!  I've attached a video from that Haboob, which hit us on July 21, 2012.  It was filmed in Gilbert, Arizona which is the next town over from Chandler.  This Haboob was nothing short of AWESOME!


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Re: Winter Wonderlands
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2013, 07:12:01 pm »
I live in North Carolina.  The weather her is never the same.  Some years we have mild winters and very little snow and then other times we have some snow.  It is usually not a lot of snow, but pretty much everything shuts down.


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Re: Winter Wonderlands
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2013, 08:17:24 pm »
I live in FL so no winter wonderlands for me no more. I use to live in Jersey and PA (born and raised) so i miss those cold winter nights.  Also always use to wish it would snow on my birthday month (Decemeber of course)....Oh how i miss winter!....I seriously do not expierence no type of winter down south. No good/normal winter or bad.

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