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Topic: Has anyone ever been to a restaurant where they refused to serve you as a group?  (Read 1029 times)


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I am asking this question because I had two experiences where the restaurant called our company and said they would serve anybody, but not as a group.  We went to Shakey's, a restaurant outside Chicago, and I was amazed that they didn't kick us out.  You have to be considerate of how you act in some places.  We had a woman who was so enamored with the teacher she didn't want anyone saying anything to her.  She told me that and I straightened her out.  We had parents who actually put their hands on the food being served to us instead of using tongs.  I then went as a group to a restaurant where a woman actually brought a brown paper sack and packed up her food to go.  I thought everyone knew that "all you can eat buffet" means all you can eat in there, not carry out.  People should use restaurant etiquette when going to places.  Has anyone experienced anything similar? :o :o :o :o :wave:


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Once but only because the restaurant refused to serve us until the full group was there. When everyone arrived, then they served us


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Wow! Never had that happen. But I agree, use etiquette. I have also seen people bring in containers to fill up at all you can eat buffets. That is why the price keeps going up!


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This has not happened to me. I cannot remember the last time I've been to a restaurant.


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I do periodically see the "right to refuse service" signs and I've seen people turned down before based on the vibe and dress the group had, but I've never been turned out myself. I hope I won't ever either.


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I've heard of restaurants not seating/serving you until all of your party was there. But I've never heard of the opposite. You'd think restaurants would want the extra money a group would bring in.


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No not yet but I hope it never happens


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Not since I quit riding motorcycles


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Years ago I worked a job as a waitress and there was a small salad bar.  We also had meat on there from time to time.  Like Friday nights was a seafood night.  It was all you can eat but an employee had to put the food on the plate for you.  Now that was stupid!  But it was because of people basically stealing.  We had a woman one night dump the entire pan of shrimp into her purse.  Sometimes it is hard to grasp how people can be so stupid. And how they can not actually be embarrassed to death by their own actions.


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We got thrown out of Perkins once... It was late at night (or actually early the next morning) after bachelor and bachelorette parties, and most of the people in both parties were still under the influence of the drinks we had been consuming all night. One person in our group needed to use the bathroom before the waitress came for our orders, and on her way back she needed other person in our group to help her walk back to our table. Because of this, the waitress said that she could serve our group except for that person. The management felt that this was because she was too drunk to walk on her own (and considering the time and the state of our group, I understand this mistake), but it turned out that the person had a heart condition and needed something to drink to take her meds (she was actually one of the few that hadn't drank that night!). We tried to tell the restaurant whar was really going on, but they wouldn't listen to us (even our designated drivers who were coherent and trying to talk with the manager politely). So after a little bit, we all decided that if one in our group wasn't going to be served, then we'd all just leave.


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That has never happened to me or to anyone I know, thankfully.  Don't quite understand their thinking on that.  As a matter of fact I just came back from a vacation with one of my sisters.  We went to see our other siblings and their families.  There was anywhere from 20 to 30 of us that would go out to eat supper every night for a week and no one ever turned us away.  (We got a few strange looks mainly because we are not a quiet family lol but that was it).  I would never go back to a place if they turned us away because we were a large group.

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