As far as the 180 day rule goes, you just need to make sure you're cashing out with at least $25 (at least $15 of which comes from offers) at least every 180 days. It's easy to get to $25 in offers even if all you're doing is paid to click, daily emails, videos, and a few surveys.
Someone keeps telling me to clean my cache and cookies. That's the first thing I do every morning. I also delete my browsing history. That's not the answer. I restored my computer the other day to an earlier date thinking it would help, but it didn't.
I haven't hit $25. It not easy to get there when you don't get credit for what you do here. Because of it (not getting credits), in the past 3 days, I have now lost over $8 because my 180 days were up. I rarely qualify for survey's - on the average of 1 or 2 a month. I do the daily email paid to click, videos, and when I have time, I do tasks. I get credit for the daily email all the time but that's the ONLY thing. When doing videos, there were a lot of times I didn't get credit for them. Like I said, I joined the Rite-Aid Wellness Program and didn't get credit for it, either. Whenever I don't get credit for a task, it just makes me furious. It's been twice as bad since the new site has been implemented even though I like it better.
BTW, the rules state that you shouldn't sign up for offers just for the money. I don't. I was really, really interested in the Rite Aid program and I signed up. I got my temporary card, too, so why didn't I get credit for joining? I do only videos I'm interested in watching and I do CrowdFlower tasks that I'm interested in doing. Oh, yeah, because of a problem not being able to find a site because it doesn't show up on 10 pages of a search on one job (only showed 4), I've made a whole $.05 in 2 weeks. Yet the task is trying to make me answer a question that doesn't exist because the site didn't exist. Figure that one out.
Fusion Cash is not my life and I can't sit here all day hoping I'll finally get credit for something I did. I'm to the point that if things don't change soon, I will be going bye-bye. I don't have a problem anywhere else. Sorry to vent but that's the way it is with me. I was very happy to be part of this site but have never had so many frustrating moments in the past couple months.