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Topic: Why don't women obey their men?  (Read 2461 times)


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Why don't women obey their men?
« on: September 15, 2013, 04:12:10 pm »
At church today, the issue of Adam, Eve and the serpent arose.  The agreement was that the serpent tricked Eve into eating the fruit of the Forbidden Tree of Good and Evil.  Also in agreement was the fact that Adam ate the fruit as well.  The argument was that sin was nonexistent until this act was done.  Naturally, my husband asked the question, "Why don't women obey their men?"  I have a possible answer for this question.  If we obeyed men, they would think it is okay to tell us to jump in the lake, and women, obeying the men, would take this to heart and actually jump in, expecting their men to jump in and rescue us.  It is an indication that they would consider us as stupid.  The men who are abusers feel that they have the right to beat us because we don't obey; we are not supposed to have a thought mechanism, because they are supposed to do the thinking for us.  My ex actually told me that God would bless me for helping his friends, but he didn't care about God himself.  Anytime a man tell you that he wants to be buried in his underwear because, where he is going, it is going to be hot, as he (my ex)  did when he told me, you can take it to heart that he is going to hell with gasoline drawers on.  My husband told me that he would beat his first wife and take her money, because he valued other things rather than her or his children.  He gives credit to God for giving him a second chance by showing him the mistakes he made in his first marriage. My grandson is a big part of my life as well as his.  Your take on this? :icon_rr: :female: :male: :wave:


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Re: Why don't women obey their men?
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2013, 06:17:51 pm »


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Re: Why don't women obey their men?
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2013, 07:02:49 pm »
eve ate first by despond but adom chose to do it .the woman only is to obey only when he obey God not when he Obey saton


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Re: Why don't women obey their men?
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2013, 12:02:53 am »
The best answer I ever got was from a Baptist preacher who was drinking vodka with me.  :)  And the simple straight forward non sexist answer is that women don't obey their man when he is a poor leader.   Than because the man is not doing his job.  It falls upon the woman to lead.   Just like in the miitary if the LT is not giving good orders or making since it does not take long until the Sgt is doing the LT's job since the LT has suffered a career ending injury.


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Re: Why don't women obey their men?
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2013, 02:17:18 am »

I personally love questions like this because my answer blowed away my preacher one day and left him speechless because he lived by a (woman owns man) perspective..

Woman were never created to Serve a man But merly to Help a man.. God was Not satisfied with making only a man so he created a deep sleep to fall upon adam and alas he created a helpmate for him named eve. Bones of his bones he created the woman. The womans Job is to Help the man.. The roles of the woman are. Multiply and be fruitful and submition to the husband.. Submitting to your husband does not mean (sex) or (ownage) of a woman. It simply means to give the relationship your all your heart, your soul, etc..and of course repopulate the earth. Serving a man is not (obeying a man).In my personal opinion Not one is to be Served exept for God himself. This is where humans come into play.. To serve the Lord and spread his word..


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Re: Why don't women obey their men?
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2013, 05:26:35 am »
I believe the old meaning of "obey your spouse" has different meaning today. I do what is best for me, and for my family. If someone asks me to do something I don't want, or don't agree with, I shouldn't be punished for NOT OBEYING.


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Re: Why don't women obey their men?
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2013, 05:29:27 am »
minioncookies - GREAT ANSWER.

I looked this up and the first thing I found under the biblical meaning of obey is this..

1. Meaning of Terms:
In its simpler Old Testament meaning the word signifies "to hear," "to listen." It carries with it, however, the ethical significance of hearing with reverence and obedient assent. In the New Testament a different origin is suggestive of "hearing under" or of subordinating one's self to the person or thing heard, hence, "to obey." There is another New Testament usage, however, indicating persuasion from, peithomai.

Opposed to the websters definition
 1   do as told: to follow instructions or behave in accordance with a law, rule, or order
 2   be controlled: to be controlled by somebody or something

Clearly the word obey took on a different meaning when our God was creating man and woman.  Similar to words like fat, cool or sweet - the word "obey" has taken on different meaning through the years.  Not everything said and written in the bible translates to the way we have warped our cultures and the meaning of simple concepts.


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Re: Why don't women obey their men?
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2013, 05:43:40 am »
My vows did not include "obey". I told my husband right from the start it was an equal relationship. I would listen to him to a degree but I was not a dog and did not want to be treated as such.


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Re: Why don't women obey their men?
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2013, 06:10:55 am »
Women would probably be more apt to obey if men were smarter than women, but NOT!
Have a wonderful day!


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Re: Why don't women obey their men?
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2013, 06:20:58 am »
First off, I am not religious, so that whole bible thing holds no water with me. Second, lets just say that the adam and eve thing was real for a second. Now, if that were true, both, adam and eve were stupid and should not have eaten the fruit. They would have supposedly lived forever. Now, here is my question, what does that adam and eve thing have to do with women obeying men? She would have not been obeying adam, she would have been obeying god. They both supposedly got tricked into eating the fruit. Now, lets get back to reality. Women are human beings just like men. And as far as I am concerned, women and men should always be treated equal. I have lots of respect for women and admire their strength. Mo man, nor woman, should be obeying either one. Equality is where it's at. That's my two cents.


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Re: Why don't women obey their men?
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2013, 06:42:39 am »
Women and men, husbands and wives are equal, no one should have to 'obey' anymore.  My vows did not have obey, we both promised to love, honor, and respect as long as we both shall love.
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Re: Why don't women obey their men?
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2013, 06:44:27 am »
Just give and take, not obey always sometimes men should obey their women also.


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Re: Why don't women obey their men?
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2013, 07:00:41 am »
I don't believe either sex needs to be the leader and demand submission.  We all have strengths and weaknesses that playout in everyday life.  We can help each other out, but not rule over the other.  :female:


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Re: Why don't women obey their men?
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2013, 07:50:47 am »
 :) The Bible also says for Husbands to Love their wives as Christ Loved the Church. Obeying is not the same as being a slave or whipping post.

The more I treat my wife like a Queen, the more I get treated like a King.

Happily married over 41 years.  :wave:


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Re: Why don't women obey their men?
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2013, 08:29:51 am »

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