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Topic: Wondering if other people are having same problem.  (Read 5097 times)


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Re: Wondering if other people are having same problem.
« Reply #15 on: June 14, 2009, 04:39:56 pm »
Don't get me wrong. I appreciate greatly the ability to make a little bit of extra money (even very, very little, as it is here). But I go through the offers, follow all the instructions and wait for the credits. In total, I have spent my time completing around 35 offers, 25 of which have not been credited. For the time it takes to complete these offers, if the crediting rate isn't at the very least 90%, it becomes not worth it. Seriously would be a better use of my time going around my home doing chores. Anyone else noticing this? :'(

I am experiencing the same thing......I almost feel like giving up because it is time consuming and I feel I am waisting my time. I have about 10 items that I have not been credited for.


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Re: Wondering if other people are having same problem.
« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2009, 06:31:25 pm »
Per admin - don't clear cookies after every offer - just before you start for the day.  I too have not been credited for many offers - mostly higher paying ones.


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Re: Wondering if other people are having same problem.
« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2009, 04:59:20 am »
Don't get me wrong. I appreciate greatly the ability to make a little bit of extra money (even very, very little, as it is here). But I go through the offers, follow all the instructions and wait for the credits. In total, I have spent my time completing around 35 offers, 25 of which have not been credited. For the time it takes to complete these offers, if the crediting rate isn't at the very least 90%, it becomes not worth it. Seriously would be a better use of my time going around my home doing chores. Anyone else noticing this? :'(

I am experiencing the same thing......I almost feel like giving up because it is time consuming and I feel I am waisting my time. I have about 10 items that I have not been credited for.
Not at all, but I don't mess around with the cheap offers. I would rather BUY something and get a $15 credit and be done with it. Most of my money comes from referrals and using my success to convince them is important, then I feed that money into higher earning programs.

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