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Topic: Shopping ?? they may be tracking you ..  (Read 3104 times)


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Shopping ?? they may be tracking you ..
« on: July 17, 2013, 10:20:45 am »
Tracking you through the smart phone.. well this be the end of surveys? :dontknow: if they think they know what your needs are, why have surveys.. what do u think???
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Re: Shopping ?? they may be tracking you ..
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2013, 10:25:01 am »
 wow that's a little creepy, I do everything on my phone.


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Re: Shopping ?? they may be tracking you ..
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2013, 01:24:51 pm »
Tracking you through the smart phone.. well this be the end of surveys? :dontknow: if they think they know what your needs are, why have surveys.. what do u think???

First of all, like our government, I think it's devious behavior to "track" anything without your knowledge or consent.  As far as surveys are concerned, I don't think they'll be going anywhere.  A lot of the time, surveys are looking for your opinions on NEW products and services (some that haven't even been implemented yet).


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Re: Shopping ?? they may be tracking you ..
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2013, 02:38:46 pm »
Don't you think they have enough info on us already. from our drivers lic., social security, irs, voter reg. banking. It sorta ticks me off that have access to so much already and yet they can't seem to find the fraud that is going on.


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Re: Shopping ?? they may be tracking you ..
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2013, 04:52:20 pm »

      There are cameras everywhere you go because for security purposes "we are under surveillance".


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Re: Shopping ?? they may be tracking you ..
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2013, 12:04:28 pm »
Tracking you through the smart phone.. well this be the end of surveys? :dontknow: if they think they know what your needs are, why have surveys.. what do u think???

First of all, like our government, I think it's devious behavior to "track" anything without your knowledge or consent.  As far as surveys are concerned, I don't think they'll be going anywhere.  A lot of the time, surveys are looking for your opinions on NEW products and services (some that haven't even been implemented yet).

From what I've heard of these new technologies, this is essentially what would happen... The store / mall would have free* WIFI access (* you can connect for free as long as you agree that your movements through the store may be tracked). Note that they probably DO ask for consent, but most people may not read the small print / the asterisk information. The store may also tie this into a loyalty program as well; if a loyalty program member gets onto their WIFI system, then the store may push out a text message with a coupon, etc. I experienced something similar the other day when I went to a Van Heusen outlet store where I sent a text to a certain number and in return I got a $5 off coupon for my purchases made that day.

I still think there would be a need for surveys... Although this tracking might be able to detect where you are located, it still wouldn't know what products you purchased, how you learned about a particular product (eg whether a particular advertising campaign was working), why you decided on one product over another (eg was it price, brand-name, packaging, etc. that swayed a person's decision), etc. All of these things are good pieces of information that a true marketing research survey would be able to uncover.


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Re: Shopping ?? they may be tracking you ..
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2013, 04:47:09 am »
Great replies, i think there well be surveys too when i saw that on the news that was my first reaction no more surveys or  less surveys, there is one company is doing that in they proudly advertise it,
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Re: Shopping ?? they may be tracking you ..
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2013, 08:51:56 am »
only use pay per month phones


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Re: Shopping ?? they may be tracking you ..
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2013, 09:39:50 am »
I was just reading in the paper that cops have cameras on bridges and buildings, as well as their cars, and they track you while your driving by taking pictures of your license plate and entering it in a GPS database, so they can see as you move from place to place. There is absolutely no privacy anymore.


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Re: Shopping ?? they may be tracking you ..
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2013, 11:01:48 am »
Unless someone was "up to something, trying to get away with something, doing something they know they shouldn't be, trying to 'hide' something"---why would they care if they were being tracked?  I go shopping, I could care less what anyone knows about what I bought.  So, just wondering....


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Re: Shopping ?? they may be tracking you ..
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2013, 02:35:32 pm »
You are tracked thru computer, too!  If I shop somewhere, it shoes up as a banner ad.


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Re: Shopping ?? they may be tracking you ..
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2013, 02:55:56 pm »
As long as your online every company that is on the www is tracking you, that's how they know what ads to send you and what sites you have visited.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 02:59:04 pm by monnee »


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Re: Shopping ?? they may be tracking you ..
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2013, 03:01:39 pm »
No because where I walk in a store doesn't really give my opinions.  And I don't have a smart phone. But this brings up an interesting point.  Have you ever done the survey on the back of a receipt?  Those can and sometimes are linked back to the person who took the survey.  I am also not sure that surveys we take on here that are suppose to be anonymous are not linked to us.  I took one earlier today and one of the questions was "do you have any guns in your home"  and   "are you in the market to purchase any guns".   IT WAS NOT ON FUSION CASH OR LINKED TO FUSION CASH IN ANY WAY.   With all the stuff coming out about the government tracking us and like Verizon has been handing info over for a long time even tho they tell their customers they protect their privacy - it makes you wonder how many other companies are giving your info up or if survey companies could be working with the government and just getting stuff on people.  Scary huh.   :dontknow:


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Re: Shopping ?? they may be tracking you ..
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2013, 03:03:56 pm »
Tracking you through the smart phone.. well this be the end of surveys? :dontknow: if they think they know what your needs are, why have surveys.. what do u think???

First of all, like our government, I think it's devious behavior to "track" anything without your knowledge or consent.  As far as surveys are concerned, I don't think they'll be going anywhere.  A lot of the time, surveys are looking for your opinions on NEW products and services (some that haven't even been implemented yet).

From what I've heard of these new technologies, this is essentially what would happen... The store / mall would have free* WIFI access (* you can connect for free as long as you agree that your movements through the store may be tracked). Note that they probably DO ask for consent, but most people may not read the small print / the asterisk information. The store may also tie this into a loyalty program as well; if a loyalty program member gets onto their WIFI system, then the store may push out a text message with a coupon, etc. I experienced something similar the other day when I went to a Van Heusen outlet store where I sent a text to a certain number and in return I got a $5 off coupon for my purchases made that day.

I still think there would be a need for surveys... Although this tracking might be able to detect where you are located, it still wouldn't know what products you purchased, how you learned about a particular product (eg whether a particular advertising campaign was working), why you decided on one product over another (eg was it price, brand-name, packaging, etc. that swayed a person's decision), etc. All of these things are good pieces of information that a true marketing research survey would be able to uncover.

People have already been being tracked and they didn't know it.  They didn't agree to it.  I honestly don't know anyone who would agree to it.


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Re: Shopping ?? they may be tracking you ..
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2013, 03:07:31 pm »
Unless someone was "up to something, trying to get away with something, doing something they know they shouldn't be, trying to 'hide' something"---why would they care if they were being tracked?  I go shopping, I could care less what anyone knows about what I bought.  So, just wondering....

I am not up to anything but do not like the idea that a store can track me while I am there or even after I leave.  Or that what I buy or look at it kept in some sort of data base that may be used against me at a later time.  Maybe you were looking at some expensive item.  Maybe you looked at it two or three times.  Then you left and maybe somebody else came by and stole it.  So they go back thru their tracking crap and see you looked at it three times right before it got gone so then you had to be the one that stole it....even though you didn't and wouldn't.  Idk.  I just don't like the fact that there is a record of everything you ever do.

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