I saw a this movie, (promo DVD) and I will offer this comment or two. First of all, this movie is probably NOT what most people expect it to be. That is it is in no way a 're-telling' of the radio/TV Lone Ranger story. That said, it IS a COMEDY, in the truest since of the term.
Johnny Depp, as Tonto, plays a terrific part, clichéd in every way with the stereotypical terse speakings of an 'injun'. He portrays his role masterfully. Armie Hammer as the Lone Ranger really serves more as a foil for Tonto to play off of. The story line is a good one, as long as one is not looking for the ordinary portrayal most are use to as the Lone Ranger Character.
I love this film, I think it is going to be a 'sleeper' because of the reviews it is receiving. It will fall short of what the critics anticipated as to box office draw and the story line itself. That in no way will diminish this as a great film in a genre of its own making.
If you go to this film with an open mind, and have an appreciation for satire and comedy I think you will have a great experience. If you are looking for a Lone Ranger super hero akin to Bat Man or Spider Man of the wild west, you are going to be disappointed.
It takes an appreciation of subtle attentions to catch all this film offers, basically it will need to be seen at least twice to catch it all. That being said, it might be best enjoyed once you can either download it to own or get the DVD.