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Topic: our new president  (Read 5436 times)


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Re: our new president
« Reply #15 on: June 06, 2009, 07:49:22 pm »
People will stop drinking Obama Kool Aid when you put down the Limbaugh/Hannity Kool that was literally word for word Fox News + Hannity + Limbaugh rhetoric...

There's a reason much of the word laughs at us and/or downright hates us.  It very simply starts with our refusal to take responsibility for our negative actions (and yes, we've had many of them).

Yes, for the time being, he's much better than Bush.  Being stubborn as hell and incapable of admitting you're wrong when you clearly are is not a good quality.  If you're seriously judging a President on a few months of Presidency, you're worse than "80% of the uneducated losers."  Make up more random *bleep* statistics please...


Hopefully you're trolling/flamebaiting...
« Last Edit: June 06, 2009, 07:55:21 pm by liljp617 »


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Re: our new president
« Reply #16 on: June 06, 2009, 08:03:15 pm »
Some of you are crazy.  To say the Bushs were actually good for this country...where were you for the last 20 years?  I wont argue them being good people, because I have never meet them and I do not judge people I do not know personally, but great presidents???   :BangHead:  You remember the approval rate for W towards the end, right?  8%  That didnt come from people just not liking him, that meant he lost the support of his party because of his decisions.  
That being said, I do not know what will happen with Obama.  I think he is trying.  He has a lot of opposition too, who are going to really emphasize his flaws, but I think by 2012 he will have improved a lot that was left broken.  And if he fails then at least I am going to say he tried to succeed in a position that was destined for failure.


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Re: our new president
« Reply #17 on: June 06, 2009, 08:09:21 pm »
You know, I like Obama and mostly agree with his policies (I take issue with a number of his economic policies).

But I really wish some of the stimulus money could have been targeted at small business.  Small businesses employ local people and spend their money in the community, both essential for bucking this unemployment & spending decline.  We've seen what AIG and others do with taxpayer dollars. 

A business like FusionCash gets zero help and a ridiculous tax rate to boot.

I wrote Obama a letter to this effect but didn't hear back from him  :fish:


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Re: our new president
« Reply #18 on: June 07, 2009, 07:31:24 pm »
i think hes great  he should keep up the great work but i hope he help out at community colleges because i cant go to elac for summer all class are cannceld


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Re: our new president
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2009, 07:06:05 pm »
As of right now I don't really have a positive attitude about him.  He hasn't really done that much since he has been in office that has inpressed me.  Which he hasn't been in office a year yet.  If the first 6 months has any reflection as to what the remainder of his time in office will be.  I don't feel that he will be one of our greatest Presidents.  Right now I just look at him as another politician with a lot of broken promises.


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Re: our new president
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2009, 07:21:56 pm »
I fee sorry for you. :angry7:
This new president is an absolute JOKE!!!  Bush had his problems, but at least he had a backbone.  Jokebama is going to every country and apologizing for America.  He can't say anything good about this country.  He could care less if North Korea or Iran get nukes.  Most of his cabinet members are tax cheats.  His vice president can't keep his foot out of his mouth.  He is spending our tax payer money like there is no tomorrow.  This country will be in debt so far, we will never get out of it.  He blames Bush for spending alot, and turns around and spends in 4 months, over 10 times what Bush ever spent.  He's taking over every business he can, such as GM.  He is trying to see how big he can get the government before he gets kicked out in 2012.  Anyone that is in favor of this madman we have in the White House needs to go live in Iraq for a year.  He loves to steal money from people that create jobs, and give to lazy good for nothing people that wont get off their tale and get a job.  What kind of president goes around apologizing for Amercia.  This country has done so much for the rest of the world, they are all in debted to us.  This countries only hope is that he gets impeached.  God help us if he is president until 2012.  You think this guy is better than Bush, you are as intelligent as a rock.  Look at the people who are in favor of Obama.  About 80% of them are uneducated losers that want the government to give them everything, because they are too lazy to do things on their own.  Quit drinking Obama koolaid before you drop dead of the poison.  This country will survive despite of this loser in the White House.


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Re: our new president
« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2009, 10:51:48 am »
Wow, I jsut saw on tv that they are making a 3 million dollar tunnel for TURTLES in Florida with some stimulus money, and somewhere else they are renovating a 100 year old train station that hasn't been operational in 30 years. What a great way to spend our stimulus money in these hard times.


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Re: our new president
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2009, 11:10:01 am »
I personally really liked George Bush the first and the second.  They were both really good people and did a lot of good for our country.  I think Obama follows some of the best presidents we have had in a long time.  I didn't support him in the vote in, but we will see if he will be as good as the Bush's, he needs to start doing the things he promised he would do, then again he hasn't been in that long really...we'll see.

I think that we have not really seen what it is that Obama will actually do for us.  I think that people need to keep in mind that Bush inherited an economy that was in beginning of this recession from the Clinton era. 

As for Obama all he has done so far is cost us Billions of dollars that went to companies that filed for bankrupcy anyway.  So aside from spend spend spend he has not helped us yet....  I dont about you but I cannot afford what he has done so far.


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Re: our new president
« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2009, 01:45:06 pm »
you know, i don't think you can really compare Obama with other presidents until he take on a situation and we see the end of it. Right now he's trying his best but we can't really compare until we see the results, then it is very simple to see who's better

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