I've heard the expression "life is short" before, but didn't really realize the significance of that statement until after I turned 30. The days turn into weeks and the weeks into months and before you know it you are one, two, five years out from the day you realized life really is short.
I think always working toward something and having events to look forward to keeps life exciting. I think back to ten years ago and I'm proud of the progress I've made and the woman I've become, and I hope to be even better 10 years from now.
What are your dreams for your life? What did you want to accomplish by now that you haven't and what have you done to make sure you have accomplished that goal 5 years from now?
I'm a phenomenal mother (I know it's tacky to compliment yourself but if you knew me you'd agree) and my education/career plans are on hold until I buy my house in February, my body is banging and I've overall happy. But the one area I'm lacking in is quality friends. I'm the type of woman that doesn't NEED a bunch of friends but I'd at least like a few power friends that share my aspirations. I love my friends I have now, but I'd much rather talk about the strategy to achieve our goals rather than talk about what we wanna or are gonna do every single year.
Life is so short, we have to go after the things we want because before we know it we'll be thinking about all the things we would do differently if we were 25, 35, 45 years old again.