ok...so I have some more news on this topic.
This was working so well for me that I decided to add it to my dog's food as well. The ASPCA website said cinnamon is NOT toxic to dogs and being in a rush to get to work, I trusted the ASPCA and didn't research any further before starting my dog on this.
A few days into it, my dog (senior yellow lab) would not eat...not anything. Very unusual for her. The 2nd day she wouldn't eat, I was getting to ready to make a vet appt when it occurred to me to check online and see if cinnamon could be harmful AT ALL to pets.
I did find more than one post/blog/newsletter that said "grocery store" type cinnamon often isn't "real cinnamon" and contains a compound that when used in high dosages can cause liver & heart problems. My dog has had a minor issue with her liver before and being older, her heart is fragile. I stopped the cinnamon/honey in her food and she began eating again and is doing well.
Ceylon cinnamon, preferably organic is what is being recommended and I did find some economically priced at amazon. There are alot of different types of honey available on-line too which are more nutritional than those found in a store. As with everything...MODERATION is key!!
I will begin SPRINKLING a little of the oranic ceylon cinnamon & honey on the dogs food when it arrives, should have much better results!!