Going Green is anything but
! I truly believe it is one of the most important problems we face today. The environment and energy are a couple of the reasons our economy is in it's current state. Think about it, the Oil industry is one of the biggest factors in this ridiculous war we're in with the middle east. Sure, those crazies will tell you it's about religion or freedom or justice or democracy, but it's about keeping a secure hold on the resources there. That's why our country really gets involved in middle-eastern issues. Not because we care so much about the atrocities being committed there against those people, but because they have something to offer us. We didn't get involved in Rwanda. We're practically ignoring Darfur. There were and are, respectively, hundreds of thousands of people senselessly murdered in both places, but because neither country has anything to offer our economy, we turn a blind eye. As for our economy, we could only go on spending the way we'd been spending for so long. What goes up, must come down. We reap what we sow, people; and we've not been sowing much as a society. We just seem to take, take, take and spend, spend, spend until we're up to our ears in debt. We can partially thank Dubya and the last 8 years for that.
We need to focus on renewable sources of energy so we can lessen our dependance on foreign oil, and along with that there would be new jobs created and more affordable methods of fueling our cars and heating our homes which means more money we can spend on "stuff", thus stimulating the economy.