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Topic: gun ban....for or against  (Read 1688 times)


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gun ban....for or against
« on: April 20, 2013, 11:48:02 am »
Are you for the gun ban, why or why not?


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Re: gun ban....for or against
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2013, 12:15:30 pm »

If this stops just one person from using one of those weapons and or clips..

Saving ONE life is what it should be about!!

Why would any or all the ones against this unless they are worried about the background check.

I mean come on...
The times have changed...

Just saying...
and just my opinion..


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Re: gun ban....for or against
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2013, 12:41:28 pm »
When there is a will there is a way. I myself dont have a gun but that is by choice. We as americans are losing our choices. What is happening to our freedom. The 2 that were responsible for the bombings in Boston used bombs and not guns. I pray for all of them in boston.  A drunk driver kills someone . People really need to think these things through. Look at Russia they are warning on the gun ban. Their lives are a nightmare. Even police officers think that banning guns are wrong. It is not the guns that kill people its the people. A criminal will always know how to get a gun. They our rights away what are we going to do. Are they going to take knives away to they can be used to kill people. What about our breaks on our cars they go out. If it is your time to go it is your time. Our forefathers fought for our rights. We have a  so called president taking our rights away.


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Re: gun ban....for or against
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2013, 06:04:35 pm »
I am not sure I am for a gun ban but I think an extensive background check is warranted. It should not be easy to buy a gun but we do have the right to bare arms.


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Re: gun ban....for or against
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2013, 10:11:43 pm »
For because it works. Look at S Korea for example.


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Re: gun ban....for or against
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2013, 08:48:57 am »
Not for a ban, but for control and regulation.

People should be able to own and use guns responsibly, but there's absolutely no reason why any ole Joe should be able to buy unlimited quantities of just about anything he wants off the internet, over the back fence or at a gun show, no questions asked and it's all good. Until somebody gets hurt...or lots of somebodies get dead.

Some would say that's giving up "freedom". But the fact is there are restrictions on EVERY right in order to keep some people from abusing them at the expense of others, and the people who give up their own right to live securely and without fear, or to live at all, so others can buy guns without a license, background check or any other measure, are already losing their freedoms every day. No society can function without balance and compromise, and no society with rights belonging only to those who can take and hold them by threat or force of arms is really free. Anyone who tells you different is lying. Individual rights...but not at the expense of destroying the lives of others. Your right to swing your fist...or gun....stops at the next person's face.


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Re: gun ban....for or against
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2013, 08:50:25 am »
If this government allows people to live here without citizenship and set bombs off, they should allow me to have a gun to protect myself.


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Re: gun ban....for or against
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2013, 10:50:30 am »

First off, it's our 2nd Amendment Right to keep and bear arms.  Rights aren't given to us by the government, they are God-given.  The 2nd Amendment was put in place by our Founding Fathers so that WE, THE PEOPLE, would have recourse against a tyrannical government.  Yeah, that's right, it's got NOTHING to do with "hunting."

Secondly, take a good look at Chicago.  They have the strictest gun laws in the nation, AND, they have more deaths due to gun violence in the nation, too.  When you disarm the LAW-ABIDING population, you give CRIMINALS free rein.  Ask yourself, why would your government not want you to protect yourself?

Thirdly, this government claims they can't find 12 million illegal aliens to deport.  What the heck makes them think they'll find every GUN in the U.S.?

The gun ban is nothing more than a way for YOUR government to CONTROL you.  Hitler did it, and look what they got in the end.  If you know your history, you'll see it's trying to repeat itself.  Thank God we have a CONSTITUTION, written by great men, who understood what could happen if there ever came a time that our government became so corrupt that they would do ANYTHING to make it's citizens SLAVES.


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Re: gun ban....for or against
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2013, 11:01:16 am »
I don't believe I can add to what the previous 2nd Amendment supporters have already stated in their posts.  Our liberties are melting away faster than we know.


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Re: gun ban....for or against
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2013, 12:07:46 pm »
When there is a will there is a way. I myself dont have a gun but that is by choice. We as americans are losing our choices. What is happening to our freedom. The 2 that were responsible for the bombings in Boston used bombs and not guns. I pray for all of them in boston.  A drunk driver kills someone . People really need to think these things through. Look at Russia they are warning on the gun ban. Their lives are a nightmare. Even police officers think that banning guns are wrong. It is not the guns that kill people its the people. A criminal will always know how to get a gun. They our rights away what are we going to do. Are they going to take knives away to they can be used to kill people. What about our breaks on our cars they go out. If it is your time to go it is your time. Our forefathers fought for our rights. We have a  so called president taking our rights away.

Much easier for someone to pull a trigger than to kill with a knife. Also much more likely for innocent bystanders to become victims. I wouldn't want to live in the old wild west. I'm not for a total ban but do believe there is a need for control of sales, background checks, education and licensing.     
« Last Edit: April 21, 2013, 12:26:27 pm by Mojoshog »


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Re: gun ban....for or against
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2013, 12:43:35 pm »
If you look at the statistics in Texas, where just about everyone owns a gun by choice, you just don't see the crime there like you do in other places.  If you are 'bad', you don't follow the rules.  Is the 'bad' person going to try using a gun on a group of people he knows also have guns and are willing to use them for protection?  No way....they'll go to that nice place where all the 'good' people are against guns and violence and take them for a ride.  Once our gun privileges are taken away, we will all be sitting ducks for all the 'bad' people who do not follow the rules.  Please know that all societies that give up their way of protecting themselves will lose all rights in very short time...they'll have no choice.


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Re: gun ban....for or against
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2013, 12:54:58 pm »
i'm not so sure about that. i live in Texas, we have plenty of crime, but we also had the waco's david koresh incident...  even Texas doesn't like you owning too many guns.   

 it is true that most of us own guns. including our family even my 10 year old has a gun and has had a bb gun since he was 2. i grew up around guns, shot guns, hunted. i believe you have the right to hunt and protect yourself. but i do not agree that you should own assault riffles. there is not point in those. only military should carry that kind of weaponry and they should not be able to own them after serving their country.


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Re: gun ban....for or against
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2013, 02:40:33 pm »
I dont think they should completely ban guns from the public, we need for safety . So, there should be a very strict background check on all gun buyers.


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Re: gun ban....for or against
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2013, 02:49:08 pm »
I dont think they should completely ban guns from the public, we need for safety . So, there should be a very strict background check on all gun buyers.

I'm all for licensing with a safety course/test as well. There are too many people out there who insist they "need" a 50-round clip in a semiautomatic rifle to stop a home intruder. I certainly wouldn't want to be on the range with those people! If you seriously "need" 50 rounds for one or possibly two targets, you're likely to be just as much of a menace with that weapon as the bad guy. Like the hunters who are so bad they have to cancel school here in parts of rural PA on the first day of buck season not because of kids playing hooky, but because some of the buses used to arrive with holes in them. :angry7:


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Re: gun ban....for or against
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2013, 03:05:59 pm »
If you look at the statistics in Texas, where just about everyone owns a gun by choice, you just don't see the crime there like you do in other places.  If you are 'bad', you don't follow the rules.  Is the 'bad' person going to try using a gun on a group of people he knows also have guns and are willing to use them for protection?  No way....they'll go to that nice place where all the 'good' people are against guns and violence and take them for a ride.  Once our gun privileges are taken away, we will all be sitting ducks for all the 'bad' people who do not follow the rules.  Please know that all societies that give up their way of protecting themselves will lose all rights in very short time...they'll have no choice.

Again so true. Most of these horrific events happen in places where the assailant knows the people are not carrying or places where people are not allowed to carry. But let it be someplace where the law is on the gun owners side and the cowards seem in my own opinion to think twice. A prime example of that for those who remember the Luby's restaurant tragedy (sorry if it brings up some bad feelings :-[ ) in Texas. Imagine what would have happened if people had been allowed to carry into the restaurant. And because of that some laws in Texas changed. It took a tragedy to bring about change in that sense  :angry7:

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