First off, it's our 2nd Amendment Right to keep and bear arms. Rights aren't given to us by the government, they are God-given. The 2nd Amendment was put in place by our Founding Fathers so that WE, THE PEOPLE, would have recourse against a tyrannical government. Yeah, that's right, it's got NOTHING to do with "hunting."
Secondly, take a good look at Chicago. They have the strictest gun laws in the nation, AND, they have more deaths due to gun violence in the nation, too. When you disarm the LAW-ABIDING population, you give CRIMINALS free rein. Ask yourself, why would your government not want you to protect yourself?
Thirdly, this government claims they can't find 12 million illegal aliens to deport. What the heck makes them think they'll find every GUN in the U.S.?
The gun ban is nothing more than a way for YOUR government to CONTROL you. Hitler did it, and look what they got in the end. If you know your history, you'll see it's trying to repeat itself. Thank God we have a CONSTITUTION, written by great men, who understood what could happen if there ever came a time that our government became so corrupt that they would do ANYTHING to make it's citizens SLAVES.