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Topic: Oh, ugh! Just completed a very lengthy FC survey, only to be told this:  (Read 2716 times)


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"Thank you for participating! Unfortunately the survey you're attempting to access has been closed or you previously participated."

I never participated before, and if it has been closed, why is it in my list of surveys to take???  UGH!!!  This is the one it was for:

Auto Enthusiasts Study  (12mins)  Get $2.10

However, it had nothing to do with cars.  Hmm...


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I had that pop up the other day but I still ended up being credited for it.

I had another one do that today and was credited the full amount. It's probably just a glitch that the error message is popping up
« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 03:57:36 pm by ladavia89 »


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Oh hey, yeah, you are right.  They've called it something else, though, and not for the same amount of money, but at least my efforts weren't in vain:

FC Survey: Easy Personal Benefits Study   2013-04-12   $1.00   Approved


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I hate when that happens. It seems like they could stop you sooner and let you know that you can't finish the survey?


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Definitely Kay, it makes it really hard to believe that they aren't just gathering demographic information and then running to the hills with it. I too have wondered why they are titled one thing and then asking questions about a completely different topic. It is funny but sometimes the questions being asked seem more appropriate for the title on a different one in my list, makes me also wonder if someone just isn't a bit dyslexic and putting things together a bit backwards? I also believe yes, they should definitely be able to DQ you sooner especially if they are claiming you have already taken it. It is nice that you still get the 1 penny most of the time, but a lot of wasted time and energy just for a penny and truly some of the surveys are interesting and it is a shame that more of us don't get to experience that and that the companies apparently really do not care about the opens of a nice mixture of demographics. Makes you wonder what good any of their findings really are and how accurate if it seems they are trying to control the demographics and not include all. We all have money to spend but I guess that does not matter to certain marketing organizations.


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I too experienced the same thing; but I was credited later.  You usually get an email to inform you of your credit.  However, I am getting only .01 cents for them.  You might want to try the tasks.  You can really make more for your time on them.


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same thing happened to me! twice


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"Thank you for participating! Unfortunately the survey you're attempting to access has been closed or you previously participated."

I never participated before, and if it has been closed, why is it in my list of surveys to take???  UGH!!!  This is the one it was for:

Auto Enthusiasts Study  (12mins)  Get $2.10

However, it had nothing to do with cars.  Hmm...

That happens to me all thetime, but I actually did qualify it takes patience :notworthy:


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Yeah it gets frustrating.  I belong to surveyhead which also connects with ipoll (ipoll is for use with smartphones.) Some of the surveys you qualify for and some you dont. Their payout for paypal is 35.00. They do have other options that you can cashout on.


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As pressman (and probably others) said, patience is the key.  I just originally didn't think that I'd be credited, but it does take maybe 30-60 minutes (more or less) to be credited. 


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Re: Oh, ugh! Just completed a very lengthy FC survey, only to be told this:
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2013, 06:01:42 pm »
I did two that got this message. I thought I wouldn't be credited, but later I was. It is very frustrating to get a message like that. I HAVE done a number of surveys, all the ways to the end, only to get kicked off with no pay. I really dislike that. It's like you've been robbed.


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Re: Oh, ugh! Just completed a very lengthy FC survey, only to be told this:
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2013, 06:55:46 pm »
I do a host of survey panels and a handful of other GPT sites, and this kind of thing (surveys not crediting, showing weird errors, not crediting the right amounts, etc.) is happening all over more and more lately. It's got to be the survey companies messing with stuff, not FC. (I've ditched a few previously good panels after they started pulling that you-just-spent-40-minutes-on-a-20-minute-survey-and-don't-qualify garbage a few times too often, too. :bs: )

That said, whatever it is I wish they'd fix it. I got the error message the other day on a $4 survey, then found out I got credited $1 for completing it. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad for the buck when I saw that message and thought I'd gotten nothing....but....Huh?   :BangHead:


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Re: Oh, ugh! Just completed a very lengthy FC survey, only to be told this:
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2013, 07:42:11 am »
Ive gotten a few recently where the survey just freezes at 75% complete. Im like  :BangHead:
and yes also the dreaded finish the whole thing and then supposedly not qualified  :-[
I always dread the surveys that wait to ask more specific demographic info at the end for that very reason,
ask me my age/race/sexual preference or whatever at the beginning so you can tell me then that you already
have enough of those type of respondents!


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Re: Oh, ugh! Just completed a very lengthy FC survey, only to be told this:
« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2013, 06:09:39 am »
So the glitch may explain why I could not get the survey to finish.  Was in the middle of it, then everything freezes and then it tells me that it is no longer available. I did however get creidt for begin dq.  :dontknow:


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Re: Oh, ugh! Just completed a very lengthy FC survey, only to be told this:
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2013, 02:27:00 pm »
I know they get very hard at times. :(

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