I believe Gay people have the right to be in love if they so choose. But Marriage is a religous thing and I dont know any religion that teaches or preaches in homosexuality. So maybe there needs to be gay "union" laws or something but marriage...I dont agree
I fixed it back. It is what I believe....and this is my opinion. Its not up to you to fix anything I have to say as there is nothing broken. Being Black is not religous...duh. Its really bad when you have to stoop to making comparisons that really have nothing to do with the other. I do not agree with gay marriage. Not for anyone, not for any reason. Theres alot of people who feel that way too. End of story.
Stop trying to be a bully. You were probably mad that Miss California had an opinion other than your too huh. Too bad.
Its not legal now. Too bad.
Just out of curiosity....
Are you Gay and trying to be married? This seems to be getting to you more than most.
Being gay is not religious either. Nothing is religious unless that individual adheres to [insert religion] and gives credence to [insert religion]. It was quite the valid comparison, as it was merely pointing out that you could toss any group of people into that instead of gays and it would read just the same and would be just as prejudiced.
How many people believe it is irrelevant. Millions of people believed slavery was fine, millions believed burning people at the stake was fine, millions believed the Earth was flat, millions believed it rained because they slayed a bull and sacrificed it to [insert any of the thousands of gods], millions believed Saddam Hussein had something to do with 9/11 for years after the attack, etc. Hopefully we can agree that the masses believing something does not give it any more credence than if only one person believed it.
I personally don't care what any beauty pageant contestant says. The vast majority of them are ignorant on any subject they're asked a question on and they almost always have generic answers that do not fit the questions at all. What they say has little relevance or significance on the world. I'm more interested in the fact that she breached a short (12 page), clear contract that stated what she could and could not do both during and after the pageant and nothing happened because she gave some teary eyed speech about how she's being persecuted and her freedoms are being invaded. I just thought that was slightly ironic.
No, I'm not gay. I don't have any family members or friends that are gay. I frankly have no personal stake in any of this outside of being a citizen of a country that prides itself on freedoms and the pursuit of happiness. I'm a big fan of allowing people to do as they please as long as it does not impose on the freedoms and pursuits of happiness of others. I'm what you would refer to as a person in opposition to blatant prejudice hiding behind contradictory, outdated principles from books written 2,000 years ago. I'm what you would refer to as somebody who forms moral views based on reality and present times.