I sincerely apologize for asking you to help me understand your stance. What a rude person I am.
Give me a break -.-
I even explicitly stated I was not saying you're wrong nor did I say anything specifically to make you "look like an *bleep*." I asked, pretty politely from my point of view, if you would generously explain your logic or rationale behind your stance, because so many people in opposition to same sex marriage share your exact view. And I am thrown the generic response of "I don't want to have a discussion, I just wanted to give my opinion on the subject and leave it at that. I don't want my opinion questioned or scrutinized by people who don't understand the reasoning behind it." Frankly, not surprised, but I hoped you would be different.
I mean, you're on a discussion board. If you want to toss your opinion out, at least have the willpower or courage to step up and explain it if asked to.
I don't believe in gay marriage but I do believe they should be able to have relationships openly and freely. To each his/her own.
i believe something along these lines. i definitely don't believe in treating anyone badly because of their sexuality.. i think they deserve the same respect as anyone else.. they're people, just the same.
but i was raised in a christian home and don't really believe that gay marriage is "right" i suppose?
but that's my opinion and how i feel..
i think gay marriage is a risky and controversial topic.. it's hard to talk about your own beliefs without someone telling you that you're wrong, regardless of what you actually think.. you know?
Thank you for your opinion. I too believe it is wrong for religious reasons, and people who tell you that your religion has nothing to do with gay marriage are not being very open minded. For me it is God's opinion not a 'pastors' opinon that counts. It even says in the bible that two cities (sodom and gomorah) were entirely destroyed by God's hand because they practiced homosexuality. (Christian Bible, 1st James Version).
It also says that if a child is disobedient to his/her parents, the child should be taken to the town elders and stoned by them.
It also says eating seafood is an abomination.
It also says to stone witches.
It also says to stone women who lose their virginity prior to being married.
It also says that if a man is caught raping a woman, he must pay 50 silver pieces to her father then marry the woman because he violated her.
It also okays slavery.
The list goes on and on...
If this is the same book you're trying to derive morals on homosexuality from, why don't you follow or promote the previously mentioned orders?
(I suppose I'll get yelled at for asking questions again or even daring to criticize a religion!)