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Topic: Jesus and the devil  (Read 1217 times)


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Jesus and the devil
« on: February 04, 2013, 06:32:57 pm »
Satan is a total loser. when he got into a fight with Jesus, Jesus beat him with a big ugly stick. Satan thought that he had won once Jesus had died on the cross, however,
Jesus took the keys of death, hell, and the grave from him. what possessed whom was once known as Lucifer to try to take over God's throne? he then went from Lucifer,
meaning "lightbearer" to Satan, meaning "accuser". the Bible says that people are going to question him one day. they are going to ask "is this the one who made the earth


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Re: Jesus and the devil
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2013, 07:52:07 pm »
First of all, remember, my friend, that Jesus is God's son and Lucifer, aka The Devil, has been at war with God since the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, were created.  The Devil, or Satan, as he is called, was the serpent that enticed Eve into biting that apple.  When Eve found out that she would not die for eating from the Forbidden Tree, she took it to Adam, who ate from the fruit as well. God turned the serpent into a snake, telling him he would crawl on his belly. Adam watched the serpent enticing Eve and did not tell her not to eat from the Forbidden Tree.  Satan has always thought he was mightier than God, although God has shown Satan up.  While Jesus beat Satan with a big ugly stick, Satan has tried to hold his own.  God and only God has the power to make our lives great, while the Devil is always working to make our lives unbearable.  Try Jesus: He's all right! :angel12: :angel11:


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Re: Jesus and the devil
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2013, 12:56:19 am »
First of all, remember, my friend, that Jesus is God's son and Lucifer, aka The Devil, has been at war with God since the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, were created.  The Devil, or Satan, as he is called, was the serpent that enticed Eve into biting that apple.  When Eve found out that she would not die for eating from the Forbidden Tree, she took it to Adam, who ate from the fruit as well. God turned the serpent into a snake, telling him he would crawl on his belly. Adam watched the serpent enticing Eve and did not tell her not to eat from the Forbidden Tree.  Satan has always thought he was mightier than God, although God has shown Satan up.  While Jesus beat Satan with a big ugly stick, Satan has tried to hold his own.  God and only God has the power to make our lives great, while the Devil is always working to make our lives unbearable.  Try Jesus: He's all right! :angel12: :angel11:
if you read 1st John 5:7, it states that Jesus is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and these 3 are 1. also if you read in the gospels, Jesus reveals to the Jews how He knew Abraham
when He was not yet 50: "before Abraham was, I Am" and the Jews then took up stones to stone Him. if you read about Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego, you will see that Jesus is the
4th man in the fire that King Nebuchadnezzar sees. Satan is also a roaring lion looking for whom he may devour, and Adam and Eve were the first to be devoured by him

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