debilou, that's great that you are successful with AmeriPlan. I've heard good and bad things about that business, but hey, if it works for you, who cares?
I am not one to want to be on the phone, so I left that one alone.
I do work for Amazon also, as someone else said, and I use FC here, also Clickworker, Virtual Bee, and then I also work a full-time job from home (used to be in an office setting, but a few years ago we all lucked out and they let us work from home). My husband is in school, so I'm the breadwinner. Now if only our teen would get a job and help out, gee.... lol
Yes you can..I'm new here at FC. I didnt know there was a buddy list. How do I find It? and about Ameriplan being a Scam, I really checked into this company and found onlya few negatve thngs about it, but this company has been around for a long time and there have been alot of people through out these 20yrs that have made money. I believe if t had been a scam they wouldnt be here today! I was recently into another company in which in deed was a scam. Was about to cashin on $4000.00 dollars which I earned, then the company went down. Now that was a scam,
I hope the people who robbed us ends up in jail.
Thanks!! Can you please tell me what were the bad things you heard,so far I havent heard any negative things
about Ameriplan!!
Can I add you to my buddy list so it's easier to find you?
Anyway, I've heard that it's a scam, but that's probably from people who didn't look into it deep enough. It seems to be working for you, and that's what matters. I may ask you about it and get more info. I'm always looking for more income. Since hubby isn't working, it's just me bringing in the moulah.
Just click on a username to go to their profile, then on the right side it says something like Add to Buddy List. There isn't anything you can really do with it since we can't message each other, but at least I'd have your name handy.
My hubby has had a horrible time getting affordable insurance, but seeing as how Ameriplan is a savings and not an actual insurance, maybe it may be worth my while to check into it.