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  • I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord 5 1
Topic: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord  (Read 26470 times)


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Re: I have finally put my life in the {imaginary} hands of the [imaginary} Lord
« Reply #195 on: November 04, 2012, 01:07:38 pm »
I'm so glad that you have found Jesus. 

The OP posted that she made the original post mainly to attain her 30 for the posting bonus, not because "jesus" was lost and needing finding.
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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #196 on: November 04, 2012, 01:45:01 pm »
I'm so glad that you have found Jesus. 

The OP posted that she made the original post mainly to attain her 30 for the posting bonus, not because "jesus" was lost and needing finding.
Wow!  Minding someone else's business - you must really be bored now.  Carry on!


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Re: I have finally put my life in the {imaginary} hands of the {imaginary} Lord
« Reply #197 on: November 04, 2012, 01:50:39 pm »
Wow!  Minding someone else's business - you must really be bored now.  Carry on!

She was replying to me, you faith-blinded fundie:

Message ID#635137-
Today I am on a mission to get a bible -

If this is a personal and private religious decision, why must it be broadcast here?  What purpose does announcing that one has become immersed in religious superstition, blind to reason and self-deceived by empty faith to anyone else except to proselytize?

I was just making conversation I guess - gotta get my 30 posts in somehow  :)
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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #198 on: November 04, 2012, 01:55:14 pm »
 :thumbsup: Oh wow - what an awesome story.  My mom is a christian and my grandmother was a christian (died a couple of years ago) but it took me a while to come to the realization that life without God is not much of a life and I am blessed to know he is looking out for me (For I know the plans I have for you - plans to prosper not harm you, to give you a future and a hope) Jer 29:11


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Re: I have finally put my life in the {imaginary} hands of the {imaginary} Lord
« Reply #199 on: November 04, 2012, 01:57:40 pm »
... life without God is not much of a life ...

That's disputable, on the contrary, life without such superstitious religious chains is one in which the mind is freed from those chains of blind faith.
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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #200 on: November 04, 2012, 02:09:47 pm »
In the hands of Love


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Re: I have finally put my life in the {imaginary} hands of the {imaginary} Lord
« Reply #201 on: November 04, 2012, 02:14:50 pm »
Wow!  Minding someone else's business - you must really be bored now.  Carry on!

She was replying to me, you faith-blinded fundie:

Message ID#635137-
Today I am on a mission to get a bible -

If this is a personal and private religious decision, why must it be broadcast here?  What purpose does announcing that one has become immersed in religious superstition, blind to reason and self-deceived by empty faith to anyone else except to proselytize?

I was just making conversation I guess - gotta get my 30 posts in somehow  :)
That's one good reason you should quote people properly.  You only quoted that one part of someone's response, which was in response to the original poster's comments.  So that, indeed, is how it was interpreted, by the way you posted it.  Don't want people to misconstrue your quotes/postings?  Then quote someone entirely or say what you mean to whom you mean.  People see what's posted; they don't read your mind...


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Re: I have finally put my life in the {imaginary} hands of the {imaginary} Lord
« Reply #202 on: November 04, 2012, 02:15:19 pm »
In the hands of Love

How can a hypothetical egregore which has no valid evidence of existing have "hands" except in the faith-based belief, (sans evidence), of religious adherents?
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Re: I have finally put my life in the {imaginary} hands of the {imaginary} Lord
« Reply #203 on: November 04, 2012, 02:17:37 pm »
That's one good reason you should quote people properly. People see what's posted; they don't read your mind...

It was properly quoted in the original reply to the OP.  Had you scrolled down-thread before ranting like a zealot, you would have read the intact quote and reply.  No 'mind reading' was necessary, only awareness.
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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #204 on: November 04, 2012, 02:17:56 pm »


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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #205 on: November 04, 2012, 02:56:55 pm »
That's one good reason you should quote people properly. People see what's posted; they don't read your mind...

It was properly quoted in the original reply to the OP.  Had you scrolled down-thread before ranting like a zealot, you would have read the intact quote and reply.  No 'mind reading' was necessary, only awareness.
Knock it off (oh wait - don't knock it off) - I keep forgetting you won't obey a "fundie."  You are making excuses for your lack of proper quoting - then when someone says something, it's their fault.  You give yourself way too much credibility - everyone knows you quote in such a way as to twist the context of things around for your advantage and their disadvantage.  Deny all you want, though, because you don't like to admit to things like that.  That's quite alright - we see and we know the truth...


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Re: I have finally put my life in the {imaginary} hands of the {imaginary} Lord
« Reply #206 on: November 04, 2012, 03:00:35 pm »
That's one good reason you should quote people properly. People see what's posted; they don't read your mind...

It was properly quoted in the original reply to the OP.  Had you scrolled down-thread before ranting like a zealot, you would have read the intact quote and reply.  No 'mind reading' was necessary, only awareness.

You are making excuses for your lack of proper quoting -  

What excuse do you have for your cognitive dissonance? It was properly quoted in the original reply to the OP.  Had you scrolled down-thread before ranting like a zealot, you would have read the intact quote and reply.  No 'mind reading' was necessary, only awareness.
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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #207 on: November 04, 2012, 04:01:46 pm »
No one truely answered my questions / opinions, just gave possibilities or answered it with answers that raised more questions (as in proved things by giving proof that is not possible to be proven true)

Forget all the bad logic and supernatural occurances for a minute.
Ill ask again, what about all the people in the world that are not christians, a large number of those being simply because they were raised in a different culture in a different part of the world? (and thus have had it drilled into there heads from a young age that the religion they have always been taught is the one that is true.. this applies for christians as well, but im not getting into that fact right now)

Many people will never consider christianity because of this, and so that means they are screwed? They are going to hell for not believing and/or worshiping false idols. At least that is what christians seem to believe. And the fact is there are almost as many muslims as ALL the christian denominations put together, and then you have all the other religions, as well as the non religious. Seems to me like 65-75% of the world is condemned simply by not believing - not because of any bad actions or sins. (im throwing out the number 65-70%, its not exact but I do remember seeing something about chrisianity being around 30 something %)

That does not seem very fair. And dont even get me started on the young who die (not just babys but even kids and teenagers that are not learned enough to make a true decision on the matter)

Seems to me like more people would be going to hell for reasons other then sins or being moraly bad or evil. (they may commits sins still but it is irrelevant if they are going to be condemned regardless of sinning or not)

This is only but one point I am trying to make / asking about.

By the way, I was raised christian, and went to christian school for many years. I truely believed. I grew up and started making my own desicions and looking at things from all angles and using logic and decided FOR MYSELF what to belive in. So do not tell me Im lost, or have not yet found god. I have been there, done that.


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Re: I have finally put my life in the {unproven} hands of the {unproven} Lord
« Reply #208 on: November 04, 2012, 04:14:17 pm »
No one truely answered my questions / opinions, just gave possibilities or answered it with answers that raised more questions (as in proved things by giving proof that is not possible to be proven true)

Forget all the bad logic and supernatural occurances for a minute.
Ill ask again, what about all the people in the world that are not christians, a large number of those being simply because they were raised in a different culture in a different part of the world? (and thus have had it drilled into there heads from a young age that the religion they have always been taught is the one that is true.. this applies for christians as well, but im not getting into that fact right now)

Many people will never consider christianity because of this, and so that means they are screwed? They are going to hell for not believing and/or worshiping false idols. At least that is what christians seem to believe.

I'm extrapolating that you'll get some faith-based replies from xtians which expressly avoid reason and logic however, I don't think your inquiry 'begs that question' so, I'll stick with logical reasoning in my response. 

There is no unamiguous evidence that any religious belief is valid, (that is, constitutes an accurate methodology).  That's because all of them are based upon the concept of "faith", (a belief without evidence).  In turn, this means eschewing reasoning and logic to 'trust' in a superstitious mythology which has no evidentiary basis.  The religious concept of being "saved" has no evidentiary basis either. Such a choice is, by definition, irrational, (not rational), therefore, any such irrational choice is not likely to produce the desired result.

And the fact is there are almost as many muslims as ALL the christian denominations put together, and then you have all the other religions, as well as the non religious. Seems to me like 65-75% of the world is condemned simply by not believing - not because of any bad actions or sins. (im throwing out the number 65-70%, its not exact but I do remember seeing something about chrisianity being around 30 something %)

That does not seem very fair. And dont even get me started on the young who die (not just babys but even kids and teenagers that are not learned enough to make a true decision on the matter)

Seems to me like more people would be going to hell for reasons other then sins or being moraly bad or evil. (they may commits sins still but it is irrelevant if they are going to be condemned regardless of sinning or not)

This is only but one point I am trying to make / asking about.

By the way, I was raised christian, and went to christian school for many years. I truely believed. I grew up and started making my own desicions and looking at things from all angles and using logic and decided FOR MYSELF what to belive in. So do not tell me Im lost, or have not yet found god. I have been there, done that.
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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #209 on: November 04, 2012, 06:03:47 pm »
No one truely answered my questions / opinions, just gave possibilities or answered it with answers that raised more questions (as in proved things by giving proof that is not possible to be proven true)

Forget all the bad logic and supernatural occurances for a minute.
Ill ask again, what about all the people in the world that are not christians, a large number of those being simply because they were raised in a different culture in a different part of the world? (and thus have had it drilled into there heads from a young age that the religion they have always been taught is the one that is true.. this applies for christians as well, but im not getting into that fact right now)

Many people will never consider christianity because of this, and so that means they are screwed? They are going to hell for not believing and/or worshiping false idols. At least that is what christians seem to believe. And the fact is there are almost as many muslims as ALL the christian denominations put together, and then you have all the other religions, as well as the non religious. Seems to me like 65-75% of the world is condemned simply by not believing - not because of any bad actions or sins. (im throwing out the number 65-70%, its not exact but I do remember seeing something about chrisianity being around 30 something %)

That does not seem very fair. And dont even get me started on the young who die (not just babys but even kids and teenagers that are not learned enough to make a true decision on the matter)

Seems to me like more people would be going to hell for reasons other then sins or being moraly bad or evil. (they may commits sins still but it is irrelevant if they are going to be condemned regardless of sinning or not)

This is only but one point I am trying to make / asking about.

By the way, I was raised christian, and went to christian school for many years. I truely believed. I grew up and started making my own desicions and looking at things from all angles and using logic and decided FOR MYSELF what to belive in. So do not tell me Im lost, or have not yet found god. I have been there, done that.

I would like to respond to the part concerning the young.  Since you were raised Christian and went to a Christian school, you would have spoken of this or at least be familiar with it.

No one can fault anyone for a lack of understanding and then be condemned for that.  Until a young child, adolescent, teen, etc., truly and fully understands right from wrong, and consequences of the wrong things, and understands exactly who Jesus is, what He did for us on the cross, and that He arose again the 3rd day, including the meaning of what it means to be saved, then they are in God's protection and assurance of Heaven.  Once they know, and understand the choice they are making or not making, then is the time of accountability.  As you learned in the Bible, babies and children are precious to God, and He will take care of His own.

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