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  • I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord 5 1
Topic: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord  (Read 25736 times)


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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #165 on: November 04, 2012, 08:42:38 am »
congratulations to you, you seem very happy  :heart: :thumbsup:


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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #166 on: November 04, 2012, 08:44:48 am »
Isn't it amazing the peace you can find...remember he never leaves you!!  Don't let others discourage you, I find it amazing how we live in a world with such freedoms but boy oh boy...some people just cannot stand you talking about God and Faith and want to destroy it.  Thanks for sharing

I could only imagine the scientific advancements we could have made if religion never existed. We could have cured cancer and built self driving cars centuries ago. But that's ok, let people die of cancer and let people drive on the ground and get into accidents to make yourself feel better about your life. [sarcasm]After all, curing people of disease using prayer is always 100% more effective then actual medical treatment, right?[/sarcasm]

You do realize that religion, no matter how much it makes you feels good, harms society as a whole? I obviously realize since you are living in that bubble, that you don't see the effects on religion on society. Not only its effects today, but its effects on history. People have died and continue to die because of religion. Suicides, repressing technology, crusades, and other negative impacts on society caused by disillusioned religious adherents. Life isn't all sunshine and happiness. People actually die in reality from real diseases like cancer, and praying does not help these people in any way whatsoever. Sure, prayer may make them feel good. You know what else would make them feel good? Curing their disease.

We understand you have the freedom to believe what you want to believe, but when religion directly gets in the way to technological advancement like it has for thousands of years then you need to realize your beliefs have a direct impact on those around you. Millions upon billions of dollars are spent on religious related products that could be spent on actually feed starving children in Africa instead of praying that it might happen. Religion may donate money to these sort of programs, but it has less to do with the fact its a religion doing it and more to do with the fact that people are generally giving in the face of such atrocities. Its a simple fact that religion takes credit for the good things other people do, and when it does something that is harmful and people try to call them out on it they historically react with violence.

It is only now that we are able to speak out without getting thrown in jail, or our heads cut off and all these religious adherents are self victimizing themselves because they feel threatened by our arguments and assuming that we are trying to take away their beliefs by repressing their freedoms? Give me a break.

We don't have scientific advancement such as a cure for cancer because of organizations that profit off of all the treatments and drugs that are put out there. The greed of the world is something we will always have to deal with in order to perfect out souls. Cancer and devastating things that we have to deal with in the world happen for a reason. Seeking a higher power in these times can help us get through them. I believe that there is many cures for cancer. (natural cures) The FDA would never let those things be known because there is no profit for them if people aren't taking all of there pharmaceuticals. It is sad that some people spend so much time being offended by what people believe in when they could be spending that time helping people that are in their lives and are going through pain or devastating experiences in their life. Or just extending some kind of kindness to help them feel more relaxed in themselves. People that constantly belittle others are going through something in their own lives. We all have things to deal with in our lives and no amount of belittling others are going to make those things go away.
 If you are so worried about what money is being wasted....look to the greedy organizations in the food and drug industry and throughout our government! I doubt very much that they have anything to do with religion. The people in religious organizations that are greedy are just like any other greedy group of people. You find greed everywhere in this world. People find many ways to be evil and greedy! It will never be a perfect world. If it was we would not have anything to learn from. Life is just a school and when we die it is our graduation. Learn what you can and keep your mind open to all the goodness that you can gain by the evil of this world. There is gnosis to be found everywhere!


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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #167 on: November 04, 2012, 10:58:51 am »
My 2nd reply was still to you implying that I have short term memory loss....delude ...

You're still delusional; the actual post sequence is still intact down-thread.  It's a moot point, serving only to emphasize that your self-delusions are pervasive.

And you, as usual, cannot let go of something unless you think you have the final and last word, authority included.  Who do you think you are calling people delusional?   ???  How would you even know unless you were delusional, yourself, and have experienced delusion long enough, that you can accurately predict that someone is delusional?  Be a grownup and act like it, instead of acting like a  :crybaby2:  petulant child, stamping its feet, because it can't have its way.  You are going to eventually harm yourself with that brick wall of yours.   :BangHead:
« Last Edit: November 04, 2012, 11:49:25 am by jcribb16 »


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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #168 on: November 04, 2012, 11:04:58 am »
My 2nd reply was still to you implying that I have short term memory loss....delude ...

You're still delusional; the actual post sequence is still intact down-thread.  It's a moot point, serving only to emphasize that your self-delusions are pervasive.

It's really sad that you are in need of attention so bad! Saying that it isn't true doesn't make it not true. I really feel sorry for you. Belittling people anyway that you can really shows how little you feel inside. I hope that maybe some light will shine on you some day and you may feel some love for yourself.  
You hit the nail on the head!  :thumbsup:  It's the attention he's craving and enjoying, bless his wee little heart;  :binkybaby:  it's attention he is receiving, yet it doesn't seem to be exactly what he wants.   :dontknow:
« Last Edit: November 04, 2012, 11:50:00 am by jcribb16 »


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Re: I have finally put my life in the {imaginary} hands of the {imaginary} Lord
« Reply #169 on: November 04, 2012, 11:09:14 am »
Who do you think you are calling people delusional?   ???

Someone who can accurately discern delusional behaviour/posts. 

How would you even know ...

By observing the evidence, (in this instance, posted assertions), and logically determining whether or not any delusional aspects are contained in those posts.  It is not necessary to be delusional in order to observe delusion, (in fact, such would likely inhibit observation).  Your experiential contention is illogical and dismissed as irrelevant to context. Doubtless the previous 'drowning' metaphor completely eluded you; one doesn't have to experience drowning to know that it would be detrimental to living.
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Re: I have finally put my life in the {imaginary} hands of the {imaginary} Lord
« Reply #170 on: November 04, 2012, 11:17:25 am »
Isn't it amazing the peace you can find...remember he never leaves you!!  Don't let others discourage you, I find it amazing how we live in a world with such freedoms but boy oh boy...some people just cannot stand you talking about God and Faith and want to destroy it.  Thanks for sharing

I could only imagine the scientific advancements we could have made if religion never existed. We could have cured cancer and built self driving cars centuries ago. But that's ok, let people die of cancer and let people drive on the ground and get into accidents to make yourself feel better about your life. [sarcasm]After all, curing people of disease using prayer is always 100% more effective then actual medical treatment, right?[/sarcasm]

You do realize that religion, no matter how much it makes you feels good, harms society as a whole? I obviously realize since you are living in that bubble, that you don't see the effects on religion on society. Not only its effects today, but its effects on history. People have died and continue to die because of religion. Suicides, repressing technology, crusades, and other negative impacts on society caused by disillusioned religious adherents. Life isn't all sunshine and happiness. People actually die in reality from real diseases like cancer, and praying does not help these people in any way whatsoever. Sure, prayer may make them feel good. You know what else would make them feel good? Curing their disease.

We understand you have the freedom to believe what you want to believe, but when religion directly gets in the way to technological advancement like it has for thousands of years then you need to realize your beliefs have a direct impact on those around you. Millions upon billions of dollars are spent on religious related products that could be spent on actually feed starving children in Africa instead of praying that it might happen. Religion may donate money to these sort of programs, but it has less to do with the fact its a religion doing it and more to do with the fact that people are generally giving in the face of such atrocities. Its a simple fact that religion takes credit for the good things other people do, and when it does something that is harmful and people try to call them out on it they historically react with violence.

It is only now that we are able to speak out without getting thrown in jail, or our heads cut off and all these religious adherents are self victimizing themselves because they feel threatened by our arguments and assuming that we are trying to take away their beliefs by repressing their freedoms? Give me a break.

We don't have scientific advancement such as a cure for cancer because of organizations that profit off of all the treatments and drugs that are put out there. The greed of the world is something we will always have to deal with in order to perfect out souls.  

That's part of it however, "flackle" raises valid points which you religious adherents fear facing head on, (and keep posting tangential stuff to try dodging the context).  That is, technological and medical advancement having been suppressed by the followers of superstitious religious belief systems.

There is gnosis to be found everywhere!

“The church says the earth is flat, but I know that it is round, for I have seen the shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in a shadow than in the church.”
-– Ferdinand Magellan

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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #171 on: November 04, 2012, 11:21:11 am »
It's really sad that you are in need of attention so bad! Saying that it isn't true doesn't make it not true.  

Your denial of the archived evidence of the sequence of posts doesn't obviate the verifiable evidence.  Such irrationality is what puts the "blind" in 'faith'.
Such consistent irrational obsession on your part is what makes you look the pitiful and unhappy one you come across as...
« Last Edit: November 04, 2012, 11:55:01 am by jcribb16 »


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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #172 on: November 04, 2012, 11:23:44 am »
Yep I did reply to myself...I was just adding an after thought. If you were willing to be kind you would have overlooked a human mistake. If you would rather be unkind about it than that is your choice.  

You're correct in that it is my choice not to extend such "kindness" to someone who insisted upon their mistake being mine.  When I make a mistake, I'll admit it and the false accusations of a religious zealot are not required in that regard.
What?  No no no!  You refuse to admit when you goof - it's not nice to tell stories, sir...
« Last Edit: November 04, 2012, 11:55:25 am by jcribb16 »


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Re: I have finally put my life in the {imaginary} hands of the {imaginary} Lord
« Reply #173 on: November 04, 2012, 11:25:38 am »
It's really sad that you are in need of attention so bad! Saying that it isn't true doesn't make it not true.   

Your denial of the archived evidence of the sequence of posts doesn't obviate the verifiable evidence.  Such irrationality is what puts the "blind" in 'faith'.

Such consistent ...

For the most part, my responses have been consistently rational and based upon logical reasoning.  Your insistence to the contrary, sans supporting evidence, (your specious 'opinion' does not constitute valid evidence), is irrational and disregarded as non-contextual.
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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #174 on: November 04, 2012, 11:26:12 am »
Contrary to what you blindly think is do not admit when you are wrong and I am sure that a lot of people would agree with me.  

Facts are factual data, by definition. That means not what someone blindly thinks, (such as when some religious adherent 'believes' facts are in error, sans evidence), but, something supported by evidence.  In this instance, there are a few posts on FC matters where I've admitted to being in error.  There are no posts where some metaphysical error was made because I haven't posted any such.  Lastly, your appeal to popular opinion is a logical fallacy and this, irrational. --
Aww... please don't hush; please don't stop posting; please don't stop lying; please continue with your nonsense - great entertainment, falcon9!
« Last Edit: November 04, 2012, 11:57:18 am by jcribb16 »


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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #175 on: November 04, 2012, 11:28:46 am »
"He" does not exist.  Why do you xtians feel the need to wrap an imaginary blanket around yourselves.

Then prove He doesn't exist.  Until then, you are free to live by your choices, just as others are free to live by theirs.  I'm tolerant of your choice to dis-believe in any god - it's just as nice and tolerant to Christians to believe in God - their choice.  Fair is fair, right?  My choice doesn't conflict with you, and your choice doesn't conflict with me.


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Re: I have finally put my life in the {imaginary} hands of the {imaginary} Lord
« Reply #176 on: November 04, 2012, 11:28:59 am »
You refuse to admit when you goof - it's not nice to tell stories, sir...

On the contrary, I have admitted FC-related errors before and posted such.  As regards to non-FC, (off-topic), subjects, no such errors of accuracy or logic have been made.  The specious, (baseless opinions lacking supporting evidence), "opinions" of faith-blinded detractors do not constitute valid evidence due to inherent religious bias and false 'testimony'.
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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #177 on: November 04, 2012, 11:34:37 am »
"He" does not exist.  Why do you xtians feel the need to wrap an imaginary blanket around yourselves.

Then prove He doesn't exist. 

Prove billions of other random speculations don't exist ... your diversion is weak; religious adherents have insisted that their supernatural egregore "exists" sans evidence for millenia.  To this day, some of those adherents insist upon the illogical "prove it isn't" irrationality.  'Bob' has a genie in a bottle; prove he doesn't.  Sheesh.
I'm tolerant of your choice to dis-believe in any god - My choice doesn't conflict with you, and your choice doesn't conflict with me.

Of course such opposing choices conflict; they're mutually-exclusive, (like logic and faith).
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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #178 on: November 04, 2012, 11:46:40 am »
Isn't it amazing the peace you can find...remember he never leaves you!!  Don't let others discourage you, I find it amazing how we live in a world with such freedoms but boy oh boy...some people just cannot stand you talking about God and Faith and want to destroy it.  Thanks for sharing

I could only imagine the scientific advancements we could have made if religion never existed. We could have cured cancer and built self driving cars centuries ago. But that's ok, let people die of cancer and let people drive on the ground and get into accidents to make yourself feel better about your life. [sarcasm]After all, curing people of disease using prayer is always 100% more effective then actual medical treatment, right?[/sarcasm]

You do realize that religion, no matter how much it makes you feels good, harms society as a whole? I obviously realize since you are living in that bubble, that you don't see the effects on religion on society. Not only its effects today, but its effects on history. People have died and continue to die because of religion. Suicides, repressing technology, crusades, and other negative impacts on society caused by disillusioned religious adherents. Life isn't all sunshine and happiness. People actually die in reality from real diseases like cancer, and praying does not help these people in any way whatsoever. Sure, prayer may make them feel good. You know what else would make them feel good? Curing their disease.

We understand you have the freedom to believe what you want to believe, but when religion directly gets in the way to technological advancement like it has for thousands of years then you need to realize your beliefs have a direct impact on those around you. Millions upon billions of dollars are spent on religious related products that could be spent on actually feed starving children in Africa instead of praying that it might happen. Religion may donate money to these sort of programs, but it has less to do with the fact its a religion doing it and more to do with the fact that people are generally giving in the face of such atrocities. Its a simple fact that religion takes credit for the good things other people do, and when it does something that is harmful and people try to call them out on it they historically react with violence.

It is only now that we are able to speak out without getting thrown in jail, or our heads cut off and all these religious adherents are self victimizing themselves because they feel threatened by our arguments and assuming that we are trying to take away their beliefs by repressing their freedoms? Give me a break.
Your sarcasm and lies prove you know not what you are speaking of.  While there are some religions that only pray and not use doctors, you need to be reminded that is not the norm for a Christian.  

We pray, yes, because prayer has worked, does work, and will work.  Not only do we pray, but we Christians donate time, food, clothes, money, and whatever is needed, to help, rebuild, provide others with things to wear, give money for research for diseases and charities; JUST LIKE NON-CHRISTIANS AND DISBELIEVERS AND OTHER RELIGIOUS PEOPLE DO.

And guess what else?  We pray for the doctors - for steady hands, knowledge, guidance, wisdom as they help people, cure people, operate on people.  Those doctors and surgeons are some of the most treasured and valuable members of our society, and they are not to be taken lightly, nor taken advantaged of.  Many of them appreciate support, encouragement, and prayers; just as many appreciate all but do not care for prayers.  

What matters here, is not your warped view of what Christians are, but the fact that Christians don't just pray to pray, and don't just pray and then sit back.  They put work and action, including food, money, clothes, time, etc., with those prayers, knowing that God is involved, and doing their best to try and help save lives, provide shelter, clothes, and food, and provide funds for research work with diseases, including cancer, and so much more.

What do you actively do for others who need food, clothes, shelter, love and care, money, funds for charities and research?  You should concentrate on how you can help our world and stop spreading lies about what Christians do, when you are just speaking and spewing lies and nonsense with something you don't even know the first thing about.


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Re: I have finally put my life in the hands of the Lord
« Reply #179 on: November 04, 2012, 11:54:35 am »
Isn't it amazing the peace you can find...remember he never leaves you!!  Don't let others discourage you, I find it amazing how we live in a world with such freedoms but boy oh boy...some people just cannot stand you talking about God and Faith and want to destroy it.  Thanks for sharing

I could only imagine the scientific advancements we could have made if religion never existed. We could have cured cancer and built self driving cars centuries ago. But that's ok, let people die of cancer and let people drive on the ground and get into accidents to make yourself feel better about your life. [sarcasm]After all, curing people of disease using prayer is always 100% more effective then actual medical treatment, right?[/sarcasm]

You do realize that religion, no matter how much it makes you feels good, harms society as a whole? I obviously realize since you are living in that bubble, that you don't see the effects on religion on society. Not only its effects today, but its effects on history. People have died and continue to die because of religion. Suicides, repressing technology, crusades, and other negative impacts on society caused by disillusioned religious adherents. Life isn't all sunshine and happiness. People actually die in reality from real diseases like cancer, and praying does not help these people in any way whatsoever. Sure, prayer may make them feel good. You know what else would make them feel good? Curing their disease.

We understand you have the freedom to believe what you want to believe, but when religion directly gets in the way to technological advancement like it has for thousands of years then you need to realize your beliefs have a direct impact on those around you. Millions upon billions of dollars are spent on religious related products that could be spent on actually feed starving children in Africa instead of praying that it might happen. Religion may donate money to these sort of programs, but it has less to do with the fact its a religion doing it and more to do with the fact that people are generally giving in the face of such atrocities. Its a simple fact that religion takes credit for the good things other people do, and when it does something that is harmful and people try to call them out on it they historically react with violence.

It is only now that we are able to speak out without getting thrown in jail, or our heads cut off and all these religious adherents are self victimizing themselves because they feel threatened by our arguments and assuming that we are trying to take away their beliefs by repressing their freedoms? Give me a break.

We don't have scientific advancement such as a cure for cancer because of organizations that profit off of all the treatments and drugs that are put out there. The greed of the world is something we will always have to deal with in order to perfect out souls.  

That's part of it however, "flackle" raises valid points which you religious adherents fear facing head on, (and keep posting tangential stuff to try dodging the context).  That is, technological and medical advancement having been suppressed by the followers of superstitious religious belief systems.

There is gnosis to be found everywhere!

“The church says the earth is flat, but I know that it is round, for I have seen the shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in a shadow than in the church.”
-– Ferdinand Magellan

Well you can follow Magellan and place your faith in a shadow if that's what makes you feel happy.

Personally, I don't think anyone in here should be allowed to change the title of the original poster's thread title.  When the title is only changed in just a response, it still shows the changing of the person's original title.  That is wrong and facetious, not to mention out and out rude.

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