Isn't it amazing the peace you can find...remember he never leaves you!! Don't let others discourage you, I find it amazing how we live in a world with such freedoms but boy oh boy...some people just cannot stand you talking about God and Faith and want to destroy it. Thanks for sharing
I could only imagine the scientific advancements we could have made if religion never existed. We could have cured cancer and built self driving cars centuries ago. But that's ok, let people die of cancer and let people drive on the ground and get into accidents to make yourself feel better about your life. [sarcasm]After all, curing people of disease using prayer is always 100% more effective then actual medical treatment, right?[/sarcasm]
You do realize that religion, no matter how much it makes you feels good, harms society as a whole? I obviously realize since you are living in that bubble, that you don't see the effects on religion on society. Not only its effects today, but its effects on history. People have died and continue to die because of religion. Suicides, repressing technology, crusades, and other negative impacts on society caused by disillusioned religious adherents. Life isn't all sunshine and happiness. People actually die in reality from real diseases like cancer, and praying does not help these people in any way whatsoever. Sure, prayer may make them feel good. You know what else would make them feel good? Curing their disease.
We understand you have the freedom to believe what you want to believe, but when religion directly gets in the way to technological advancement like it has for thousands of years then you need to realize your beliefs have a direct impact on those around you. Millions upon billions of dollars are spent on religious related products that could be spent on
actually feed starving children in Africa instead of praying that it might happen. Religion may donate money to these sort of programs, but it has less to do with the fact its a religion doing it and more to do with the fact that people are generally giving in the face of such atrocities. Its a simple fact that religion takes credit for the good things other people do, and when it does something that is harmful and people try to call them out on it they historically react with violence.
It is only now that we are able to speak out without getting thrown in jail, or our heads cut off and all these religious adherents are self victimizing themselves because they feel threatened by our arguments and assuming that we are trying to take away their beliefs by repressing their freedoms?
Give me a break.