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Topic: Obama needs your vote  (Read 3236 times)


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Obama needs your vote
« on: October 28, 2012, 11:02:58 am »
president Obama rocks,cast your vote for the man he deserves a second term
LaTosha Franks


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Re: Obama needs your vote
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2012, 01:18:13 pm »
I beg to disagree. Look, the economy is a mess, if Obama rocks, then he needs to join a band, and leave running the the country to someone who is more capable. Sorry to mash your corn. He will not be getting my vote.  :icon_rr:


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Re: Obama needs your vote
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2012, 08:02:39 pm »
Historically, incumbents tend to get re-elected, so he has a good chance.  I already voted for someone else because I don't think he deserves a second term.


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Re: Obama needs your vote
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2012, 08:30:06 pm »
Just a discussion here; no personal attacks on anyone. But, why would you vote for man who CANNOT run on his record??? Can you list 5 things Obama has done to make your life better??? His first 2 years in office, he had a democratic house and a democratic senate, and did absolutely nothing to turn this country around for the better.
I'll give you 5 reasons why I cannot vote for Obama:
1. He hates the America we love; a capitalistic society that promotes self help and individual achievement. I will quote Rev Al Sharpton "A vote for Obama is a vote for socialism."
2. He believs in killing babies (abortion), even AFTER they are born. Check his record when he was a senator
3. He lies repeatedly to the American people
4. He lifts up the muslim faith and embraces the muslim brotherhood, but hates the christian faith
5. He failed in his duty as president to uphold the constitution and the law of the land; case in point: the defense of marriage act, which defines marriage as being the union of a man and a woman. Instead, he lifts up same-sex marriage, which is an abomination before God.


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Re: Obama needs your vote
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2012, 09:09:42 pm »
Just a discussion here; no personal attacks on anyone. But, why would you vote for man who CANNOT run on his record??? Can you list 5 things Obama has done to make your life better??? His first 2 years in office, he had a democratic house and a democratic senate, and did absolutely nothing to turn this country around for the better.

Two years isn't enough time to turn around the damage caused by the previous sixteen years of republican damage, (dems helped too but, the executive office was republican).

I'll give you 5 reasons why I cannot vote for Obama:

None of those are actual "reasons", (some are 'rationalizations' - which is a misnomer for 'irrational excuse' sans rationality/logical reasoning).

1. He hates the America we love; a capitalistic society that promotes self help and individual achievement. I will quote Rev Al Sharpton "A vote for Obama is a vote for socialism."

Beyond Sharpton holding biased and empty opinion, no substantive evidence can be produced to support that contention, (in 1 above).  It is therefore a speculative opinion resting upon the insubstantive opinions of others.

2. He believs in killing babies (abortion), even AFTER they are born. Check his record when he was a senator

No, that lie has already been refuted in another political thread in these forums.  Of course, why should faith-blindness 'look' any further than a religious-based knee-jerk reaction.

3. He lies repeatedly to the American people

List them or references to such; otherwise it's simply another baseless accusation.

4. He lifts up the muslim faith and embraces the muslim brotherhood, but hates the christian faith

Prove this allegation without an 'interpretive-dance', (that is, provide direct evidence for the contention).

5. He failed in his duty as president to uphold the constitution and the law of the land; case in point: the defense of marriage act, which defines marriage as being the union of a man and a woman. Instead, he lifts up same-sex marriage, which is an abomination before God.

No, the so-called "marriage act", (this version of the amendment which was introduced during the 108th Congress in the Senate as SJ 16 and in the House as HJ 56), was not passed.  This is not equivalent to 'lifting' "up same-sex marriage".  The religious opinion regarding "an abomination" is, itself, an abomination before rationality/reason.
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Re: Obama needs your vote
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2012, 10:54:28 pm »
He has got my vote. Obama is a very smart man and He can get the job done if the Republicans wouldn't keep trying to make him fail. I think he is doing a fine job trying to bring us out of this mess. For Romney I don't trust a man who can not show American people his own tax records for at least 4-10 yrs, when every other candidate has done so. He even had Ryan show ten years. I think this guy is a BULLY and thinks women should be Governed. Romney sucks.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2012, 10:57:40 pm by vp44 »


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Re: Obama needs your vote
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2012, 11:40:34 pm »
Well neither man has earned my vote.  I am a democrat but do not like what Obama has done in this country for last 4 years.  I will not vote repulican no matter what.  So I will not vote this year.  Good luck to both is all I can say.


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Re: Obama needs your vote
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2012, 12:10:38 am »
Beyond Sharpton holding biased and empty opinion, no substantive evidence can be produced to support that contention, (in 1 above).  It is therefore a speculative opinion resting upon the insubstantive opinions of others.

The comment was taken out of context.  That Sharpton quote came in an interview where Obama's health care reforms were called socialism.  Sharpton's response was to say that the American people voted for socialism when they voted for Obama. 

4. He lifts up the muslim faith and embraces the muslim brotherhood, but hates the christian faith

Obama is a Christian. 


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Re: Obama needs your vote
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2012, 09:34:57 am »
Can you list 5 things Obama has done to make your life better???

1.  I have health insurance and will until I'm 26, unless it gets repealed.
2.  Starting next year, unless it gets repealed, I won't have to pay for birth control.
3.  My boyfriend's cousin was finally able to marry her partner of something like 15 years.  (State bill, but protected by the failure to pass the Defense of Marriage Act).
4.  I don't have to worry about the many people I care about that serve in the armed forces going to Iraq and possibly being killed anymore.
5.  Mitt Romney wants social programs and government mandates to be run and funded by the states: I'm from NY, NY can't even afford the programs and mandates the feds say they must pay for now...things like food stamps, daycare assistance, Head Start, Medicaid including cabs and transport tokens, HUD, assurance phones, etc. things myself or my family benefit from.

Yes he did raise the interest on my student loans and make it nearly impossible financially for my sister to afford grad school using DOE loans.  Yes Obamacare has its flaws.  But I'm pro-choice, pro gay marriage, pro equal pay, pro having healthcare, pro contraception for those who want it and pro having a timetable in Afghanistan.  I also based my decision on each man's tax plan, job creation plan and education (2nd debate Romney won there).  It's a crappy deal that I pay roughly 1/3 of my income in taxes.


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Re: Obama needs your vote
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2012, 10:36:32 am »
There is no single person who can fix this mess. This entire argument over who should be president is actually really ridiculous. Instead of talking about who should win we should discuss issues. If we rated presidents only by their stance on issues not on just their ability to look good on camera then politics would be a lot more clear. The person themselves would matter less and their ideas would matter more.

Just the words democrat and republican makes me cringe. Have we really boiled down all possible political philosophy into two clubs?


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Re: Obama needs your vote
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2012, 12:34:11 pm »
Just a discussion here; no personal attacks on anyone. But, why would you vote for man who CANNOT run on his record??? Can you list 5 things Obama has done to make your life better??? His first 2 years in office, he had a democratic house and a democratic senate, and did absolutely nothing to turn this country around for the better.
I'll give you 5 reasons why I cannot vote for Obama:
1. He hates the America we love; a capitalistic society that promotes self help and individual achievement. I will quote Rev Al Sharpton "A vote for Obama is a vote for socialism."
2. He believs in killing babies (abortion), even AFTER they are born. Check his record when he was a senator
3. He lies repeatedly to the American people
4. He lifts up the muslim faith and embraces the muslim brotherhood, but hates the christian faith
5. He failed in his duty as president to uphold the constitution and the law of the land; case in point: the defense of marriage act, which defines marriage as being the union of a man and a woman. Instead, he lifts up same-sex marriage, which is an abomination before God.

Obama CAN run on his own record - but not the lies being published by Republican opposition who have no interest in fixing anything and just want to get back into power to do more damage to America through corporate Greed, disguised as capitalism or free enterprise.

Published in the Winston-Salem Journal, Winston-Salem N.C., October 31, 2012 (They endorsed John McCain in 2008)

Americans have a clear choice between two presidential candidates with starkly different ideas for spurring the economy, providing for the health of our people, defending our interests abroad, educating our children and protecting our environment. We believe that President Barack Obama’s progress on these issues merits him a second term in the White House.

Four years ago on this page, we endorsed Republican U.S. Sen. John McCain of Arizona over Obama. We wrote that we were impressed with Obama, but McCain would “bring the Iraq war to a successful conclusion, work to end American dependence on foreign oil, reduce America's output of climate-changing gases and begin the rebuilding of our economy.”

The Democratic president has done all those things and more. He is calm under pressure and courageous in standing up for the rights of all Americans, including the poor, veterans, the elderly, women, gays and immigrants. In contrast, we’ve sometimes found it hard in the last few weeks to tell just what Obama’s challenger, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, really stands for.

Obama is not always as gregarious as many Americans might like him to be, but he is committed to his country and candid with it — to the point of releasing far more of his tax returns than Romney. While Obama commits the occasional gaffe, we can’t imagine him ever dismissing 47 percent of his fellow Americans — as Romney did, and later apologized for doing.

After weeks of challenges, Romney’s campaign was on an upswing last week after a decisive victory in the first debate. But Obama has had a generally strong four years. He and Vice President Joe Biden form a seasoned, consistent ticket, one much more promising and reliable than that of Romney and his running mate, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.

Under Obama’s policies, including the successful bailout of General Motors, the country averted what could have been a far worse economic disaster, maybe even a depression. The economy is slowly recovering — the national unemployment rate has finally fallen below 8 percent — and the president’s policies of continued government investment in infrastructure and education offer the best hope that the recovery will accelerate. Obama promises to cut spending and raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans, but keep taxes where they are for the vast majority.

Romney’s policies — warmed-over trickle-down economics — will make matters worse. We say that with a caveat, however, because Romney’s plans are ever-changing and it is hard to know just where his policies would end and those of the much more conservative Ryan would begin.

On national security, Obama has gotten American combat troops out of Iraq while winding down the American presence in Afghanistan. He has used American military might to fight international terrorism to a degree that no one anticipated in 2008. He showed strong leadership in ordering the successful raid that killed Osama bin Laden. The Obama foreign policy — as seen in Libya — requires our allies to handle a great share of our common defense burden, especially when the interests at stake are dearer to those allies.

We like the president’s stand on Iran, slowly but steadily undermining the Iranian economy rather than launching a premature military strike and setting off another Middle East war.

In contrast, Romney and his supporters have rattled the saber at Iran. Despite Romney’s efforts in the last few days to tone it down as he tacks to the middle, his foreign policy seems to come straight from George W. Bush. Some of Romney’s foreign-policy advisers are the former Bush neo-conservatives who got us into the unnecessary Iraq war.

We like Obama’s health-care plan, finding it far better than that offered by Romney, even if it is largely based on Romney’s own Massachusetts program. We see no sign that Romney, should he succeed in repealing “Obamacare,” would succeed in balancing the many competing health-care interests that Obama worked into a compromise.

We fear that Romney would turn Medicare into a voucher program that would not match the full cost of private insurance for the seniors. His hybrid plan would drive the sickest Americans into a government plan and let the insurance companies cherry-pick the healthiest clients.

On education, Romney, just as Republican leaders here, seems to believe that if we continue to cut public education, we will somehow educate our young well enough.

And on the environment, we’re concerned that Romney would gut protections Obama has restored.

Obama has a keen vision that he has worked hard to achieve, against considerable obstacles and often courageously. But the goal is in sight: An America respected worldwide as much for its prosperity as its defense of liberty and justice.

The Journal editorial board endorses Barack Obama for president.


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Re: Obama needs your vote
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2012, 01:47:11 pm »
Can you list 5 things Obama has done to make your life better???

1.  I have health insurance and will until I'm 26, unless it gets repealed.
2.  Starting next year, unless it gets repealed, I won't have to pay for birth control.
3.  My boyfriend's cousin was finally able to marry her partner of something like 15 years.  (State bill, but protected by the failure to pass the Defense of Marriage Act).
4.  I don't have to worry about the many people I care about that serve in the armed forces going to Iraq and possibly being killed anymore.
5.  Mitt Romney wants social programs and government mandates to be run and funded by the states: I'm from NY, NY can't even afford the programs and mandates the feds say they must pay for now...things like food stamps, daycare assistance, Head Start, Medicaid including cabs and transport tokens, HUD, assurance phones, etc. things myself or my family benefit from.

Since you are from New York, under state law your are already allowed to stay on your parents health insurance until age 30.


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Re: Obama needs your vote
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2012, 01:53:25 pm »
 :thumbsup: i agree...!!


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Re: Obama needs your vote
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2012, 01:57:05 pm »
Rock and Vote Everyone!  Let your voice be heard!   :thumbsup:


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Re: Obama needs your vote
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2012, 04:41:17 pm »
Obama is one of the most bipartisan presidents we have ever had.  All he needs is a congress not controlled by those hellbent on seeing that he does not succeed.

President Barack Obama(D) and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie(R) at Atlantic City International Airport before surveying Hurricane Sandy damage on Oct. 31, 2012.

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