I will also say that those who picket abortion clinics or place "VOTE PRO-LIFE" signs in their yards-- if they haven't adopted a child into their own loving family, they're dispicably hypocritical.
I gotta admit that is the dumbest thing I've read on here in a loooooong time.
I am a Christian and do not condone abortion but I have a real problem with Christians who are so pro life, so anti abortion, so anti birth control but don't acknowledge the fact that if those things are stopped, there is a big problem left that needs to be dealt with. What do we do with all the unwanted babies? Is the Christian way just to stick them all in institutions, out of sight so we can all comfortably sit in our pews on Sundays and pretend they don't exist? Yes, I feel pro life Christians should be the first people to step up and adopt, on a large scale. What good is it to save these lives if you are not interested in doing anything to make sure those babies you save are not subjected to horrible lives of abuse and neglect. (and there are some real horror stories out there) What do you think happens to children without parents who want them? I think pro life should mean more than just stopping the killing of babies but also pro lifers should be just as passionate and concerned about making sure there are loving homes for the babies saved.
Many are helping if you do the research. Many adopt, foster, or are guardians, of many. Many donate needed items and supplies to the needs of many kids. Being pro-life does not necessarily mean they are only Christians or only Republicans - which means that everyone who is pro-life, should be helping in whatever way they can with these children.
Question: What if your parents had decided they didn't want you when your mom got pregnant, and they aborted you? How would that make you feel?
Question: Where is the responsibility of these people who lay down together, without protection and/or birth control, knowing they could get her pregnant?
Question: Is it right for a child to be killed off because they are "in the way" or "not wanted", or not the right gender? There are people who are on waiting lists to adopt and/or foster babies through teens. Who gets to speak for the unborn child - who is a child, but dependent upon the mother's vitals to survive in the womb until he/she can survive in the outside world?
Question: Speaking of adoption, how many "gay" marriages do you think will have children, unless they adopt, or have a surrogate, or a seed implanted? Keep aborting babies - there will be a lack of babies, not just from abortions, but from "gay" and "lesbian" couples not able to conceive on their own, without help from others having babies to adopt, etc.
Question: How many future leaders, scientists, teachers/professors, pastors, singers, media and journalists, authors, and so much more, will be aborted before people finally understand the consequences of this?
Thank you...