No one wants abortion to be practiced on the large scale that it is in the U.S. I'm sure President Obama wishes we could find an alternative to abortion that would not result in the murdering of innocent little babies.
I agree with you, though one could argue a fetus is not a fully-functional human yet and therefore one would not be killing a baby.
Any one who is a loving parent cannot possibly agree with abortion being O.K.
Rape victim? Incest? Share your POV please as I'm curious to know what you think.
The fact of the matter is that before Roe vs Wade was passed the horror in America was that hundreds of young girls and women from all levels of society, were being found dead in back allies
Agreed. People need to realize that if a woman really wants to get an abortion, she
WILL get an abortion.
As a nation we need to work on finding a better way to prevent unwanted pregnancies in this country by doing a better job of educating young people about sex or by making contraception more easily available to all those who need it (Romney is against that - Obama is for it).
My thoughts run fairly parallel to your own. Education is dire. In a lot of other first-world countries, the gov't usually stays out of these issues as they understand that these instances are
personal matters. This is why I find republicans so hypocritical nowadays-- they've always stood for less gov't in people's lives in the past, and yet they want to govern what a woman can and can't do with their bodies.
I will also say that those who picket abortion clinics or place "VOTE PRO-LIFE" signs in their yards-- if they haven't adopted a child into their own loving family, they're dispicably hypocritical.