I have a Master's degree in Family Counseling and there is very little that can't be managed with structure, patience, attention to the situation, understanding and consistency. It is important to listen to why children are doing what they are doing. What is he trying to say that he feels isn't being heard? Often, spending individual time with the child helps. Having calm, structured time helps. When they know what to expect instead of things being uncertain and "flying by the seat of your pants," it is so obvious the difference! Try it.. without excuses... without its not that easys... without I don't have time for that. If it is a problem enough to tell people about online, then it is important enough to take the time to try to help. He needs to learn tools now to get him through life successfully! Spend time with him. When you see a problem, figure out a way with him that it can work for his unique situation. For example- kids are required to sit for a very long time in school, which is difficult! Talk to him about realizing this isn't easy, but maybe as soon as he gets outside for recess, run as fast as he can 3 times around the yard. Tell him that all his energy that is getting stored while sitting will make his run that much better and that much faster. Find a way for him to be successful in his responsibilities and addressing the uniqueness that is him! Kids are beautiful and wonderful in their differences. It is our job as adults to help them balance doing what is required while being free to be themselves! I hope this helps.