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  • im just saying.... 5 1
Topic: im just saying....  (Read 2002 times)


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Re: im just saying....
« Reply #15 on: October 11, 2012, 08:03:58 pm »
Wow, looks like that person just made another screen name. I say if someone says you posted in the wrong forum I would apologise and post in the right one. However, when they are rude about it I just turn the in. Also, I found the ignore button. It lets you hide post from people who's comments you don't want to read. Falconer saying, "who Christian of you," sounds like Falcon 9. I think she just made a new screen name because people started ignoring her. I looed at her demographics on her page and turns out all the comments she makes are disrespectful. She has no life. She lives for trying to make fun of Christians. Probably because people where mean to her so shes mean to others. That song by Rachel Crow called, "Mean Girls," reminds me of people like that. I am Christian and try my hardest to be nice to everyone. I am freinds with bikers and even though I don't agree with it a lot of my freinds are homosecuals/. Jesus ate with publicans and sinners. The way I see it the Bible does talk about not being unequaly yoked, but it also says something to the point of living peaceably with all men. That doesn;t mean don't defend the Word of God. If someone choses not to be saved thats their own personal choice and I don't try to force them. I do have a problem with someone saying that just being Christian is interferring with their choices so they try to take away my freedoms. To that I say, "NO." I am 25 years old and I don't sit here and act immature like Falcon is. I seriously think the ignore button was made especially for her.


Seems more to me like your promoting drama. "How Christian of you," sounds dramatic to me. You are saying everyone who is Chrisitan is bothersome? Sounds more like you. Falcon your the one whos demographics are saying the only things you post here are antiChristian. You really need a job or a real hobby. Seems like there would be something more important for you to do. I am not backing down from you just loving the ignore button again. The next time you make another profile I will again hit the ignore button. I tried to get along with you, but all you are is a bully. You could at least respect other's stances. No one goes to you and starts this in on you unless its because you attacked them first. Please, find something worthy to do with your time. Life is so important. Why spend it trying to make others miserable?



Oh! Looks like the problem took care of itself!

by reading the responses to the original post....this is in the correct area of the forum after all....debate and discuss...bahahaha

AGREED! I retract my first post! Hahah!


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Re: im just saying....
« Reply #16 on: October 11, 2012, 08:08:14 pm »
Come on,Falkie.Don't be naive.As if you don't know Falcon's abuse runs wild in the off topic area.Do you want things only nice and tidy in the D&D?How considerate of you.

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Re: im just saying....
« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2012, 08:10:09 pm »
I get a kick out of how the atheists will get up in arms over people posting in the "wrong" area,but then fight tooth and nail over Falcon's right to pester and annoy people in the non-debate threads (Bible verse,Prayer Requests,Etc)

Where are atheists getting unruly over posting in the wrong area? I just stated this is debate and discuss and a thread like this belongs in another part of the forum. It would seem you're trying to promote needless drama. How absolutely christian of you.

Seems more to me like your promoting drama. "How Christian of you," sounds dramatic to me. You are saying everyone who is Chrisitan is bothersome? Sounds more like you. Falcon your the one whos demographics are saying the only things you post here are antiChristian. You really need a job or a real hobby. Seems like there would be something more important for you to do. I am not backing down from you just loving the ignore button again. The next time you make another profile I will again hit the ignore button. I tried to get along with you, but all you are is a bully. You could at least respect other's stances. No one goes to you and starts this in on you unless its because you attacked them first. Please, find something worthy to do with your time. Life is so important. Why spend it trying to make others miserable?

You'll find Falconer about as rude as Falcon.But as far as I know,they are two seperate people.

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Re: im just saying....
« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2012, 08:14:53 pm »
Come on,Falkie.Don't be naive.As if you don't know Falcon's abuse runs wild in the off topic area.Do you want things only nice and tidy in the D&D?How considerate of you.

I do! There have been times where the whole first and second pages of this part of the forum have been filled with pointless threads like "What's your fav number?/??/". I mean it's obvious people will make errors, but there's no problem in pointing them in the right direction to the proper forum. Ultimately it's not a huge problem though.

You'll find Falconer about as rude as Falcon.

I'm sorry to offend an outstanding individual such as yourself. One who values slavery and stoning people to death.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2012, 09:06:20 pm by Falconer02 »


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Re: im just saying....
« Reply #19 on: October 11, 2012, 11:40:02 pm »


All of this because of a member just making a post.. because she wanted or needed to.

Did this yet again need to happen??  :dontknow:


This most definitely was a discuss topic.. as I was going to try and discuss along with.... Now see I had to open up another window because all that bs between the complaining about where it was posted (as I have had Falcon do that to me also.. First Comment right after I posted too!!) I have to go and look up the original posts screen name because I would like to mention that I agree...   

Heavenlyscent.. Thank you for the posting!

I appreciate what you typed... no matter what board it was posted on.

As you stated... the little things in life that you can't change..

Sadly enough I believe the comment posted in direct responce... is not something that can be changed.

With that said...

I hope you had a wonderful day!!  :cat:

Me.. I slept 12 hours today.  I seriously have a horrible time sleeping.  Dealing with cronic pain (arthritis, hip problems, AS, degeneriative Disk Disease +)  Sleep doesn't come easy to me. 
**Today was a blessing.

And again.. I will read posts.. where ever they are located... and I will respond with respect.

Happy Earnings!!  :thumbsup:

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