Perfection in your mind means automation
I understand what you're saying but, again, you are using faulty reasoning. It would be
knowing of potential flaws and
avoiding them which would be a sign of 'perfect behavior'. Having the ability to make concious decisions in the right direction and knowing the wrong directions would
not be the sign of a robot. Since A+E willingly made an error, they were both not perfect and not robots (arguably-- read below). It's not that hard to explain and you're now showing that you're avoiding the major flaw in your argument.
Jehovah created us so we can love and obey because we wanted to.
Blindly obeying something you cannot speak to, question, or see is robotic/drone behavior. Not to get off the subject, but you are displaying this behavior now seeing how you are not acknowledging potential flaws and just grinding downward for no reason.
Your way would mean they would love all the time automatically..............THEN IT WOULDNT BE LOVE.
That is also incorrect. If there was a known opposite of good behavior to these individuals, it could be avoided through intelligence. You would agree that intelligence and perfection go hand in hand, don't you? Therefore since they made such a laughable, ludicrous, and disasterous error of being fooled by a talking snake, they were not perfect to begin with.
You look to find fault in God because of A&E sin.They decided to rebel......they werent programmed to rebel or love automatically otherwsie they wouldnt have been human and made in Gods image.
A god who is all-powerful and all-knowing means everything was 'preprogrammed' from the start, so unless he's
not all-knowing, you've unwillingly introduced another contradiction here.
You only want to see this your way and not understand.You have that right but by design A&E could sin if they decided to just like Jesus could have done an act of worship to satan...BUT he decided NOT to.
You are the one who is avoiding the problems and just saying things are "just because". You won't even acknowledge the
definition of perfection. I'm explaining things through proper terminology, philosophy, and with an open mind and you're just spouting off an illogical argument of "Perfection can have/make dumb errors and still be labelled perfect".