It's called COMMON COURTESY, sir.
No, it's a continued attempt at suppressing opposing viewpoints under the guise of "courtesy". There are no mandated requirements to "respect" a publically-posted irrational opinion, (religious or otherwise). The holders of blind religious faiths are able to do so within the privacy of their own deluded minds without interference. However, as soon as thoswe self-delusions leave the confines of the minds of religious adherents and offensively attempt to infect other minds with the same irrationalities, opposition can and does occur. Just as such religious adherents have the option to phrase their proselytizations of blind faith in any way which doesn't violate FC TOS, so too do those who oppose such self-delusions have the same option. That means that neither religious adherents nor any non-religious opposition gets to dictate content to the other, (despite your continued ineefective efforts to suppress opposing viewpoints in that manner).
No one is infecting other minds - knock it off. If it was, the thread would be locked. You don't like them - fine. But stop spreading untruths about what many of the Bible verse threads are for.
I'm neither the first, nor the last to accurately characterize religions as mind virii. Such irrational beliefs are spread by proselytizing, (whether in verbal or written form), and they can infect the minds of the fearful/gullible/somewhat slow of wit if unopposed. As stated previously, there are no current FC prohibitions against either religious proselytizing nor, opposing it.
You, essentially, are trying to make the effort of suppressing believers from sharing ...
What, precisely, is being "shared" by reposting requoted material already available to those it's supposedly being "shared" with - repetition? Additionally, I've reiterated enough times that posts opposing such religious blind faith and proselytizing it are not an "effort of suppressing believers from sharing ..." since the religious adherents continue proselytizing unabated.
I will also add that the Bible verse threads ARE NOT TRYING TO BE EXCLUSIVE BELIEVER'S CLUBS.
If that were accurate, why are there numerous archived posts complaining about "atheists", opposing viewpoints, being logically challenged and trying to pose dissent as "rude/disrespectful/impolite" etc. in evidence to the contrary of your empty assertion? <--rhetorical question
Your lack of common courtesy is well noted. As are your unreasonable views and disrespect toward others who choose to believe in God. You are deeply rooted in your intolerance to believers and this is also well noted. However, I will say this - your attitude and comments only strengthen my commitment and loyalty to Jesus Christ. You continue on your tirade - it's obvious you are on an unstoppable commitment to bash believers. I will continue with my choice of serving my Lord.
It's a good thing the moderator isn't you - you apparently are one, if given the opportunity, who would do everything you could (like the Atheist Group currently, in America) to block Christians from even being able to post Bible verse threads, and in the public, would oppose a person trying to live a Christian life; and to help rid America of Christianity.
What a shame there are such hard-hearted individuals who cannot tolerate the idea that others have the right to believe in whom or what they choose; or to not believe in anyone or thing; and to top it off, must continually mock and agitate those believers who even try to speak to each other and others who enjoy the posts, and respond, and instead, try to disrupt a thread just because of intolerance.
You choose to be Atheist, or else dis-believe in anything - that is your right and choice, and you shouldn't have to answer to anyone, nor should you have to explain yourself. It's the same way with those who choose to believe in God - it's their right and choice, and they should not have to answer or explain themselves. Especially in a Bible verse thread, an inspirational thread, or uplifting quotes thread.
On the other hand, people who don't like those threads do NOT have to enter them, can express their views maturely as the adults they are supposed to be, but the constant bashing is unnecessary. The constant bashing is disrespectful, agitating, really pushing the boundary line on the "golden rule," and is being done deliberately just to provoke - in essence - trolling. Then when others say something to that, then suddenly they're trying to "suppress" "dissenting views." Ha! What a lame excuse and cover up of words being used to get away with constant bashing. Where is the adult in that...