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Topic: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash  (Read 41131 times)


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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #120 on: October 16, 2012, 08:40:41 am »
Now you want to have an argument about the meaning of "facts?" Well, I have better things to do!

Of course you do; although this reveals merely that you wanted to promote a religious "explanation", (sans evidentiary "facts"), rather than use logical reasoning.

You need to have reason and use it, to understand facts. I was trying to give an example of how to use reason, but I guess it went over your head.

I've read your specious non-reasoning here and demonstrated an ability to actually use logical reasoning.  I understand what facts are and you've demonstrated virtually no ability to use actual logical reasoning nor, provide evidentiary facts.  Perhaps the concept of what constitiutes valid evidence eludes you.

Anyway, I'm tired of arguing baselessly, since we could go around and around endlessly about what is a fact, and what is unbiased, and a lot more, just to waste time. I don't need scientific theories to back up what I can observe with my own eyes.

What effects are observed and what causes are attributed to those effects either have an evidentiary, (scientific), basis or a basis in blind religious faith, (you've opted for the latter, faith based on belief - belief has no evidentiary basis).

There are plenty of scientific facts to back up creationism ...

There are no known scientific facts to back up "creationism", (which would be attributible evidence of a "creator" to do the "creating" and there is no such valid evidence).

... but I'm not much interested in science, and I certainly don't want to do all the research for a useless argument that won't get either of us anywhere.

The last part of your declaration epitomizes the concept of 'blind faith'; belief without evidence.
You're the one that has "blind faith" in scientists that tell you things that don't even make any sense to any sane person with reason.
Following your way of thinking, that computer you're sitting at was not built by anybody. At one point, there was just a random collection of various atoms, and all of a sudden there was a big bang, and lo and behold, a computer appeared! I'm not even going to try to explain where the original atoms came from, I guess something can come from nothing. Anyway, it doesn't really matter, as long as I admit that "I don't know."
Of course to reasonable people, if they see something, they know that it had to come from something else. Someone or something greater than that object had to have built it. You can follow a chain back as far as you can, but somewhere along the line there has to be a beginning. Now how can there ever be a beginning if at one point there was nothing? Can something really come from nothing?
It's really funny that athiests call believers blind, when really they are the blind ones, since they refuse to acknowledge simple facts which even a kid can see are reasonable. Instead they blindly follow people with big letters after their names, like that is supposed to make them superhuman or something! Of course, the way to cover that up is to resort to all sorts of name calling and bogus claims of not having evidence or facts, when we all know that the only facts that would be admissible to them are ones that would support their claims, if anyone could find any.


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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #121 on: October 16, 2012, 08:42:10 am »
I guess this thread has kind of strayed from the original topic a bit! I'm sorry to the OP, and I'll just let it drop for now.


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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #122 on: October 16, 2012, 10:49:40 am »
Complete and utter ignorance.  I just... ugh

Now you want to have an argument about the meaning of "facts?" Well, I have better things to do!

Of course you do; although this reveals merely that you wanted to promote a religious "explanation", (sans evidentiary "facts"), rather than use logical reasoning.

You need to have reason and use it, to understand facts. I was trying to give an example of how to use reason, but I guess it went over your head.

I've read your specious non-reasoning here and demonstrated an ability to actually use logical reasoning.  I understand what facts are and you've demonstrated virtually no ability to use actual logical reasoning nor, provide evidentiary facts.  Perhaps the concept of what constitiutes valid evidence eludes you.

Anyway, I'm tired of arguing baselessly, since we could go around and around endlessly about what is a fact, and what is unbiased, and a lot more, just to waste time. I don't need scientific theories to back up what I can observe with my own eyes.

What effects are observed and what causes are attributed to those effects either have an evidentiary, (scientific), basis or a basis in blind religious faith, (you've opted for the latter, faith based on belief - belief has no evidentiary basis).

There are plenty of scientific facts to back up creationism ...

There are no known scientific facts to back up "creationism", (which would be attributible evidence of a "creator" to do the "creating" and there is no such valid evidence).

... but I'm not much interested in science, and I certainly don't want to do all the research for a useless argument that won't get either of us anywhere.

The last part of your declaration epitomizes the concept of 'blind faith'; belief without evidence.
You're the one that has "blind faith" in scientists that tell you things that don't even make any sense to any sane person with reason.
Following your way of thinking, that computer you're sitting at was not built by anybody. At one point, there was just a random collection of various atoms, and all of a sudden there was a big bang, and lo and behold, a computer appeared! I'm not even going to try to explain where the original atoms came from, I guess something can come from nothing. Anyway, it doesn't really matter, as long as I admit that "I don't know."
Of course to reasonable people, if they see something, they know that it had to come from something else. Someone or something greater than that object had to have built it. You can follow a chain back as far as you can, but somewhere along the line there has to be a beginning. Now how can there ever be a beginning if at one point there was nothing? Can something really come from nothing?
It's really funny that athiests call believers blind, when really they are the blind ones, since they refuse to acknowledge simple facts which even a kid can see are reasonable. Instead they blindly follow people with big letters after their names, like that is supposed to make them superhuman or something! Of course, the way to cover that up is to resort to all sorts of name calling and bogus claims of not having evidence or facts, when we all know that the only facts that would be admissible to them are ones that would support their claims, if anyone could find any.


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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #123 on: October 16, 2012, 11:02:13 am »
You're the one that has "blind faith" ...

In what, logic and rational thinking processes?  Just because you're irrational, doesn't mean others must follow suit.
... and bogus claims of not having evidence or facts, when we all know that the only facts that would be admissible to them are ones that would support their claims, if anyone could find any.

That sounds exactly like a blind faither's dilemma; having no evidence to support their bogus religious claims, they resort to blind faith - a belief for which there is no substantive evidence.  None of you fundies can get around this obstacle; your blind faith is irrational.
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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #124 on: October 16, 2012, 07:22:58 pm »
I guess this thread has kind of strayed from the original topic a bit! I'm sorry to the OP, and I'll just let it drop for now.
It may seem to have strayed, but it was still set up in the context of Christians being consistently and constantly bothered in the forum.  Not by many, but enough that the original poster felt the need to speak of it, and others also have the need to discuss it.  There's nothing wrong with that part of it and you shouldn't feel you have to drop it.  You made some very good points in your post prior to this one, and I look forward to reading more of what you have to say.  :)


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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #125 on: October 16, 2012, 07:46:56 pm »
It may seem to have strayed, but it was still set up in the context of Christians being consistently and constantly bothered in the forum. 

That wasn't the only inherent context of this thread since it also implies "persecution" by xtians, (such as the xtian-instigated crusades, the xtian-instigated witch hunts or the xtian-instigated inquisitions - all of which are examples of persecution atrocities comitted by xtians).  This thread contained discussions regarding opposing the same underlying blind religious beliefs which resulted in those "persecutions" by xtians.
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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #126 on: October 16, 2012, 08:51:41 pm »
It may seem to have strayed, but it was still set up in the context of Christians being consistently and constantly bothered in the forum.

That wasn't the only inherent context of this thread since it also implies "persecution" by xtians, (such as the xtian-instigated crusades, the xtian-instigated witch hunts or the xtian-instigated inquisitions - all of which are examples of persecution atrocities comitted by xtians).  This thread contained discussions regarding opposing the same underlying blind religious beliefs which resulted in those "persecutions" by xtians.
Feel better now?


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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #127 on: October 16, 2012, 09:31:12 pm »
It may seem to have strayed, but it was still set up in the context of Christians being consistently and constantly bothered in the forum.

That wasn't the only inherent context of this thread since it also implies "persecution" by xtians, (such as the xtian-instigated crusades, the xtian-instigated witch hunts or the xtian-instigated inquisitions - all of which are examples of persecution atrocities comitted by xtians).  This thread contained discussions regarding opposing the same underlying blind religious beliefs which resulted in those "persecutions" by xtians.

Feel better now?

It's not a matter of 'feeling better'; it's a matter of opposing such xtian "persecutions" rather than letting them go unopposed.  If such assists in preventing an oppressive religious theocracy, it's well worth the time to do so.
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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #128 on: October 17, 2012, 12:15:41 am »
tuscarorarain~ As a Christian, you don't seem to have the ability to handle tolerance for other people that are different from you. You have no right to tell me or others what to think or say here on this site. Freedom of speech gives me the right to agree or disagree to what is posted. & I make the the decision whether to respond or not to respond.

What are you Christians actually taught cause, all I've seen(on this site)is Christians that are haters to other people's ideas,thoughts,religions. No, tolerance for anything but what they believe...If you're not Christian than you're evil or a sinner! Whatever happened to love they neighbor or turn the cheek? I guess Jesus just wasted his time dying to save your souls cause it's obvious that you Christians are nothing like what Jesus represented. He represented, tolerance, love, forgiveness, understanding others different from you,kindness, humility....unconditional Love!

A true Christian would have the serenity to try to understand the words of others even if they're words seem harsh & rude. I don't see the teachings of Christ displayed or expressed by those who claim they're Christians on FC site. You can call yourself Christian but if you can't follow what true Christians represent; then you're NOT a Christian!

As for those dumping on Queenie & Falcon....Watch out, they probably know the bible better than you do inside & out! & yes, they can use your own bible against you. ;D

So, sweetie, If you can't take the heat then stay out of the fire! :thumbsup: :peace: :heart: :wave:


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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #129 on: October 18, 2012, 06:01:24 pm »
It may seem to have strayed, but it was still set up in the context of Christians being consistently and constantly bothered in the forum.

That wasn't the only inherent context of this thread since it also implies "persecution" by xtians, (such as the xtian-instigated crusades, the xtian-instigated witch hunts or the xtian-instigated inquisitions - all of which are examples of persecution atrocities comitted by xtians).  This thread contained discussions regarding opposing the same underlying blind religious beliefs which resulted in those "persecutions" by xtians.

Feel better now?

It's not a matter of 'feeling better'; it's a matter of opposing such xtian "persecutions" rather than letting them go unopposed.  If such assists in preventing an oppressive religious theocracy, it's well worth the time to do so.
Oppose all you want.  If that's how you want to spend your quality time, then go for it.  It makes you look obsessed at doing so, but you just do what you think you must do.  Bravo for standing strong for your goal...


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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #130 on: October 18, 2012, 06:19:19 pm »
Oppose all you want.  If that's how you want to spend your quality time, then go for it.  It makes you look obsessed at doing so, but you just do what you think you must do.  Bravo for standing strong for your goal...

Uh-huh, and you fundies obsessively reposting requoted "verses" in multiple threads, several times a day, every day is somehow 'not' obsessive-compulsive behavior?  In case the utterly obvious escapes you, (like it so often has in previous posts); there wouldn't be the amount of opposing posts if you fundies weren't spewing out several times the number of opposing posts in the first place.  Sheesh, you xtian whiners act like someone complaining about a person they hit with their car damaging their car's paint.
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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #131 on: October 18, 2012, 06:24:49 pm »
tuscarorarain~ As a Christian, you don't seem to have the ability to handle tolerance for other people that are different from you. You have no right to tell me or others what to think or say here on this site. Freedom of speech gives me the right to agree or disagree to what is posted. & I make the the decision whether to respond or not to respond.

What are you Christians actually taught cause, all I've seen(on this site)is Christians that are haters to other people's ideas,thoughts,religions. No, tolerance for anything but what they believe...If you're not Christian than you're evil or a sinner! Whatever happened to love they neighbor or turn the cheek? I guess Jesus just wasted his time dying to save your souls cause it's obvious that you Christians are nothing like what Jesus represented. He represented, tolerance, love, forgiveness, understanding others different from you,kindness, humility....unconditional Love!

A true Christian would have the serenity to try to understand the words of others even if they're words seem harsh & rude. I don't see the teachings of Christ displayed or expressed by those who claim they're Christians on FC site. You can call yourself Christian but if you can't follow what true Christians represent; then you're NOT a Christian!

As for those dumping on Queenie & Falcon....Watch out, they probably know the bible better than you do inside & out! & yes, they can use your own bible against you. ;D

So, sweetie, If you can't take the heat then stay out of the fire! :thumbsup: :peace: :heart: :wave:

That's strange.  If you don't believe there is a Christ, then how would you know so much about what a true Christian represents?  How do you know and feel you have the right to judge Christians, based on something you apparently don't believe is real?  Or, are you a Christian, and I've missed that somewhere along the way?  Telling others, how they shouldn't judge others, by judging them, is also judging, right?  It's okay for you to give your views and opinions on the matter, but not a Christian? 


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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #132 on: October 18, 2012, 06:26:11 pm »
For me I have no problem with the christian themed threads and the bible versus what I do have a problem with is when those threads try make those around them who are not christian feel like the enemy or stupid or not having valid opinions which has happened alot on here i think people can have religous discussions without bashing others beliefs.Christians should respect non christians and vice versa
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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #133 on: October 18, 2012, 06:37:19 pm »
Oppose all you want.  If that's how you want to spend your quality time, then go for it.  It makes you look obsessed at doing so, but you just do what you think you must do.  Bravo for standing strong for your goal...

Uh-huh, and you fundies obsessively reposting requoted "verses" in multiple threads, several times a day, every day is somehow 'not' obsessive-compulsive behavior?  In case the utterly obvious escapes you, (like it so often has in previous posts); there wouldn't be the amount of opposing posts if you fundies weren't spewing out several times the number of opposing posts in the first place.  Sheesh, you xtian whiners act like someone complaining about a person they hit with their car damaging their car's paint.
Mmm... I wasn't aware the forum rules said people aren't allowed to repeat verses, especially if the thread is rather long, and others are just joining in, and are sharing their meaningful verses, that just happens to have already been posted.  Mind showing me where it says that?

Wouldn't that be the same as your repetitive postings of certain quotes and pictures, as well as your own repetitive remarks?  Looks pretty balanced.  I guess if the rules say a Bible verse or quote can only be posted once, then that rule would apply to yours, too.  Makes perfect sense, wouldn't you say? (Oh, and please note that yes, I am being sarcastic here, not dumb as you like to infer I am.)

Another thing - why open a thread if you don't like seeing repeat verses or quotes?  Sheesh - do yourself a favor, why don't ya?  Then you wouldn't have to whine and complain that believers are whining and complaining.  Sounds pretty fair, ya know what I mean?

Oh and another thing, experiencing less opposing quotes, remarks, and pics from you, is not worth not being able to post inspiration with other posters back and forth - because that is something we enjoy doing, whether you approve or not, whether you enter or not, whether you oppose or not, etc.  I'm sure there are threads you actually do like posting in that relates to things you enjoy - nothing will stop you from enjoying posting with others of like mind.  Same way with any and all threads on this forum.

Once again, I'm glad we have a moderator who does allow all kinds of topics to be posted and shared with other posters.  Not everyone will always be happy about some of them, but they have their own choices about how they want to handle their unhappiness.


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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #134 on: October 18, 2012, 06:41:18 pm »
For me I have no problem with the christian themed threads and the bible versus what I do have a problem with is when those threads try make those around them who are not christian feel like the enemy or stupid or not having valid opinions which has happened alot on here i think people can have religous discussions without bashing others beliefs.Christians should respect non christians and vice versa
You are right, in that it's both sides who should respectfully oppose if opposing.  As a Christian, I am not trying to make anyone feel like an enemy, or feel stupid if they don't accept Christ, or knock "valid" opinions.  Your word "valid" is a great word for it, since valid means the opposite of bashing.  I agree that there can be religious/non-religious discussions without the bashing.  Thank you for saying that.  :)

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