Anyone has the option to believe in superstitious religions or, choose not to. There is no inherent 'right' to proselytize such unopposed because those who do not have such blind faith have the same option to oppose posted propaganda as religious a proselytizers do to propagandize it in the first place. Don't like opposition? Don't publically proselytize your brand of religious self-delusion. Once those religious adherent who choose to do so post their beliefs, others who dissent have the same option to post opposing viewpoints.
I don't know why people have to do that. We all have a right to choose our religion. I personally believe in the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints. So I think people should let other people think and believe the way they would like to! Not everybody likes the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints. So we all have to these tolerant of each other religion and beliefs
A belief is how theories are started and where conclusions end up. Next comes fact. Therefore, fact becomes truth. There's nothing delusional about delusions. Only proven facts concluded from theories and beliefs through history on planet earth. But then again, one must have faith in order to experience testaments in their own life of things not seen, but felt and concluded in their own minds as truth and facts. Being that this country was founded on the belief in God. It is concluded there is a God and Jesus which do exist in our hearts and minds and spirits
Its just a matter of prayers, patience and time from the believers of Jesus and God to wait for the unbelievers, athiests, and agnostics to be blessed with God's unveiling of His truth into their hearts, minds, bodies, and spirits