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Topic: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash  (Read 41109 times)


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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #30 on: October 07, 2012, 09:28:40 pm »
The goal I had was to be informative and say, "this is not right."

False.  The actual "goal" was revealed by your own posted words attempting to censor/ban someone who challenged your unsupported religious claims and posted viewpoints dissenting with your blind faith.  You've therefore preented evidence here of being a disingenuous xtian troll.

Some people just live for hurting others and I choose not to get on their low level.

The overt dishonesty demonstrated by your archived posts shows that you've chosen to 'sink' to an even lower level than you falsely accuse others of doing.  That's as offensive as xtian proselytization of specious superstitious beliefs.
You just assume you are always right, don't you?  You don't know her mind's thinking - you may think you know, but you are not in her head to know exactly what she was thinking.  

You are only doing what you are accusing her of doing, which in turn, would be calling yourself a "hypocritically ingenuous athei troll."  You accuse others of trying to censure, which means not sharing what they think, while you think your ugly darts toward believers are perfectly fine to share.  You are also trying to censure when you make your comments that are ugly to believers, just because you hate what and who they represent.  You may not see it as censure, but in essence, yes, that is exactly what you are doing.


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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #31 on: October 07, 2012, 09:29:03 pm »
Personally, I agree that everyone has the right to voice their thoughts and opinions.  That includes even disagreeing with others, and debating/discussing those disagreements.  Freedom of speech though, does NOT mean hate speech towards certain types of groups or people. 

There is still the idea of "common courtesy" and "decent respect" back and forth.  When some do not believe or agree with what others do, it does NOT mean that those of different views are "INITIALLY" spewing certain comments.  That is intolerant, showing no common courtesy and disrespectful, to say the least.  Instead of discussing the differing views, mean words are spewed out.  That is NOT debate and discuss in the way that debating and discussing are set up to be.

When "rules" are listed in a forum, most people generally try to follow those rules, which means using courtesy and respect, when disagreeing.  Sadly, some forums don't seem to actually defend the rules they set forth, and so, in that respect, some posters tend to get away with being mean and spiteful, which then causes dissension in those forums.  I am not naming particular forums, and I am in several.  There are a couple out of the several, who don't really follow the rules listed - they are more lax.  Once some posters figure that out, things start going downhill with the disrespect.  I believe this is pretty much what the poster who started this thread was trying to address in the first place.


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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #32 on: October 07, 2012, 09:30:41 pm »
Unfortunatly,more than one poster have left this forum due to a certain poster's abusive behavior.
That is a real shame.  A couple of them, and I, still keep up through other forms of communication, and I'm glad for that.


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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #33 on: October 07, 2012, 09:31:34 pm »
The goal I had was to be informative and say, "this is not right."

False.  The actual "goal" was revealed by your own posted words attempting to censor/ban someone who challenged your unsupported religious claims and posted viewpoints dissenting with your blind faith.  You've therefore presented evidence here of being a disingenuous xtian troll.

Some people just live for hurting others and I choose not to get on their low level.

The overt dishonesty demonstrated by your archived posts shows that you've chosen to 'sink' to an even lower level than you falsely accuse others of doing.  That's as offensive as xtian proselytization of specious superstitious beliefs.

You just assume you are always right, don't you?

No assumptions were necessary since logic was used instead.
You don't know her mind's thinking - you may think you know, but you are not in her head to know exactly what she was thinking.

No 'mind-reading' was required since we have her actual posted words to go by, (and these are contrary to what she claimed).
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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #34 on: October 07, 2012, 09:37:23 pm »
Fine, others as as "bored" with tediously-repeated 'biblical verses'.  Once you faith-blinded religious adherents come up with something new, your 'suggestion' will be taken under advisement, (oh wait, there are no new 'biblical verses' - you're out of luck there).

*Yawn*  Tediously repetitive material.  Need new material...
You are very wrong about that.  There are tons of verses not yet posted.  One thing about it - you are personally and deliberately placing yourself in the middle of the scriptures, which means some are being read by you, whether you admit it or not.  If you really and truly hate them, it's just sad, mean, funny, and more altogether, that you feel you must subject yourself to the torture you apparently receive from them.  Then in return, the believers receive the brunt of your backlash.  Pitiful, except that you are the one actually opening the threads, so there can't be too much pity offered.


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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #35 on: October 07, 2012, 09:42:07 pm »
You are very wrong about that.  There are tons of verses not yet posted.

There have already been repetitions of the same specious "verses" so, I'm not wrong about that, (evidence: FC archives). 

One thing about it - you are personally and deliberately placing yourself in the middle of the scriptures, which means some are being read by you, whether you admit it or not.

Not really, most of the time I either skim them at a glance or, note that some "verse" number is posted, delete the religious proselytization and post a response.
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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #36 on: October 07, 2012, 10:04:00 pm »
It might be that you're perceiving people as rude; however,  maybe they are expressing their own truth.  Everyone is entitled to their point of view.  Just because they see things from a different angle does not make them "wrong" and you "right."

If you are free to express your truth....

shouldn't they be free to express their point of view?   :heart:
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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #37 on: October 07, 2012, 10:09:47 pm »
It might be that you're perceiving people as rude; however,  maybe they are expressing their own truth.  Everyone is entitled to their point of view.  Just because they see things from a different angle does not make them "wrong" and you "right."

If you are free to express your truth....

shouldn't they be free to express their point of view?   :heart:
I agree, including offering common courtesy and simple respect, along with acknowledging that the views are different.  :)


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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #38 on: October 07, 2012, 10:09:51 pm »
It might be that you're perceiving people as rude; however,  maybe they are expressing their own truth.  Everyone is entitled to their point of view.  Just because they see things from a different angle does not make them "wrong" and you "right."

If you are free to express your truth....

shouldn't they be free to express their point of view?   :heart:

Yes however, once they claim it's the "truth", (rather than a subjective belief, which are not equivalent assertions), it's making dubious and contentious unsupported claims.  If it's relative/subjective "truth", (instead of an hypothetical "objective" one), it's debatable.
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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #39 on: October 07, 2012, 10:16:01 pm »
It might be that you're perceiving people as rude; however,  maybe they are expressing their own truth.  Everyone is entitled to their point of view.  Just because they see things from a different angle does not make them "wrong" and you "right."

If you are free to express your truth....

shouldn't they be free to express their point of view?   :heart:

Yes however, once they claim it's the "truth", (rather than a subjective belief, which are not equivalent assertions), it's making dubious and contentious unsupported claims.  If it's relative/subjective "truth", (instead of an hypothetical "objective" one), it's debatable.
Neither of which are specifically harming your person, nor your mind, nor your beliefs.  You are free to carry on with what you choose to believe or dis-believe, and they are free to carry on with what they believe or dis-believe.    :thumbsup:


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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #40 on: October 07, 2012, 10:30:46 pm »
Neither of which are specifically harming your person, nor your mind, nor your beliefs.  

That could be what those killed and persecuted by xtian crusaders, inquisitors, witch hunters and funeral attendees when the Westboro baptists showed up or, muslims flew planes into buildings thought at first.  If so, this turned out somewhat differently than expected because of some people's superstitious blind faith.
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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #41 on: October 10, 2012, 09:58:22 pm »
Neither of which are specifically harming your person, nor your mind, nor your beliefs.  

That could be what those killed and persecuted by xtian crusaders, inquisitors, witch hunters and funeral attendees when the Westboro baptists showed up or, muslims flew planes into buildings thought at first.  If so, this turned out somewhat differently than expected because of some people's superstitious blind faith.
Those bad things are in no way representative in my beliefs and faith - you have fallen for the lumping of all Christians and believers, and so-called believers, into one box.  I thought you were full of logic and rationality.  You aren't with this, or else are using it deliberately to poke ugliness at genuine believers of Christ who only want to like, care, love, get along with, and help anyone they can.  You cannot judge a book by its cover - same with believers.  Not all who say they believe are true believers in Christ.  God does not want us out there doing the wicked things that you listed, no matter how you try and make it look. 

You don't want to be associated with "satan" and his minions, yet you are doing to believers exactly what he wants done to them; so, irrationally, we could say you are one of his minion.  You don't believe there is a satan, yet you still agitate and bother believers just because you hate the idea of a God.  If you were really wise and rational, you would stop some of this ugliness towards believers in here who are not harming anyone and want to share with each other, and others who wish to join in, with verses, quotes, and inspiration, within a thread, and not trying to deliberately bother anyone.  The only "anyones" who are bothered, are the ones who cannot resist opening the threads, entering them, then choosing to be offended (how dare they post verses) even though they are the very ones choosing to enter the thread, and then choosing to be hateful to believers, disrupt their threads, cause dissension, mock their words, and even, disrupt other threads, which have resulted in members leaving, or backing off from something they used to enjoy. 

And yet, you are trying to make the believers look to be the hateful and offensively insulting ones, while the whole time, you are the one causing the problem, and then call believers trolls and fundies and other names just because they say something back to your shenanigans.  And, to boot, will suggest using the ignore function, while you keep on your merry way of agitating, when you could follow your own suggestion of using the ignore function.  We already know you will not use it - you crave the agitating and the attention too much.  That is what is so pathetic, sad, irrational, and ugly, all wrapped up into one - and you actually keep getting away with it.   


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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #42 on: October 10, 2012, 10:08:44 pm »
Neither of which are specifically harming your person, nor your mind, nor your beliefs.  

That could be what those killed and persecuted by xtian crusaders, inquisitors, witch hunters and funeral attendees when the Westboro baptists showed up or, muslims flew planes into buildings thought at first.  If so, this turned out somewhat differently than expected because of some people's superstitious blind faith.

Those bad things are in no way representative in my beliefs and faith ...

It's the exact same religious belief system which those who committed the documented attrocities cling to in their blind faith.  Obviously, current believers in the same exact religion would want to distance themselves disingenuously from their 'brethren' however, that dog won't hunt.

Not all who say they believe are true believers in Christ.    

Doubtless some could say the same of you or, any "true believer", (fundie).  All of them, (including you), pretentiously believe that they get to decide who is and isn't.  That's irrational bias; you're all faith-blinded 'believers' and there's no difference in the basis for religiously-instigated attrocities, (blind faith).
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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #43 on: October 10, 2012, 10:28:45 pm »
(Repost from A Blog About Blogging)

A modern fable

Once upon a time, long, long ago (I think it was at least three months ago) there was a man who lived in the deep, dark woods.  His name was Mr. McGruff.  He had very few friends.   Do you know why, children?  Because he was so gruff.   Every morning when he got up, he went to the front door and opened it.  If the sun was shining, he would slam the door shut.  However, if it was dark and damp and rainy, he would put on his extra gruffy face.  Then he wandered out into the deep, dark woods.  He looked around for something to do to fit his gruff, grumpy mood.  Around him he saw bunches of dead leaves, branches, and flowers.  He picked them up and put them inside his computer bag with his trusty computer and dictionary.  With a snarl and a grimace, he started out again to look for something else fun to do.  The problem was there weren’t enough dead leaves and tree branches to make him happy/mean.  (Boo, hoo, hoo)    One day, he wandered farther on until he got closer to the edge of the deep, dark woods.  He went around a huge, dark tree and walked right into a large field of colorful wild flowers.  They were so shiny and pretty they almost hurt his eyes.  He let out a huge, thundering scream.  He was so angry he jumped into the center of the flowers and began tromping them down – almost every one.  With a deep sigh of satisfaction (which sounded like a snarl), he thought, Now those flowers will know who is the king around here.  HA!  The next rainy day, he went out as usual to gather more dead leaves and plants and sometimes even a poison mushroom.  He decided to check the edge of the woods again, expecting to see nothing.  To his surprise, he saw more beautiful flowers growing.   He was furious!!  His red face gleamed and his black eyes shot darts.  He proceeded to destroy the flowers again.  He went home and his super-smart girlfriend met him at the door.  “What is wrong, McWonderful?”  (Her pet name for Mr. McGruff.  She tried to calm him as he told of his McVentures.  However, he was never able to completely destroy the beautiful flowers.  They always returned.

The moral of the story:  Good will always overcome evil, and if you are McGruff’s girlfriend, you will need more containers for you dead leaves and branches.

Bravo!!! I love it!   :heart:    :thumbsup:


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Re: How To Handle Christian Persecution On FusionCash
« Reply #44 on: October 10, 2012, 10:38:12 pm »
Bravo!!! I love it!

Of course you do, you're another faith-blinded religious fundie troll:

Thanks for the self-portrait; you look right at home in that cave of blind faith.
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.


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